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Program: Respiratory Therapy

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1 Program: Respiratory Therapy
.. . Program: Respiratory Therapy Course: Introduction to Respiratory Therapy Lesson: Aerosol/Humidity Therapy and CPT

2 Lesson: Aerosol/Humidity Therapy and CPT
Major Student Performance Objective -Lecture The student will be able to Administer aerosol and humidity therapy safely. Supporting Student Performance Objectives: Demonstrate proper set-up of humidifiers with high and low flow oxygen delivery devices. Given situations, discuss humidity deficit and prevention. Give indications for humidity. Discuss factors influencing the efficiency of humidifiers.

3 Lesson: Aerosol/Humidity Therapy and CPT
Major Student Performance Objective -Lecture The student will be able to Administer aerosol and humidity therapy safely. Supporting Student Performance Objectives Continued: Given a situation, calculate R.H. Discuss problems of humidity deficit. Discuss hazards of humidity. Demonstrate bronchial hygiene methods. Discuss indications for bronchial hygiene use. Discuss indications for sputum inductions.

4 Student Performance Objectives
Lesson: Aerosol/Humidity Therapy and CPT Major Student Performance Objective -Laboratory Assemble and apply humidifiers. Supporting Student Performance Objectives Correctly assemble, test for function, safely apply, and troubleshoot the following humidifiers: Pass-over humidifier Bubble humidifier Cascade humidifier Wick humidifier Demonstrate the use of humidifiers using appropriate delivery devices. Correctly monitor the following as appropriate: Oxygen concentration Temperature

5 Lesson: Aerosol/Humidity Therapy and CPT
Major Student Performance Objective -Laboratory Position the patient and apply chest physiotherapy. Supporting Student Performance Objectives: Demonstrate proper body alignment and stance when performing patient care skills. Demonstrate the usage of good body alignment and body mechanics when positioning or assisting a lab partner. Demonstrate how to properly position a patient in the following positions: Fowler’s Supine Prone ¼ turn from supine Semi-Fowler’s Trendelenberg

6 Supporting Student Performance Objectives Continued:
Lesson: Aerosol/Humidity Therapy and CPT Major Student Performance Objective -Laboratory Position the patient and apply chest physiotherapy. Supporting Student Performance Objectives Continued: Demonstrate how to assist a patient from the bed into a chair and back to bed. Demonstrate how to properly secure the following restraints: Chest Waist Wrist and ankle

7 Supporting Student Performance Objectives Continued:
Lesson: Aerosol/Humidity Therapy and CPT Major Student Performance Objective -Laboratory Position the patient and apply chest physiotherapy. Supporting Student Performance Objectives Continued: Demonstrate correct use of bed rails and other safety devices. Using a lab partner, properly perform postural drainage and chest percussion on any specified segment(s) of the lung including: Proper positioning Identification of anatomical landmarks Proper manual percussion and vibration techniques Proper use of a mechanical percussor

8 Lesson: Aerosol/Humidity Therapy and CPT
A. Water in a gaseous state B. Water vapor C. Molecular water in gas D. Potential Humidity E. Saturated F. Absolute Humidity - A.H. G. Relative Humidity - R.H.

9 Lesson: Aerosol/Humidity Therapy and CPT
Alveolar gas At 37oC alveolar gas holds approximately 44 mg/L of humidity At 37oC and 100% R.H. the pressure exerted by water vapor is 47 mmHg Humidity deficit

10 Lesson: Aerosol/Humidity Therapy and CPT
Normally supplied to inspired gas by nasal or oropharynx passages. Humidity adds moisture to the respiratory tract

11 Lesson: Aerosol/Humidity Therapy and CPT
Water particles suspended in air Particulate water in a gas Mist Fog

12 Lesson: Aerosol/Humidity Therapy and CPT
Factors affect stability Penetration and deposition affected by breathing pattern and size of particles

13 Lesson: Aerosol/Humidity Therapy and CPT
Particle Size, Deposition, and Location Particle Size (mm) % Deposited Deposition Location 100 40-15 15-8 5-2 2.0-1 1.0 100 40-100 30-40 55+ 50 10 Mouth, nose, equipment Upper airways Bronchi Bronchioles Alveoli Exhaled

