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BGS History GCSE Revision Tests The Renaissance 1.

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1 BGS History GCSE Revision Tests The Renaissance 1

2 1) What’s the key word of the Renaissance?

3 2) How could doctors now easily pass their ideas on to others?
Invention of the printing press

4 3) How did artists help the development of medicine?
They painted realistic 3-D images, so more could be learnt about the human body

5 4) How did Vesalius learn about the human body?
He cut down corpses that were hanging from the gallows outside the city walls. He then managed to get them back to his rooms to dissect and study very carefully.

6 5) He proved the ideas of which ancient doctor wrong?

7 6) What was his book called?
‘The Fabric of the Human Body’ 1543

8 7) How did the Renaissance artists help him?
Artists from the studio of Titian drew incredibly life-like pictures to illustrate his book.

9 8) How did he encourage doctors to make further discoveries?
He encouraged people to prove Galen wrong by dissecting and studying real bodies (CHALLENGE OLD IDEAS)

10 9) What was Paré’s job? ARMY-SURGEON

11 10) How had people treated wounds before Paré?
Cauterising Pouring boiling oil on wounds, or sealing them with a red-hot iron

12 11) How did chance help Paré’s discovery?
He ran out of oil O Dear! What can I do now?

13 12) How did Paré decide to treat amputation instead?
1) He made an ointment of egg yolks, oil of roses and turpentine and put that on wounds instead of cauterising them. 2) He also tied silk thread round each of the blood vessels. This was called a LIGATURE and stopped the bleeding.

14 13) Name his book ‘WORKS ON SURGERY’

15 14) Why did many of Paré’s patients still die?
Infection- they still didn’t know about germs You need to know who we are before you all stop dying?!?

16 15) What did people believe about blood before Harvey?
That blood was made in the liver to replace the blood that was burnt up in the body.

17 16) What did Harvey discover?
CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD The heart pumps blood round the body

18 17) How did dissection help his discovery?
He dissected live, cold-blooded animals so he could see their hearts pumping.

18) Name his book ‘ON THE MOTION OF THE HEART’ (1628)

19) In time his discovery led to the end of which popular medical practice? BLEEDING OR BLOOD-LETTING Now that people understood that blood was not being constantly made in the liver, bleeding made no sense.

21 20) For which two modern medical practices can we thank Harvey?

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