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Happy Monday! Air Notebooks, please.

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1 Happy Monday! Air Notebooks, please

2 Today’s AIR Question: October 6, 2014
Determine your author's point of view or purpose in your text (what you read last night) and discuss how that point of view affected what you read OR how the author’s purpose was met.

3 Movie Monday!!!

4 How does an author reveal a character to you, the reader?
Characters How does an author reveal a character to you, the reader? ..

5 You may work with a partner…

6 Happy Tuesday!! Please review the vocabulary words from the section labeled “Assignment two” (bucolic). After reviewing the words/definitions, make a plot prediction and prepare to share with the class.

7 You must annotate as we read
QW – how does the character of Hundert further develop through his interaction with the senator? (please copy and prepare to answer shortly). Pages You must annotate as we read

8 Annotating is NOT coloring…..again.
Whatever you do not finish reading/annotating in class must be finished by class tomorrow (Wednesday). Yes, it will count as your AIR reading for Wednesday. (Hey thanks Ms. Ganley and Mrs. Stout) You’re Welcome!!

9 Happy Wednesday!! (on own paper) (15-20 min)
How does Sedgewick behave when he enters the narrator’s living quarters/office? How does the narrator respond to Sedgewick’s behavior? What effect does Hundert’s response have on Sedgewick’s behavior? Find ONE detail from the text that reveals how the narrator (Hundert) feels about going to meet the Senator. It must be copied EXACTLY from the text. Do not paraphrase.

10 http://www. youtube. com/watch
QW time!! Using your answers to your questions, you must answer the quick write question independently. Please turn it in along with your worksheet from the previous day. Remember: direct quotes ALWAYS are the best for support! QW – how does the character of Hundert further develop through his interaction with the senator?

11 Happy Thursday Remember: Open House is tonight. Do NOT tell your parents that Mrs. Stout and I have Ebola. We really, really want to meet your families. We will not hang you out to dry. We promise. That is not the purpose of Open House.


13 Hundert’s motivations…
“I was well aware of the import of what I taught at St. Benedict’s.” (p. 156) “this is a serious class, and I expect that you will take it seriously” (p. 158) “What would you like me to tell the Senator?” (p. 161) “My heart warmed somewhat toward young Sedgewick.” (p. 165) What do you learn from these details? Be THOROUGH IN YOUR ANSWER. ONE OR TWO WORDS WILL NOT SUFFICE.

14 Sedgewick’s motivations
What do you learn from these details? Be THOROUGH IN YOUR ANSWER. ONE OR TWO WORDS WILL NOT SUFFICE. “as soon as he arrived he began a stream of capers using spitballs, wads of gum, and thumbtacks” (p. 159) “but Sedgewick Bell then began to add the dangerous element of natural leadership” (p. 159) “That’s why you like putting us in togas, right?” (p. 160)

15 Hundert’s motivations
“I admit that the prospect of seeing the man in his own office intrigued me.” (p. 161) “I was frightened but determined” (p. 162) “The office was as grand as a duke’s.” (p. 162) “I reminded myself that Sedgewick Hyram Bell was a senator but also a father” (p. 162) “It’s my job, sir, to mold your son’s character.” (p. 163) What do you learn from these details? Be THOROUGH IN YOUR ANSWER. ONE OR TWO WORDS WILL NOT SUFFICE.

16 Senator Bell’s motivation
Now your turn: Select specific words or phrases that are the most important in understanding motivations of Senator Bell. Pages What do you learn from these details? Be THOROUGH IN YOUR ANSWER. ONE OR TWO WORDS WILL NOT SUFFICE.

17 Please get your AIR notebooks…but don’t worry if you didn’t read
Please get your AIR notebooks…but don’t worry if you didn’t read. Today’s AIR will be written AFTER you read today’s passage. Friday!! Read and annotate pages AIR question: Imagine the conflict Hundert feels as he struggles to understand the “Mr. Julius Caesar” competition and how to best move forward. WHAT WOULD YOU HAVE DONE?


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