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ASW 101.

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1 ASW 101

2 NC Professional Teaching Standards
Standard I: Teachers demonstrate leadership. Standard II: Teachers establish a respectful environment for a diverse population of students. Standard III: Teachers know the content they teach. Standard IV: Teachers facilitate learning for their students. Standard V: Teachers reflect on their practice. Standard VI: Teachers contribute to the academic success of students. ----- Meeting Notes (12/22/14 10:03) ----- measured in different ways

3 Overview of Standard 6 6 Analysis of Student Work
End of Grade (EOG) or End of Course (EOC) tests 6 NC Final Exams Career Technical Education Assessment Analysis of Student Work K-3 Checkpoints Contribute to Academic Success

4 Analysis of Student Work
In , ASW is the Standard 6 measure for teachers in Advanced Placement, Arts Education, Healthful Living, International Baccalaureate, and World Languages. Growth is based on student work submitted by teachers and rated by content experts in a “blind review” process. Contribute to Academic Success 6 Analysis of Student Work

5 Participation in ASW Process for High School Teachers (60% rule)
If 60% of an educator’s classes* are in ASW subject areas, then the educator must participate in both ASW and any other Standard 6 measure covering the remaining classes. If 60% of an educator’s classes* can be covered by an existing measure of student learning, then the teacher is not required to participate in ASW. *Please note that locally developed electives that do not follow the standards set forth in the NC Standard Course of Study are not included in the ASW Process.

6 Participation in ASW Process for K-8 Teachers (45 minute rule)
Educators who have 45 minutes per week scheduled with students in these content areas are required to participate in ASW. Educators who do not have 45 minutes per week scheduled with students in these content areas are not required to participate in ASW. For educators who do not meet the requirements to participate in the ASW Process, the district may choose to opt in to the ASW Process for those educators. The decision to opt in for a group of educators must be a district-wide decision. ----- Meeting Notes (12/22/14 13:01) ----- Will also include your classes that less then 45 min if you participate

7 8 Step Process: Step 1 Teacher Responsibility

8 Teaching Context Screen shot

9 Principal’s Input Principal receives a notification once a teacher’s schedule has been validated. The principal will then log into the Online Platform to confirm that the schedule is correct. After the teacher validates the schedule in the Online Platform, the principal will receive a notification from the online platform. The principal will need to log into the online platform and confirm that the teacher’s schedule is correct.

10 8 Step Process: Step 2 Platform Responsibility

11 Class Selection Beginning in 2014 – 2015, the online platform will select the classes in which the teacher must collect artifacts. .

12 8 Step Process: Step 3 Teacher Responsibility

13 Objective Selection Objectives:
Using the Strands and Standards guidance charts, the teacher will choose 5 objectives. Health Education Only Include 1 Timelapse Artifact representing each of the 5 strands of Health Education. HEALTH Mental & Emotional Health (MEH) Personal & Consumer Health (PCH) Interpersonal Communications & Relationships (ICR) Nutrition & Physical Activity (NPA) Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs (ATOD) Physical Education Only Include 1 Timelapse Artifact representing each of the 4 strands of Physical Education + 1 additional Timelapse Artifact representing any of the four Physical Education strands. PHYSICAL EDUCATION Motor Skills (MS) Movement Concepts (MC) Health-Related Fitness (HF) Personal/Social Responsibility (PR) Healthful Living (Health Education & Physical Education) Include: 1 Timelapse Artifact from the group of MEH, NPA, or ATOD strands (peach group); 1 Timelapse Artifact from the group of PCH or ICR strands (orange group); 1 Timelapse Artifact from the MS or MC strand (green group); 1 Timelapse Artifact from the HF or PR strand (blue group); and 1 additional Timelapse Artifact representing any of the 9 strands of Health and Physical Education.

