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Rights and responsibilities Exam tip…
C. Explain why Christians make moral decisions.... Rights and responsibilities C. Explain why it is important to take part in democratic and electoral process. Some Christians make moral decisions by doing what the bible says. For example if a man was thinking of committing adultery he may consult the ten commandments which would say it was forbidden. If a Christian had been harmed and they wanted revenge then they may read the bible and see that Jesus died on the cross in the name of forgiveness. It is important to take part as many people have fought in order for individuals to have this right. Countries without a democratic voting system can treat their people poorly and this can lead to civil unrest. E.g. Libya and Syria’s civil wars. By voting you have a say in how the country is being run and it is the only way you can help make a change for the better. This could be new laws or taxes that can affect everyone's lives. Exam tip… Remember to check your spelling, English and grammar, these are worth marks! C. Explain why some Christians allow genetic engineering and some do not? C. Explain why human rights laws are important to Christians? Some Christians (liberal protestants) allow genetic engineering because it is used to help cure diseases and this is the loving thing to do as stated in the bible. The bible also shows Jesus as a healer and this is a form of healing. Christians act as stewards to Gods world and so genetic engineering is a modern way of making the world a better place. However Strict Catholics believe that the bible states god is the creator and only god can change man kind. The bible also see’s heaven as the only perfect place and that earth should not be made the same. Christians believe in the sanctity of life, life is holy and only god can take it from you. Human rights laws protect this viewpoint and can prevent people from being tortured or unfairly treated in court a court of law. In the bible the parable of the sheep and the goat teaches that people should treat all like as if they were Jesus. Such as a right to an education and take part in free elections. Christians also back human rights laws as it means Christians cannot be discriminated against in the work place with the amount of pay they receive or the job they have to do.
Environment and medicine Exam tip…
C. Explain why some Christians agree with infertility treatment and some do not. Environment and medicine C. Explain why there are different attitudes to transplant surgery in Christianity. Most Christians agree with transplant surgery as the soul is what goes to heaven and the organ can be used to help others in need, this would be the loving thing to do as outlined in the Bible. Jesus said you should love your neighbour and therefore the act of donating is doing just that. However strict Christians believe taking organs is playing god and therefore it should not be allowed at all. Others believe that organs can be taken from living donors yet not the dead. To take from the dead would be playing God! Some liberal Christians agree with infertility treatments because they believe it is a good use of technology to provide couples with the joy of a child as this is the purpose of marriage as outlined in the Bible. However Catholic Christians disagree with this as throwing away embryos is the same as abortion and is the killing of human life. This is classed as murder and is forbidden based on the ten commandments. Only god is the creator through the act of sex. Exam tip… Highlight keywords in the question before you answer, does it ask for Christian views or Muslim views? C. Choose one religion other than Christianity and explain why they have a duty to take care of the earth. C. Explain how the problem of pollution can be solved. Muslims and Christians are stewards from God and will work together in order to preserve the Earth as God intended. This can be done through action groups working to try to reduce pollution and increase the use of sustainable activities such as green electricity. Both the Christian and Muslim communities signed up to the declarations of Assisi and the message of protecting the environment is preached to all followers. From these teachings people can work towards solving the problems of pollution together. For example a teacher could educate the next generation about sustainable energy. Islam teaches that every brother should look after Earth for God as outlined in the Qur’an., this is called stewardship. Islam also teaches of the day of judgement where God will decide how well you have looked after the Earth. Stewardship means that the Earths resources should be shared out fairly and pollution should be reduced for future generations. God intended the Earth to be preserved and this can be done by Muslims joining action groups to reduce pollution or help with environmental projects such as sustainable energy.
‘Explain’ means give two REALLY DETAILED, or four brief reasons...
C. Choose one religion other than Christianity and explain why its followers support just wars. Peace and conflict C. Explain why Christians are against bullying. ‘Christians are against bullying because; violence (verbal or physical) without just cause is sinful, it is the duty of Christians to protect the weak and innocent ( Love your neighbour), bullying takes away the human right to be free from fear and Christians should protect human rights, and bullying can have harmful affects on society and Christians believe they should try to make society better.’ FOUR REASONS - 8 marks ‘Muslims think that if a war is just they can fight because the Qur’an says that Muslims must fight if they are attacked and since Muslims believe this is the direct word of Allah they would follow this. Muslims may also fight because anyone who fights in a just war and dies will go straight to heaven, this assures them they are fighting for God and will be guaranteed a place in heaven.’ TWO REASONS - 8 marks Exam tip… ‘Explain’ means give two REALLY DETAILED, or four brief reasons... C. Explain why wars occur C. Explain why one religion other than Christianity believe you should forgive wrongdoers. ‘Wars happen because there are religious differences, one group might attack another for having different beliefs for example the war that is going on between the Taleban's view of Islam and the Afgan governments view of Islam. Wars might also happen because of nationalism and ethnicity, for example the genocide in Rwanda where one group wanted to remove another so the nation was only one ethnic group.’ TWO REASONS - 8 marks ‘Muslims should forgive wrongdoers because God is compassionate and forgives, so should Muslims. Muslims believe that everyone will be judged by God on judgement day and so they must forgive others if they wish to receive forgiveness themselves. The Qur'an says Muslims should forgive other peoples sins and Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) set an example of giving forgiveness.’ FOUR REASONS - 8 marks
Crime and punishment Exam tip…
C. Explain why laws need to be just. Crime and punishment C. Explain why the law uses different types of punishment ‘The law uses different types of punishments because there are different theories of punishment such as; retribution, this is the idea that Criminals should pay for their crime; and deterrence, the theory that the punishment should put people off committing the crime. Some theories fit certain crimes better than others, capital punishment would not be suitable for shoplifting but it might be for murder.’ TWO REASONS - 8 marks ‘Laws must be just because if it isn't people might feel it’s ok to break it and if people break the laws then society will disintegrate. If the law is unjust people might think the legal system is not working and start a civil war like in Kosovo where people thought the system was unfair and went to war to create an independent state.’ TWO REASONS - 8 marks Exam tip… Can you think of any Christian or Muslim QUOTES to back up your answer? C. Explain why some Christians agree with capital punishment C. Explain the attitudes to alcohol consumption in one religion other than Christianity. ‘Some Christians think capital punishment is acceptable because; the Bible says it is ok so God must allow it, the Catholic Church is not against the state using it, the Christian Church has used it in the past , and some Christian thinkers believe it is a good way to secure peace in a society and that is more important than the individual who committed the crime.’ FOUR REASONS - 8 marks ‘Muslims believe you should not drink alcohol because; the Qur’an says it keeps people away from God, suicide is not allowed in Islam and drinking is harming your body which could be a form of suicide, Muslims believe you should not harm yourself and alcohol harms you, and Muhammad (pbuh) said you should not drink it.’ FOUR REASONS - 8 marks
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