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Session 3 International Mindedness & TOK

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0 Category-2 Biology Denver 2014

1 Session 3 International Mindedness & TOK

2 Objectives of Session 2 To identify links with international mindedness embedded in the revised biology guide To identify theory of knowledge questions as they appear in the syllabus To discuss how TOK issues can be explored in the study of IB Biology

3 What is TOK ? The Theory of Knowledge (TOK) course
Knowers and Knowing Ways of Knowing Areas of Knowledge The Knowledge Framework TOK is primarily concerned about knowledge questions The features of knowledge questions are found in the TOK course guide

4 Examples of knowledge questions in science
How can we decide on cause and effect when we observe correlation? To what extent does the name we give a thing affect our perception of it? Can the same data justify mutually exclusive conclusions?

5 Why DP biology teaching addresses ToK?
The core is seen as the heart of the DP The DP core relies on the disciplines to provide enrichment Individual subjects should be enhanced by the DP core TOK should feed into a deeper understanding of the subject matter studied by Diploma Programme students. Science teachers take responsibility for transference of understanding of methods back to the ToK classroom Discussion-based learning helps to effect IM cultural competence: ‘my own view does not exhaust the possibilities

6 Discuss whether the data supports the conclusion that NaCl is diffusing out of the dialysis tubing
Exercise to address TOK Biology aim: helps students understand why uncertainty figures are placed in data tables IM: mutually exclusive conclusions are possible depending on criteria for judgment

7 Explain the idea of ‘international mindedness’
Many words and ideas exist for describing the need for education that focuses on preparing students to be responsible members of the global community. The IB uses the umbrella term ‘international mindedness’ to describe the aim of such an education. There are many other terms in play in the field: global, international/ cosmopolitan/ multi/intercultural consciousness, mindfulness, awareness, perspective, dimension/ competence, citizenship, civics– each has its own connotations and utility. DP courses and core components (TOK, CAS and EE) work together build these common understandings. The aim of all IB programmes is to develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world.

8 = culturally competent and globally engaged
Education for international mindedness relies on the development of learning environments that value the world in all its complexity as the broadest context for learning. Build an sophisticated understanding of international mindedness What is an IB education describes the development of international mindedness as a function of personal values, educational process, global contexts and significant content. Global contexts for teaching and learning focus on the development of multilingualism and intercultural understanding (our common humanity) and global engagement (our shared guardianship of the planet). All groups and courses share this frame of reference. language as a reality, right and resource inquiry, action & reflection on humanity’s greatest challenges, including: conflict, rights, environment, development and cooperation & governance authentic learning through service with the community

9 Internationally-minded education
Head Heart Hands understanding attitudes skills What do I need to notice and know? Why should I care? What will I do, and with whom? Inquire: be informed Reflect: be moved Act: be involved Suggest a model for holistic international education A familiar framework of knowledge, skills and attitudes offers a way to build an effective DP programme that meets student needs and fulfils the IB’s mission. This model echoes the cycle of inquiry-action-reflection that is one of the hallmarks of IB’s constructivist philosophy of education.

10 Strategies for global engagement
1. Introduce global content into your curriculum 6. Show you know and care about global challenges 2. Choose course options with global requirements 7. Think with students about attitudes, values and dispositions 3. Build in opportunities for students to discuss global concerns 8. Connect classroom processes with significant local / global challenges 4. Look for teachable moments 9. Use technology to connect across cultures and geographical regions 5. Create globally-oriented learning environments / displays 10. Engage in professional development that increases your understanding of global education Suggest some concrete ideas for building international mindedness into the course of everyday teaching and learning. (A larger presentation is available- 0_GloEng.pdf) with thanks to Boyd Roberts

11 Examples of International-Mindedness in New Syllabus
Biologists in laboratories throughout the world are researching into the causes and treatment of cancer Sequencing of the rice genome involved co-operation between biologists in ten countries Release of greenhouse gases occurs locally but has a global impact, so international co-operation to reduce emissions is essential. A complete list of these items are in the session 2 folder Over 100 countries across the globe have agreed to ban the production of CFC’s to reduce the depletion of the ozone layer

12 Link to teaching DP biology
Using the summary of international mindedness discussion suggestions and the ten point framework for global engagement, discuss the ways that you can effect international mindedness in the context of the DP biology classroom Ruben, B.D “The study of crosscultural competences: traditions and contemporary issues”. International journal of intercultural relations 13,

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