14 Can You find?????

15 Lessons Learned from Pilots
Choose objectives carefully Match teacher’s instruction and assessment Select artifacts that demonstrate: the objective selected at 2 points in time Realize not all objectives link easily to ASW process Activity Coming Soon! ----- Meeting Notes (12/22/14 10:03) ----- 2 points in time

16 Verb…That’s What’s Happening!!!!!
Understand Evaluate Use Implement Demonstrate Apply Analyze Select Execute Organize Differentiate Interpret Explain Recall Identify

17 Principal’s Input Principal meets with the teacher to confirm that the 5 objectives chosen use the parameters in the Strands & Standards Guidance Chart Some examples of meetings: PDPs teacher meetings

18 8 Step Process: Step 4 Teacher Responsibility

19 5 Timelapse Artifacts Teacher decisions needed to compile a Timelapse Artifact (TA): A specific objective Sample type Individual Student or Whole Class Collection Method Samples from Point 1 and Point 2 There are several items needed to compile a Timelapse Artifact: A specific objective to measure over 2 distinct points in time; Click The selected TA option, either student or whole class; Click A method or tool for collecting; Click 2 work samples; and Context. Teachers may choose their type of student grouping for each Timelapse Artifact in their Evidence Collection. Student or Whole Class Work Samples, which are evidences, can be any kind of uploadable file or files, as specified with parameters for the online platform, that convey meaningful and authentic student learning in the classroom. The two evidences that encompass a Timelapse Artifact should demonstrate growth from the same student or group in relationship to the identified objective. Details in narrative format about the evidences in each Timelapse Artifact will be added. If needed, supporting document(s) may be linked to the narrative (For example, dance notation, sheet music, clips of audio or video prompts, readings, scoring rubrics, event programs, excerpts of published works, play diagram, etc.).

20 OR Work Sample Type The Teacher may choose:
2 2 The Teacher may choose: Option 1 – Student Work Samples Collect and keep 2 work samples: for each class member for the objective at 2 separate points in time OR 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 Student Work Samples involves a teacher collecting and keeping 2 work samples: • for each class member, • for the objective, • at 2 separate points in time. 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1

21 2 1 Work Sample Type The Teacher may choose:
Option 2 – Whole Class Work Samples 2 work samples that represent the entire class for the objective at 2 separate points in time Whole Class Work Samples involves a teacher collecting and keeping 2 work samples that represent the entire class: for the objective, at 2 separate points in time.

22 Collection Method Method(s) or tool(s) for collecting: Pre Test
Sljdflkjdf sdfljsdfljdf sdflkjsdf sdflnksdflnsdf sdfllsdf sdflnsdf sdfklsdflkjf fsl flk sdflkjsdf sdf Pre Test Ljsdflksdf ;mf sdflmdf sdf;df msdf;sdf sdfmsdf lmf, sdfmsd. Sdmsdf0 lsdjlkjsdflkjsdfljk Ljdflkjf ljkdlkjsdf tjtlkjltj ;jke;ljkw;jkw ;kw;lkwet ;w;jw ;jkw;ljkw klwe ljsdfljsdf sdljsdfljsdf


24 Collection Method → File Size
Up to 10 MB per file! Pre Test Sljdflkjdf sdfljsdfljdf sdflkjsdf sdflnksdflnsdf sdfllsdf sdflnsdf sdfklsdflkjf fsl flk sdflkjsdf sdf Ljsdflksdf ;mf sdflmdf sdf;df msdf;sdf sdfmsdf lmf, sdfmsd. Sdmsdf0 lsdjlkjsdflkjsdfljk Ljdflkjf ljkdlkjsdf tjtlkjltj ;jke;ljkw;jkw ;kw;lkwet ;w;jw ;jkw;ljkw klwe ljsdfljsdf sdljsdfljsdf Sljd ----- Meeting Notes (12/22/14 10:03) ----- compress video

25 8 Step Process: Step 5 Platform Responsibility

26 Student Selection Timelapse Artifact
Option 1 – Individual Student Work Samples Online platform will select 3 students The TA will be compiled using the Individual Student Work Samples from these selected students. TA 1 When it is time to upload Option 1 Timelapse Artifacts, teachers will receive a random sample of students for whom they must upload Timelapse Artifacts to the online platform. The online platform will randomly identify or select 3 students for each objective chosen by the teacher. The TA will be compiled using the Student Work Samples from these selected students.

