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Published byRuth Lee Modified over 9 years ago
FTA Program and Oversight Updates Bruce Robinson Deputy Associate Administrator Office of Program Management August 12, 2014
2 PROGRAM UPDATES MAP-21 Program Changes Program Guidance Status GROW AMERICA Proposed Changes Reauthorization Status
3 Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21 st Century Act (MAP-21) Signed into law by President Obama on July 6, 2012 Extends current law (SAFETEA-LU) through September 30, 2012 Went into full effect October 1, 2012 Authorized programs for two years, through September 30, 2014
MAP-21 Authorized Funding 4
5 Highlights of Program Changes New Safety Authority (5329) State of Good Repair Grants (5337) Asset Management (5326) Bus and Bus Facilities Formula Grants (5339) Public Transportation Emergency Relief (5324) TOD Planning Pilot Grants (20005(b) of MAP-21) Repealed Clean Fuels Grants (5308) Job Access and Reverse Commute (5316) [ JARC ] New Freedom Program (5317) Paul S. Sarbanes Transit in the Parks (5320) Alternatives Analysis (5339) Over-the-Road Bus (Sec. 3038 – TEA-21) Consolidated Urbanized Area Formula Grants (5307) [ JARC ] Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities (5310) [New Freedom] Rural Area Formula Grants (5311)[ JARC] Modified Fixed Guideway Capital Investment Grants (5309) Metropolitan and Statewide Planning (5303 & 5304) Research, Development, Demonstration, and Deployment (5312) Technical Assistance and Standards (5314) Human Resources and Training (5322)
6 What MAP-21 Means for FTA Grantees Steady and predictable funding Consolidates certain transit programs to improve their efficiency Targeted funding increases particularly for improving the state of good repair New reporting requirements Requires performance measures for SGR, planning, and safety
7 Safety Program FTA granted new Public Transportation Safety Authority Provides additional authority to set minimum safety standards, conduct investigations, audits, and examinations Overhauls State Safety Oversight New safety requirements for all recipients New
8 State of Good Repair (SGR) Grants Provides formula based funding to maintain public transportation systems in a “state of good repair” Funding limited to fixed guideway investments (essentially replaces 5309 Fixed Guideway program) Defines eligible recapitalization and restoration activities New formula comprises: (1) former Fixed Guideway formula; (2) new service-based formula; (3) new formula for buses on HOV lanes Funding: $2.1 billion (FY 2013) authorized New
9 Transit Asset Management Provisions FTA must define “state of good repair” and develop performance measures based on that definition Establishes National Transit Asset Management system All transit agencies must develop their own asset management plan; covers all transit modes New
10 Bus and Bus Facilities Formula Program Provides capital funding to replace, rehabilitate, and purchase buses and related equipment, and to construct bus related facilities Replaces discretionary bus program Funding: $420 million (FY 2013) authorized New
11 Public Transportation Emergency Relief Assists States & public transportation systems with emergency related expenses Pays for protecting, repairing, or replacing equipment and facilities that are danger of failure or have suffered serious damage as a result of an emergency Funding: As appropriated by Congress New
12 TOD Planning Pilot Creates a discretionary pilot program for Transit Oriented Development planning grants Eligible projects are related to fixed guideway or core capacity projects as defined in section 5309 Funding: $10 million (FY 2013) authorized New
13 Urbanized Area Formula Grants Funds capital, planning, plus JARC-eligible activities Creates new discretionary ferries grants New takedown for safety oversight Funding: $4.8 billion (FY 2013) authorized (including funds from the 5340 formula) Consolidated
14 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Consolidates current 5310 and New Freedom program eligibilities into single formula program Requires FTA to establish performance measures Funding: $255 million (FY 2013) authorized Consolidated
15 Rural Area Formula Grants Provides funding to States for the purpose of supporting public transportation in rural areas Incorporates JARC-eligible activities Establishes $5 million discretionary and $25 million formula Tribal grant program Establishes $20 million Appalachian Development Public Transportation formula tier Funding: $630 million (FY 2013) authorized (including funds from the 5340 formula) Consolidated
