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Ethnic TargetingEthnic Targeting  African Americans  Hispanic Americans  Asian Americans  Hispanic population is the largest ethnic subculture (12.5%)

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2 Ethnic TargetingEthnic Targeting  African Americans  Hispanic Americans  Asian Americans  Hispanic population is the largest ethnic subculture (12.5%)  Asian Americans (3.6%) are the fastest-growing racial group

3 African AmericanAfrican American  Household educational levels are rising for African Americans  Due to this, household income for African Americans is also rising  Differences in consumption behaviors can be subtle but still very important  Dark & Lovely Dark & Lovely

4 Asian AmericansAsian Americans  Asian Americans are the fastest-growing population group  Most likely to buy high-tech gadgets  Most brand-conscious  Most concerned with keeping up appearances  Surgery to Alter Ethnicity Surgery to Alter Ethnicity

5 Religion  Religious themes can spill over into everyday consumption  “Cult products”  Marketing opportunity among religious subculture

6 Hispanic  Hispanics are:  Brand loyal  Highly concentrated geographically by country of origin (easy to reach)  “Over the last six years, Hispanics have consistently increased their spending on personal care products.”- Elizabeth Perez  Jennifer Lopez Glam Jennifer Lopez Glam

7 Hispanics Continue Being Brand Loyal Despite the Economy  While most would expect consumers to make adjustments to their expenses to save cost, specifically those on the lower-income scale, Spanish-dominant Hispanics are not stepping down.  Brand names are still sought after by Hispanic consumers despite the current economic environment. Among that group, Spanish-dominant Hispanics are more likely to continue buying name brand personal care products than English-dominant Hispanics.  65% of those surveyed earning $25,000-$49,000, show an interest in two-in-one shampoo/conditioners and 83% would lean towards toothpaste that can also whiten their teeth and can serve as mouthwash.

8 Questions  Do you think that the Jennifer Lopez L'Oreal commercial appeals more to a Hispanic population than a non-Hispanic population?  Why?  Do you think you have ever been influenced to buy a product based upon your ethnic, racial or religious subcultures?

9 References  "Hispanics Continue Being Brand Loyal Despite of the Economy." » Hispanic Market Info. Web. 05 Mar. 2012.. "Hispanics Continue Being Brand Loyal Despite of the Economy." » Hispanic MarketInfo. Web. 05 Mar. 2012..

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