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Introduction to Workplace Health Promotion Date Name.

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2 Introduction to Workplace Health Promotion Date Name

3 Overview Why workplace health? Benefits of workplace health Comprehensive workplace health Influencing change Support, tools and resources

4 Why workplace health? The reality Employed Canadians spent about 36.6 hours/week at work in 2012 (Statistics Canada) 1 in 4 Canadians work at least 50 hrs/week –Decade ago? Only 1 in 10 (CMHA)

5 Why workplace health? The reality Work-related stress linked to 50% increase in risk of heart disease (WHO, 2008) 58% of Canadians report “overload” –Attempted balance of work, family, social and community responsibilities (CMHA)

6 Why workplace health? The impact National employee absenteeism cost estimated at over $16 billion annually (Conference Board of Canada, 2013)

7 Why workplace health? Direct costs Increased: –Worker’s compensation –Disability costs –Drug costs

8 Why workplace health? Indirect costs Increased: –Absenteeism –Replacement labour –Equipment damage

9 Why workplace health? Opportunity costs Decreased: –Quality of work –Productivity –Innovation and creative thinking

10 Why workplace health? Healthy workplaces benefit employers, organizations, employees, and the community at large

11 Benefits of workplace health For the organization A well-managed health and safety program Positive and caring image Improved staff morale and productivity Reduced staff turnover and absenteeism Reduced health care/insurance costs Reduced risk of fines and litigation

12 Benefits of workplace health For employees Safe and healthy work environment Enhanced self-esteem and improved health Reduced stress / improved morale and sense of well-being Increased job satisfaction Increased skills for health protection

13 Benefits of workplace health For families and the community Transfer of healthy habits from work to home Healthy families may be more likely to become involved in community Reduced health care cost

14 Comprehensive Workplace Health Health and Lifestyle Practices Workplace Culture and Supportive Environment Occupational Health and Safety Healthy Workplace

15 Comprehensive workplace health Occupational health and safety Reduce: –Physical and chemical hazards in a workplace –Work-related injury, illness and disability

16 Comprehensive workplace health Health and lifestyle practices Address individual behaviour change to reduce risk of worker illness Promote healthy lifestyles

17 Comprehensive workplace health Workplace culture & supportive environments Culture refers to people’s “way of life”, or the way they do things

18 Comprehensive workplace health Workplace culture & supportive environments Changing or improving the workplace culture to influence employee health Organizational change

19 Influencing change Healthy workplace change can be influenced through: –Awareness building –Education and skill building –Environmental support –Policy development

20 Influencing change Awareness building Example initiatives Occupational health and safety Raise awareness of safety equipment available in the workplace Individual health practices Use office e-mail to raise awareness of the benefits of eating a balanced diet Workplace culture and supportive environments Raise awareness of the importance of talking with management about concerns

21 Influencing change Education and Skill Building Example initiatives Occupational Health and Safety Offer in-services on how to properly use new equipment Individual Health Practices Host staff lunch & learn session on how to read nutrition labels Workplace Culture and Supportive Environments Provide information and tips on effective communication

22 Influencing change Environmental Support Example initiatives Occupational Health and Safety Make sure that employees have access to proper and necessary safety equipment Individual Health Practices Provide healthy food choices in cafeteria and/or vending machines Workplace Culture and Supportive Environments Provide an employee and family assistance program (EFAP)

23 Influencing change Policy Development Example initiatives Occupational Health and Safety Develop a policy for routine safety and equipment inspections Individual Health Practices Develop a policy to include healthy food options during all meetings and/or events Workplace Culture and Supportive Environments Develop a flex-time policy to accommodate employee family responsibilities

24 Influencing change Change can be influenced by: –Employers and management –Employees

25 Influence change Management/employers Encourage employee involvement in decision making Listen to employees’ concerns Demonstrate consistent and fair leadership style Improve communication skills Measure employee satisfaction regularly

26 Influence change Employees Join or create a workplace wellness committee Take frequent stretch breaks Address health concerns with management Start a break-time walking club

27 Support, tools and resources Northwestern Health Unit (1-800 #) – or local office

28 References Absent Workers Cost the Canadian Economy Billions. Conference Board of Canada. 2013. Retrieved on January 28, 2014 from: 23/absent_workers_cost_the_canadian_economy_billions.aspx 23/absent_workers_cost_the_canadian_economy_billions.aspx Canadian Mental Health Association (2013) CSDH (2008).Closing the gap in a generation: health equity through action on the social determinants of health. Final Report of the Commission on Social Determinants of Health. Geneva, World Health Organization

29 References The Health Communication Unit. Comprehensive Workplace Health Promotion Info Packs and Presentation. 2004. Workplace Health Promotion. World Health Organization. Retrieved on January 30, 2014 from: Workplace. Mental Health Commission of Canada. Retrieved on January 28, 2014 from: utetoken=377732ab8e2a93c3244ed1d591781795&terminitial=30 utetoken=377732ab8e2a93c3244ed1d591781795&terminitial=30


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