14 Lesson: Aerosol/Humidity Therapy and CPT
Airway Clearance Indications for Aerosol Hazards of Aerosol Therapy

15 Passover Humidifier: Wick Type
Lesson: Aerosol/Humidity Therapy and CPT Passover Humidifier: Wick Type

16 Passover Humidifier: Membrane Type
Lesson: Aerosol/Humidity Therapy and CPT Passover Humidifier: Membrane Type

17 General Considerations for Nebulizers
Lesson: Aerosol/Humidity Therapy and CPT General Considerations for Nebulizers 44 mg/L is the target volume for a 100% effective large volume Nebulizer. Therapeutic range of an aerosol particle is between microns. Nebulizers are a potential source of nosocomial infections. Electrical nebulizers are potential shock hazards. Nebulizers add fluid to the body. Monitor patients carefully for fluid overload.

18 Lesson: Aerosol/Humidity Therapy and CPT
Postural Drainage Indications: Mobilize accumulated secretions due to: COPD Dehydration Acute pulmonary disease Prophylactically - history of pulmonary problems

19 Positions for Each Lung Segment
Lesson: Aerosol/Humidity Therapy and CPT Positions for Each Lung Segment Lobe/Area Position Right Upper Lobe apical anterior posterior Right Middle Lobe medial lateral Right Lower Lobe superior anterior basal lateral basal posterior basal

20 Positions for Each Lung Segment
Lesson: Aerosol/Humidity Therapy and CPT Positions for Each Lung Segment Lobe/Area Position Left Upper Lobe anterior apical - posterior superior lingula inferior lingula Left Lower Lobe superior anterior medial lateral basal posterior basal

21 Postural Drainage - Relative Contraindications
Lesson: Aerosol/Humidity Therapy and CPT Postural Drainage - Relative Contraindications Empyema Flail Chest Wounds Spinal Injuries Pneumothorax Head Injuries Unstable cardiac status COPD Obesity Pregnancy Recent meals or tube feeding

22 Lesson: Aerosol/Humidity Therapy and CPT
Percussion Clapping chest wall Indications: When difficult to mobilize secretions When postural drainage alone may not be effective

23 Percussion - Relative Contraindications
Lesson: Aerosol/Humidity Therapy and CPT Percussion - Relative Contraindications Empyema Flail Chest Wounds Frank hemoptysis Anticoagulant therapy Pain or patient intolerance TB Metastasized cancer

24 Lesson: Aerosol/Humidity Therapy and CPT
Percussion Technique Avoid sternum, spine, and bony structures. May use sheet or towel to avoid slapping. Examine skin for any effect. Each segment for 3-5 minutes.

25 Lesson: Aerosol/Humidity Therapy and CPT
Vibrations Used with percussion or alone. Tensing arms - keep them straight - shake from shoulder during patient exhalation only. Indications: After each segment with percussion to move secretions in large airways. Alone when percussion is not tolerated

26 Mechanical Percussors and Vibrators
Lesson: Aerosol/Humidity Therapy and CPT Mechanical Percussors and Vibrators Use only to lung area - avoid kidneys, etc. Avoid bony structures. Avoid breast tissue in females. Use towel or sheet to prevent slapping. Use electrical precautions - avoid water and hazardous gas environments.

27 Patient 1: Winnie Kirkwood
Lesson: Aerosol/Humidity Therapy and CPT Patient Cases Patient 1: Winnie Kirkwood Patient: Winnie Kirkwood, a seventy-six year-old female. Admitted this morning with shortness of breath progressing over the last 24 hours. Patient has a history of COPD. Patient is alert and possibly confused. She is in a regular room. Physical Findings: Pulse 108, regular, BP 102/70, temperature C, respiration 22, shallow. Breath sounds are decreased rhonchi in bases. Patient has an occasional cough which appears to be productive - patient is swallowing mucous. Patient is in semi-Fowler’s position, she is slightly overweight. Lab Data: pH 7.37, PaCO2 60, HCO3 -34, PaO2 46, SaO2 78%, FiO2 nasal cannula at 1 Lpm, Hgb 15.8, WBC 13,100. Order: Increase oxygen to 5 Lpm. Administer 2 puffs ventolin via metered dose inhaler (MDI) Q. 4h. Would you implement this order as it is written? What would you recommend in its place? Would you add or delete anything from this order?