27 Student Selection Timelapse Artifact Option 1 – Individual Student Work Samples If a student work sample is unavailable, that student will be reshuffled to create another sampling. TA 1 If a work sample from a selected student is unavailable, the teacher may request that the online platform identify a new student to replace that one. This may occur if a student was not present for instruction or if he or she is no longer in class. Then, the missing student will be reshuffled by the online platform and another sampling will be created.

28 8 Step Process: Step 6 Teacher Responsibility

29 Upload Evidence Context for 1st work sample in each Timelapse Artifact
How does this artifact show where the student is in relation to the chosen clarifying objective? How does this artifact show where the student is in relation to the chosen clarifying objective? This artifact was created using an 8th grade Healthful Living Health Education Class containing 32 students before instruction on the objective began. In this video, the student did not show proper technique in the their performance of CPR in the following ways. 1. The students body position has him sitting on the victims waist. 2. The hands have been placed separately on the victims upper chest. 3. The compressions given are of insufficient depth and are given too slow. 4. The elbows are bending during the compression.

30 Upload Evidence Context for 2nd work sample in each Timelapse Artifact
How does this artifact show where the student is in relation to the chosen clarifying objective? How does this artifact show where the student is in relation to the chosen clarifying objective? This artifact was created using an 8th grade Health Education Class containing 32 students three class days after instruction began. In this video, the student shows proper technique in the their performance of CPR in the following ways. 1. The student has the proper body position, on his knees next to the victim. 2. The force of the compression is generated from the hips and applied in a vertical direction. 3. The hands are positioned with an interlocking grip. 4. The heel of the bottom hand has been placed on the sternum.

31 Upload Evidence Context for Growth in each Timelapse Artifact
Describe the growth that occurred between Points 1 and 2. Describe the growth that occurred between Points 1 and 2. CPR performed with the technique in video #1 was inadequate and would not have given the victim an opportunity to survive. The technique in video #2 would provide blood flow and oxygen to give the victim a chance of survival

32 Upload Evidence 1 Timelapse Artifact
Timelapse Artifact Option 1 – Individual Student Work Samples 1 2 1 Timelapse Artifact 1 2 1 2

33 Upload Evidence Timelapse Artifact Option 2 – Whole Class Work Samples 2 1 1 Timelapse Artifact

34 Upload Evidence TA 3 Student TA 1 Student All 5 Timelapse Artifacts will be uploaded to the online platform as the teacher’s Evidence Collection for the school year. TA 4 Student TA 2 Whole Class TA 5 Whole Class

35 8 Step Process: Step 7 Platform Responsibility

36 Blind Review The Evidence Collection will be reviewed by 2 content area specialists. E D M Reviewer #1 Reviewer #2 The Evidence Collection will be reviewed by two content area specialists. The teacher does not know who the reviewers are and the reviewers do not know who the teacher is. Reviewers are fully licensed North Carolina educators with a minimum of 5 years classroom experience in the subject areas they review.

37 Category Rating: Meets Expected Growth
Blind Review If the category ratings from each reviewer are the same, then the review process is complete and the Standard 6 rating will be posted for that year. Reviewer #1 Reviewer #2 M M If the category ratings from each reviewer are the same, then the review process is complete and the Standard 6 rating will be posted for that year. Don’t forget: For Status, 3 years of ratings or growth data from Standard 6 must be known. Teachers using the ASW process will receive their first year of data in Year 2 of growth data will be , and Year 3 will be That means that teachers receiving their Standard 6 rating will receive their first Status (Highly Effective, Effective, or In Need of Improvement) in Fall 2017. Category Rating: Meets Expected Growth

