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Monday. Turn in your Binge Drinking Brochure if you didn’t finish on Friday.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday. Turn in your Binge Drinking Brochure if you didn’t finish on Friday."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday

2 Turn in your Binge Drinking Brochure if you didn’t finish on Friday

3 Today’s Agenda: 1.Warm-up 2.Tobacco Notes 3.Tobacco word search Mon April 27, 2015 Assignments Due: Objective: Essential Question: What are the effects of using tobacco on the mind and body? I will understand the effects of tobacco on the mind and body 1.Due NEXT class period– Tobacco (lesson 38) vocab/word search 2.Block day – meet in the media center for research

4  The stimulant drug found in tobacco products

5  Stimulates the nervous system  Highly addictive  Dulls taste buds  Constricts blood vessels  Increases heart rate and blood pressure  Causes more premature death and disease than all other drug dependence combined

6  The body’s reaction to quitting the use of tobacco products ◦ Craving for tobacco ◦ Anxious ◦ Irritable ◦ Restless ◦ Headache ◦ Difficulty concentrating ◦ Heart palpitations ◦ Increased appetite

7  The plant that contains nicotine

8  Tobacco that is chewed or snorted, but not smoked

9  Tobacco smoke contains more than 4,000 chemicals  43 of which are known CARCINOGENS  A carcinogen is any chemical that is known to cause cancer  Most of the carcinogens are found in the TAR  Tar is a sticky thick fluid that is formed when tobacco is burned.

10  Another dangerous substance that forms when tobacco is burned is CARBON MONOXIDE  Carbon monoxide is an odorless, tasteless, gas that interferes with the ability of blood to carry oxygen.

11  Smoking causes cancer ◦ Most people with lung cancer die within 5 years of learning they have cancer ◦ Also causes cancer of the throat, mouth, esophagus, pancreas, and bladder

12  Lung cancer

13  Smoking harms the respiratory system ◦ Tar lines the lungs and air passages ◦ Tar harms the cilia (hair like structures that remove dust and particles from the air) ◦ Aggravates asthma

14 ◦ Can cause CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMINARY DISEASE (COPD) – a disease that interferes with breathing ◦ Examples:  Chronic bronchitis  Emphysema – a condition in which the alveoli lose most of their ability to function. The lungs lose their ability to inflate and hold air. Cannot be cured


16  Secondhand smoke – exhaled mainstream smoke or side stream smoke  Sidestream smoke – smoke that enters the air from a burning cigarette, cigar, or pipe

17  Mainstream smoke – smoke that is directly inhaled into the smoker’s lungs

18  Chopped up tobacco leaves sold as chewing tobacco or snuff  Causes nicotine dependence  Contains carcinogens

19  Causes problems with teeth and gums ◦ Scratch and wear away teeth ◦ Causes gums to pull away from teeth  Causes cancer ◦ Leukoplakia – abnormal cells that appear as white patches of tissue

20  Due NEXT class period If you do not finish in class.  Turn into the basket when you are done.

21 Tuesday


23 Today’s Agenda: Tue April 28, 2015 Assignments Due: Objective: 2/4/6 1.Intervention Essential Question: 1.Block day – meet in the media center for research

24 Wednesday/ Thursday

25 Today’s Agenda: 1.In Media Center for Presentation Research Wed/Thu April 29/30, 2015 Assignments Due: Objective: Essential Question: 1.

26 Friday


28 Today’s Agenda: Fri May 1, 2015 Assignments Due: Objective: Essential Question: What are the different categories of drugs and how can they affect the body? 1.I will be able to define each category of drugs and describe the effects and examples of each category 1.Take Notes – Illegal Drug Chart 2.End of the Week Review Monday, May 11 th PowerPoints should be DONE by Monday, May 11 th for peer editing!!!

29 Turn into the basket NOW! List 3 NEW things you learned this week in class

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