28 Lesson: Aerosol/Humidity Therapy and CPT
Patient Cases Patient 2 - Kip Kiester Patient: Kip Kiester, a fifty-two year-old male. Patient had a colon resection two days ago. Patient is alert and oriented. He is in a regular room on the surgical floor. Patient had a thirty pack-year smoking history. Physical Findings: Pulse 110, regular, BP 158/90, temperature C, respiration 24, shallow. Breath sounds are decreased with rhonchi on exhalation throughout. Chest expansion is decreased in the bases. Patient has occasional weak, non-productive cough. Skin is warm and moist. Lab Data: SpO2 94% on room air. Order: Incentive spirometry Q. 2h. Administer 0.5cc isoetharine in 2.5cc normal saline via aerosol q. i. d. Would you implement this order as it is written? What would you recommend in its place? Would you add or delete anything from this order?

29 Patient 3 - Jonathan Harker
Lesson: Aerosol/Humidity Therapy and CPT Patient Cases Patient 3 - Jonathan Harker Patient: Jonathan Harker, a seventy-year-old male. Admitted this morning with an exacerbation of ulcerative colitis. Paatient has a long history of COPD. Patient is alert and oriented. He is in a regular room and has an IV. Physical Findings: Pulse 98, regular, BP 134/92, temperature C, respiration 22. Breath sounds clear in apices, scattered rhonchi in the bases, occasional productive cough of white sputum. Patient is resting comfortably in bed. Lab Data: SpO2 92% on 2 Lpm via nasal cannula, Hgb 12.8, WBC 12,300. Order: Increase oxygen to 4 Lpm. 0.5cc isoetharine in 2.5cc normal saline via aerosol Q. 4h. Would you implement this order as it is written? What would you recommend in its place? Would you add or delete anything from this order?

30 Lesson: Aerosol/Humidity Therapy and CPT
Patient Cases Patient 4 - Mina Seward Patient: Mina Seward, a sixty-year-old female. Admitted last night from a nursing home with increasing shortness of breath and increased temperature. Patient is minimally responsive. She is in a regular room with an IV. Physical Findings: Pulse 104, thready, BP 96/42, temperature C, respiration 30, shallow. Breath sounds are decreased throughout with rhonchi on exhalation. Patient has occasional weak, non-productive cough. Patient’s skin is warm and dry. Lab Data: pH 7.52, PaCO2 28, HCO3 -23, PaO2 44, SaO2 83%, FiO2 0.21, Hgb 10.2, WBC 11,200. Order: Oral intubation, place on 60% oxygen via aerosol T-tube to an ET (endotracheal) tube. Would you implement this order as it is written? What would you recommend in its place? Would you add or delete anything from this order?

31 Lesson: Aerosol/Humidity Therapy and CPT
Patient Cases Patient 5 - Duke Lukela Patient: Duke Lukela, a forty-two year-old male. Admitted this afternoon with an exacerbation of silicosis. Patient is alert and oriented. He is in a regular room with an IV in place. Physical Findings: Pulse 96, thready, BP 134/90, temperature 380 C, respiration 26, shallow. Breath sounds are very decreased throughout; chest expansion is very decreased throughout. Patient is not coughing. Lab Data: pH 7.42, PaCO2 30, HCO3 -19, PaO2 58, SaO2 82%, FiO2 nasal cannula at 2 Lpm, Hgb 16.4, WBC 10,600. Order: Increase oxygen to 5 Lpm. Atrovent 2 puffs Q. 6h. Would you implement this order as it is written? What would you recommend in its place? Would you add or delete anything from this order?

32 Lesson: Aerosol/Humidity Therapy and CPT
Patient Cases Patient 6 - Philip Hogan Patient: Philip Hogan, a sixty-year-old male. He had a large bowel resection yesterday. Patient is alert and oriented. He is on the surgical floor and has an IV in place. Physical Findings: Pulse 110, regular, BP 146/82, temperature C, respiration 26. Breath sounds decreased with fine crackles in the right base, chest expansion is decreased on both sides, less on the right. Patient has occasional weak, non-productive cough. Lab Data: SpO2 90% on room air. Order: Oxygen at 2 Lpm via nasal cannula. IPPB with 0.3cc metaproterenol in 2.1cc normal saline q.i.d. Would you implement this order as it is written? What would you recommend in its place? Would you add or delete anything from this order?