38 Blind Review If the category ratings from the two reviewers are not the same, the Evidence Collection is automatically sent to a 3rd reviewer for an additional review to get a rating for that year. Reviewer #3 If the category ratings from the two reviewers are not the same, the Evidence Collection is automatically sent to a 3rd reviewer for an additional review to get a rating for that year. As always, 3 years of ratings or growth data from Standard 6 must be available before teachers participating in the ASW Process will receive their first Status (Highly Effective, Effective, or In Need of Improvement) in Fall 2017. Reviewer #1 Reviewer #2 M E

39 #1 Evidence Collection Checklist
Blind Review 2-Step ASW Process Review These will be explained in detail in later modules. #1 Evidence Collection Checklist #2 ASW Quality Rubric There are two steps to the Analysis of Student Work (ASW) Process review for evaluators. The first step involves using the Evidence Collection Checklist to verify that all five Timelapse Artifacts of the Evidence Collection are present, visible, and accessible. This checklist is used to confirm that each Timelapse Artifact: Has student work samples from two points in time, presented as either 3 individual student work samples or a whole class sample; Meets the guidelines set forth in the Strands and Standards chart. Once the Evidence Collection is verified, the reviewer continues the evaluation using the ASW Quality Rubric. CLICK The ASW Quality Rubric measures the degree to which a Timelapse Artifact demonstrates quality relative to the objective selected. Specifically, the reviewer determines if the evidence shows that the student(s) Cannot, Can partially, Can, or Can extensively Demonstrate the objective chosen. The reviewer then uses professional judgment and expertise to determine the amount of growth demonstrated in the Timelapse Artifact.

40 8 Step Process: Step 8 Platform Responsibility

41 Receive Rating TA 1 TA 2 TA 3 TA 4 TA 5 D M M M E
Evidence Collection Rating Form: D = Does Not Meet Expected Growth M = Meets Expected Growth E = Exceeds Expected Growth Transfer your rating for each TA from the quality rubric to the table below: This is the Evidence Collection Rating Form. Reviewers will use this form to determine the final rating of the entire Evidence Collection. The table in the middle of the slide shows all possible rating combinations a complete Evidence Collection with 5 Timelapse Artifacts could receive. Based on the combination of ratings the reviewer assigns, the reviewer then selects one of the following ratings for the entire Evidence Collection based on the table: Does Not Meet Expected Growth Meets Expected Growth Exceeds Expected Growth TA 1 TA 2 TA 3 TA 4 TA 5 D M M M E

42 Synthesis table to determine Standard 6 rating
Receive Rating Synthesis table to determine Standard 6 rating Does Not Meet Meets Exceeds D D D D D M M M M M E E E E E D D D D E M M M M E M E E E E D D D D M D M M M M M M E E E D D D E E M M M E E D E E E E D D D M E D D M M M D M E E E D D D M M D M M M E D D E E E D D M M E D D M E E D M M E E a This is the Evidence Collection Rating Form. Reviewers will use this form to determine the final rating of the entire Evidence Collection. The table in the middle of the slide shows all possible rating combinations a complete Evidence Collection with 5 Timelapse Artifacts could receive. Based on the combination of ratings the reviewer assigns, the reviewer then selects one of the following ratings for the entire Evidence Collection based on the table: Does Not Meet Expected Growth Meets Expected Growth Exceeds Expected Growth a

43 6 Effectiveness Status 3 Years of Combined Data for Standard 6
An educator receives an Effectiveness Status when he or she has 3 years of their own data for Standard 6 The use of three years of data for Standard 6 safeguards teachers from errors in calculation.

