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Human Circulatory system Balram mahajan (lect biology) GSSS Sihunta Mitun raj (lect physics) GSSS Dhulara (Chamba)

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Presentation on theme: "Human Circulatory system Balram mahajan (lect biology) GSSS Sihunta Mitun raj (lect physics) GSSS Dhulara (Chamba)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Circulatory system Balram mahajan (lect biology) GSSS Sihunta Mitun raj (lect physics) GSSS Dhulara (Chamba)

2 Introduction Various organs which are responsible for transport of material inside the body constitute the circulatory system. These are 1) heart 2)Arteries 3) veins 4) capillaries 5) blood

3 Key concept structure of heart and functions of their various part. functions of arteries, veins, capillaries and blood

4 Required prior knowledge Heart is responsible for pumping of blood Arteries carries blood away from heart Veins carries blood towards hearts

5 Transaction strategy Concept1 » structure of human heart » To introduce the concept of heart you can help the student to link their previous knowledge regarding heart. They would already be aware of what the heart do in our body. An understanding can be built by providing little knowledge about the various parts of heart and their functions. It is important to focus here that the heart have four chambers. These are right auricle, left auricle, right ventricle and left ventricle. Right auricle is connected from right ventricle with tricuspid valve. which close when right ventricle contract to push deoxygenated blood to lungs through pulmonary artery. Left atrium is connected to left ventricle with mitral valve, which closes when left ventricle contract to push oxygenated blood to various body organs through aorta.

6 Transaction strategy The importance of heart as a source of pump for animals may be discussed by king questions as given below 1 why heart is important for animals. 2 how oxygenated blood goes from heart to various part and how the deoxygenated blood from various part comes into heart 3 what are the role of lungs in this whole process of transportations.

7 Heart structure

8 Human circulatory system

9 Transaction strategy Students may be helped to understand the basic concept of transportation of blood by providing flow chart as shown in the figure.

10 Flow chart

11 Instructions The importance of each of these part of human heart given in the flow chart can be tested by performing the activities discussed later. Before conducting the activities a discussion may be initiated by asking question such as 1 find out the name of four chamber of human heart from flow chart 2 find out the name of two valve of human heart from the picture provided by the teacher.

12 Observations 3 how the blood flow in the heart 4 where blood goes from right ventricle 5 which vein is responsible for taking blood from lungs to heart. The student may answered these question with the help of flow chart provided by the teacher. The student may then be helped to perform activities.

13 Activities Teacher may demonstrate the working model of human circulatory system consist of various part involve in it. Teacher may demonstrate the blood pressure by holding the hand of one of student and tell them that the blood is flowing in our body that’s why our blood vessels palpitate. At the same time students may demonstrate this activities by holding the hand of their friends.

14 Activities Now the teacher tell the students that this is due to flowing of blood, which is pumped by our heart. This blood takes oxygen from lungs to heart and then to the various part of the body at the same time teacher will tell the student that the carbon dioxide releases by tissues in different part of the body is taken again by blood to our lungs through heart.

15 Activities Results may be discussed with students by asking the following questions and writing a summary of results on the blackboard. 1 why blood is flowing in our body 2 what do you mean by pulse rate 3 with which instrument we measure the pulse rate 4 what is normal blood pressure.

16 Skill development Learning by doing Work culture among the students Leadership and confidence Question based understanding of topic

17 Thanking you

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