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BY.DR HINA ADNAN.  Surgery involves the creation of a wound, and proper closure of this wound is usually necessary to promote optimal healing. Suturing.

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Presentation on theme: "BY.DR HINA ADNAN.  Surgery involves the creation of a wound, and proper closure of this wound is usually necessary to promote optimal healing. Suturing."— Presentation transcript:


2  Surgery involves the creation of a wound, and proper closure of this wound is usually necessary to promote optimal healing. Suturing a wound positions and secures the surgical flaps to promote healing.

3  Promotes healing  Prevents complications  Infection  Hemorrhage  Tissue necrosis  Preserves the normal contour and shape of the tissue.

4  Suturing needle  Suturing material  Needle holder  Tissue forceps  Suture scissors







11  Straight suture needles  Curved suture needles  Half circle suture needles

12  Straight suture needles: > For skin closure  Curved suture needles > For intraoral suturing >For deep suturing Half circle suture needles >For intraoral suturing

13  Non-Absorbable suture materials  Absorbable suture material  Types of suture material according to nature:  Natural  Synthetic

14  0/00/000/0000/00000/000000  Types of suture material according to filament :  Monofilament  Multifilament

15 Non-AbsorbableAbsorbable Can’t be resorbed by the bodyCan be resorbed by the body body Used for suturing of: – Skin closure -Routine intraoral closure -Blood vessels ligation Used for suturing of: Deep tissues Facial layers Intra oral closure in cases of: Inability of the patient to return to remove the sutures. Mentally retarded patients Epileptic patients Sutures under surgical stunts.

16  Non absorbable:  Silk  Cotton  Nylon

17  Plain catgut  Chromic catgut  Collagen sutures  Polyglycolic acid sutures  Polyglactin -910 vicryl sutures.

18  Interrupted sutures  Continuous sutures  Continuous with lock sutures  Horizontal mattress sutures  Vertical mattress sutures







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