44 Effectiveness Status Only for 2014 – 2017: Best 2 out of 3 years of data Mr. NC’s 3 years of growth data: Does Not Meet (Year 1) Meets (Year 2) Meets (Year 3) Mr. NC’s Standard 6 rating for Meets Expected Growth Standard 6 Year 1 Does Not Meet Expected Growth Year 2 Meets Expected Growth Year 3 Meets Expected Growth Contribute to Academic Success

45 New Timeline Sept. – Dec. District time to train teachers and correct 2nd semester schedule data in PowerSchool. January Teachers access schedule information in ASW Platform to complete a practice validation of their 2nd semester schedules Districts correct teacher schedule information Teachers access schedule information in ASW Platform to complete the final validation of their 2nd semester schedules

46 New Timeline February – May 2nd Semester Evidence Collection Window Can evidence be collected during 1st semester? Teachers of year-long classes may voluntarily choose to collect and keep evidence from the first semester for use in one or more of their 3 Timelapse Artifacts, but are not required to do so. The expectation for the ASW Process is that teachers will only need to collect and keep evidence for 3 Timelapse Artifacts in the spring of 2015. For semester teachers – the online platform will only choose classes from the 2nd semester. Teachers with semester classes should only collect evidence from 2nd semester classes.

47 New Timeline May 2nd Semester Student Selection/Evidence Upload Window Opens June 2nd Semester Evidence Upload Window Closes

48 World Languages D234 Elementary Art D127 Middle/ HS Art D124 PE - Elem/ Middle/ High Auditorium Middle / High Music Mr. Street's Rm Elementary Music Ms. Wyatt's Rm AP Teacher Workroom D Hall


50 Strands & Standards Guidance Charts
Using the Strands and Standards guidance charts, 5 objectives will be chosen. Health Education Only Include 1 Timelapse Artifact representing each of the 5 strands of Health Education. HEALTH Mental & Emotional Health (MEH) Personal & Consumer Health (PCH) Interpersonal Communications & Relationships (ICR) Nutrition & Physical Activity (NPA) Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs (ATOD) Physical Education Only Include 1 Timelapse Artifact representing each of the 4 strands of Physical Education + 1 additional Timelapse Artifact representing any of the four Physical Education strands. PHYSICAL EDUCATION Motor Skills (MS) Movement Concepts (MC) Health-Related Fitness (HF) Personal/Social Responsibility (PR) Healthful Living (Health Education & Physical Education) Include: 1 Timelapse Artifact from the group of MEH, NPA, or ATOD strands (peach group); 1 Timelapse Artifact from the group of PCH or ICR strands (orange group); 1 Timelapse Artifact from the MS or MC strand (green group); 1 Timelapse Artifact from the HF or PR strand (blue group); and 1 additional Timelapse Artifact representing any of the 9 strands of Health and Physical Education.


52 (MS) Motor Skills PE.1.MS.1.2 Use recognizable forms of the five basic manipulative skills. PE.6.MS.1.3 Explain the importance of practice to improve skill level. PE.9.MS.1.4 Create movement combinations in rhythmic activities with an emphasis on keeping to the beat of the music.

53 (MC) Movement Concepts
PE.4.MC.2.4 Classify examples of health-related fitness into the five components. PE.7.MC.2.3 Apply game strategies and tactics at appropriate times and in appropriate ways. PE.9.MC.2.1 Create plans for establishing and maintaining lifelong health-enhancing behaviors based on concepts of health, fitness, and nutrition.


55 (HF) Health-Related Fitness
PE.3.HF.3.1 Summarize four or more of the five health-related fitness assessments and the associated exercises. PE.8.HF.3.1 Evaluate progress toward achieving health-related fitness standards, using the results to make improvements. PE.8.HF.3.3 Use a variety of resources to assess, monitor, and improve personal fitness. PE.9.HF.3.1 Evaluate personal health-related physical fitness status in terms of cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition.


57 (PR) Personal/Social Responsibility
PE.5.PR.4.2 Use cooperation and communication skills to achieve common goals. NO MIDDLE SCHOOL PE.9.PR.4.2 Select the most appropriate ways of responding and mediate to settle conflicts.



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