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America Expands Westward

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1 America Expands Westward
Manifest Destiny America Expands Westward

2 In your own words, what is “destiny?” The definition of “manifest” is:
Clear or apparent In the mid-1800s, Americans believed they had a clear destiny to expand across the continent, from sea to shining sea “Eastward I go only by force, but westward I go free.”- Henry David Thoreau

3 Other Reasons for Westward Expansion: Escape religious persecution
Write this on a piece of paper that will become your “Manifest Destiny DBQ”! Other Reasons for Westward Expansion: Escape religious persecution Find new markets for trade Claim land for farming, ranching, and mining Locate Pacific harbors Spread democracy!

4 Writing a DBQ A DBQ is a Document-Based Question
You must read and analyze primary/secondary source documents to help answer a historical question After reading the documents, you develop an argument (thesis) to answer the question The point is to show that you can read and analyze documents and DEFEND YOUR ARGUMENT! These are designed to be about 5 paragraphs…. We will start with just planning, then 3, then 5!

5 Manifest Destiny DBQ Planning
The Question The Thesis A thesis is the main ARGUMENT of the paper How can you make a historical argument? Introduction This includes background information about your topic (In this case, you need to address how/why Manifest Destiny developed in America in the 1800s) 3 Points This essay lays them out for you For each point, you need to include solid information FROM THE DOCUMENTS and from your PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE to support your argument In your planning, write bullet points for now but include PARENTHETICAL CITATIONS (see the board) The Conclusion (This will come later…)


7 “American Progress” by John Gast
How are these ideas of “Manifest Destiny” reflected in the following pieces of artwork? “American Progress” by John Gast

8 “Westward the Course of Empire Takes Its Way” by Emanuel Leutze


10 Sectional Differences Emerge
Missouri Territory applies for statehood Why is this a problem? There are an equal number of slave/free states, Missouri would tip the balance Henry Clay – Missouri Compromise (1820) Missouri = slave Maine = free (split from Massachusetts) 36-30 line: north= free, south = slave 10

11 Missouri Compromise

12 Use this map to go over the Migrating West GO

13 Texan Independence Primary Source Activity
For Documents A-D answer the following questions (COMPLETE SENTENCES!): Who wrote it? (Name, Mexican or American, Date) According to this document, why did Texans decide to declare independence in 1836? Do you trust the perspective of this document? Why or why not? Conclusion: Based on all 4 documents, do you think the Texans were justified in declaring independence?

14 Expansion, Conflict, & War in Texas
Sam Houston “Remember the Alamo!”

15 Expansion & Conflict in Texas
1. Why did Mexico want Americans to settle in Texas? To help defend and develop the province economically 2. Why did Americans want to settle in Texas? Abundant, cheap, fertile land with a small population

16 3. What brought American settlers into conflict with the Mexican government?
They did not convert to Roman Catholicism (remained Protestants) & they ignored Mexico’s ban on slavery 4. What happened at the Alamo? Texas rebelled against Mexican rule Santa Anna attacks the Alamo to put down the rebellion 12 days of fighting, Mexico wins, then kills every prisoner; “Remember the Alamo!” * Video

17 5. Why was the U.S. at first reluctant to annex Texas?
Northern Democrats did not want to add another big, powerful slave state

18 6. What promises did Polk make to help him win the election (of 1844)?
To make Northern Democrats happy, he promises to get all of Oregon from Great Britain or go to war; *“54-40 or Fight!”* 54 Line Why did Polk need to satisfy the interests of Northerners specifically?

19 7. What did Polk do that left many Northern Democrats feeling betrayed?
To avoid war with Great Britain, Polk compromised on Oregon in order to fight Mexico (British kept what became British Columbia)

20 The Mexican-American War 1846-1848

21 America Achieves Manifest Destiny
The Gadsden Purchase, the Wilmot Proviso, and the California Gold Rush EQ: How did America achieve its “Manifest Destiny?”

22 What formally ended the Mexican-American War?
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (Mexican Cession) US adds 1.2 million square miles Mexico was humiliated by the treaty, bitter toward US for many years

23 How is this further contributing to
US added more territory with the Gadsden Purchase (1853) Bought from Mexico, consisted of the southern parts of Arizona & New Mexico Needed to run transcontinental RR How is this further contributing to Manifest Destiny?

24 What issue continued to divide the nation?
SLAVERY, and its expansion Whig Congressman David Wilmot proposes the Wilmot Proviso: Proposed law would ban slavery in all lands won from Mexico Law DID NOT pass Lands won from Mexico increased North/South tensions Proposed in Congress for 15 more years Why do you think the Wilmot Proviso didn’t pass?

25 President James K. Polk = “Expansionist President”
Polk SUPPORTS Manifest Destiny

26 The California Gold Rush
What was it? Mass migration to California after the discovery of gold in 1848 Who was involved? “49ers” = Gold Rush miners Where did they come from? Across the US & other Pacific Rim nations (South America, China)

27 The California Gold Rush - Effects
Conditions of the camps Crowded, poor sanitation, violence Population boom of… San Francisco Groups facing discrimination Indians, Chinese, & Mexicans; taxed, terrorized

28 The California Gold Rush - Effects
____________ applies for statehood… California Increases the debate over… Slavery 15 free states, 15 slave Would later lead to the… Civil War

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