33 Lesson: Aerosol/Humidity Therapy and CPT
Patient Cases Patient 7 - Ann Fan Patient: Ann Fan, a fifty-two year-old female. Admitted through the emergency department with an exacerbation of emphysema. Patient is oriented but somewhat lethargic. Physical Findings: Pulse 88, regular, BP 110/70, temperature C, respiration 24, shallow. Breath sounds are very decreased throughout. Chest expansion is decreased especially in the bases. Patient has an occasional weak, non-productive cough. Patient is in semi-Fowler’s position and has warm dry skin. Lab Data: pH 7.48, PaCO2 34, HCO3 -23, PaO2 55, SaO2 91%, FiO2 nasal cannula at 1 Lpm, Hgb 13.8, WBC 9,800. Order: Increase oxygen to 3 Lpm. IPPB with 0.5cc albuterol in 2cc 20% mucomyst Q. 4h. Would you implement this order as it is written? What would you recommend in its place? Would you add or delete anything from this order?

34 Lesson: Aerosol/Humidity Therapy and CPT
Patient Cases Patient 8 - Wilbur Post Patient: Wilbur Post, a fifty-two year-old male. Admitted through the emergency department with acute onset of shortness of breath. Patient has a long history of congestive heart failure. Patient is alert and very anxious. He is on an emergency room cart. Physical Findings: Pulse 132, bounding, BP 178/96, temperature C, respiration 30, shallow and labored. Breath sounds are decreased throughout with course crackles in all fields. The patient is not coughing. His skin is warm and moist. He is sitting up in bed in apparent respiratory distress. Lab Data: pH 7.39, PaCO2 45, HCO3 -26, PaO2 41, SaO2 76%, FiO Order: Oxygen via nasal cannula at 6 Lpm. 0.5cc albuterol in 2.5cc normal saline stat. Would you implement this order as it is written? What would you recommend in its place? Would you add or delete anything from this order?

35 Lesson: Aerosol/Humidity Therapy and CPT
Major Student Performance Objective -Lecture The student will be able to Administer aerosol and humidity therapy safely. Supporting Student Performance Objectives: Demonstrate proper set-up of humidifiers with high and low flow oxygen delivery devices. Given situations, discuss humidity deficit and prevention. Give indications for humidity. Discuss factors influencing the efficiency of humidifiers.

36 Lesson: Aerosol/Humidity Therapy and CPT
Major Student Performance Objective -Lecture The student will be able to Administer aerosol and humidity therapy safely. Supporting Student Performance Objectives Continued: Given a situation, calculate R.H. Discuss problems of humidity deficit. Discuss hazards of humidity. Demonstrate bronchial hygiene methods. Discuss indications for bronchial hygiene use. Discuss indications for sputum induction.

37 Supporting Student Performance Objectives
Lesson: Aerosol/Humidity Therapy and CPT Major Student Performance Objective -Laboratory Assemble and apply humidifiers. Supporting Student Performance Objectives Correctly assemble, test for function, safely apply, and troubleshoot the following humidifiers: Pass-over humidifier Bubble humidifier Cascade humidifier Wick humidifier Demonstrate the use of humidifiers using appropriate delivery devices. Correctly monitor the following as appropriate: Oxygen concentration Temperature

38 Lesson: Aerosol/Humidity Therapy and CPT
Major Student Performance Objective -Laboratory Position the patient and apply chest physiotherapy. Supporting Student Performance Objectives: Demonstrate proper body alignment and stance when performing patient care skills. Demonstrate the usage of good body alignment and body mechanics when positioning or assisting a lab partner. Demonstrate how to properly position a patient in the following positions: Fowler’s Supine Prone ¼ turn from supine Semi-fowler’s Trendelenberg

39 Supporting Student Performance Objectives Continued:
Lesson: Aerosol/Humidity Therapy and CPT Major Student Performance Objective -Laboratory Position the patient and apply chest physiotherapy. Supporting Student Performance Objectives Continued: Demonstrate how to assist a patient from the bed into a chair and back to bed. Demonstrate how to properly secure the following restraints: Chest Waist Wrist and ankle

40 Supporting Student Performance Objectives Continued:
Lesson: Aerosol/Humidity Therapy and CPT Major Student Performance Objective -Laboratory Position the patient and apply chest physiotherapy. Supporting Student Performance Objectives Continued: Demonstrate correct use of bed rails and other safety devices. Using a lab partner, properly perform postural drainage and chest percussion on any specified segment(s) of the lung including: Proper positioning Identification of anatomical landmarks Proper manual percussion and vibration techniques Proper use of a mechanical percussor

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