16 Fixed Guideway Capital Investment Grants Modifies New Starts and Small Starts project approvals by consolidating phases and permitting streamlined review in certain circumstances Core Capacity: New eligibility for projects that expand the core capacity of major transit corridors Funding: $1.9 billion (FY 2013) General Fund Authorization Modified
17 Metropolitan and Statewide Planning Program Requires MPOs that serve TMAs to include transit agency officials in their governing structures Requires states, transit agencies, and MPOs to establish performance targets; and establishes a national performance measurement system Funding: $127 million (FY 2013) authorized Modified
18 Research, Development, Demonstration, and Deployment Separates research from technical assistance, training and workforce development Creates a competitive deployment program dedicated to the acquisition of low or no emission vehicles and related equipment, and related facilities Funding: $70 million (FY 2013) General Fund Authorization Modified
19 Technical Assistance and Standards Provides competitive funding for technical assistance activities Allows FTA to development voluntary standards and best practices Funding: $7 million (FY 2013) General Fund authorization Modified
20 Human Resources and Training Provides competitive grant program for workforce development Funding: $5 million/year General Fund authorization Continues the National Transit Institute, but only through a competitive selection process – Funded with separate $5 million/year Trust Fund authorization Modified
21 Other Notable Provisions Buy America: Requires Annual Report to Congress on any transit waivers Veterans Preference: Includes preference language for transit construction projects Privatization: Includes several provisions for promoting private sector participation Bus Testing: Establishes performance standards and “Pass/Fail” requirements for new model buses – Including safety performance standards
22 Program Guidance Status 9030.1E (5307 Urbanized Area Formula Program) Final published January 16, 2014 9070.1G (5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program) Final published June 6, 2014 9040.1G (5311 Formula Program for Rural Areas) Finalizing edits 5300.1 (5337 State of Good Repair Program) Finalizing edits 5100.1 (5339 Bus and Bus Facilities Program) Published for comment – July 30, 2014 Comments due – September 29, 2014
23 GROW AMERICA Act A four-year, $302 billion surface transportation authorization to replace MAP-21, which expires September 30, 2014. Invests $72 billion in public transportation over 4 years— nearly a 70% increase over MAP-21. Builds on MAP-21 priorities and strengthens commitment to safety, state-of-good-repair, efficiency, performance, and underserved populations. Addresses the challenges of a nation expected to grow by 100 million residents by 2050.
24 FTA’s Reauthorization Priorities Significant “bump” in funding with new opportunities to modernize, expand bus and bus facilities, and grow bus rapid transit (BRT). Increases our commitment to drive down $86 billion transit maintenance backlog and address state-of-good-repair needs among bus and rail systems. Streamlines and accelerates regional transportation investments through better coordination among federal, state, and planning stakeholders.
25 FTA’s Reauthorization Priorities Creates new ladders of opportunity for the American workforce by enhancing access to training in high-tech, operations, and construction jobs within the transit industry. Protects American jobs and domestic manufacturing by strengthening Buy America requirements over the four year GROW AMERICA Act period.
26 Highlights of Program Changes New Fixing and Accelerating Surface Transportation Program (5602) Rapid Growth Area Transit Program (5341) Local Hiring Provisions Modified Bus and Bus Facilities (5339) State of Good Repair (5337) Human Resources and Training (Workforce Development) (5322) Metropolitan Transportation Planning (5303) Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities (5310) Formula Grants for Rural Areas (5311) Public Transportation Safety (5329) Repealed or Consolidated No MAP-21 programs are repealed or consolidated in the proposed GROW AMERICA Act
Program Funding Levels Over Time 27 FY 2014 Enacted FY 2015 President's Budget GROW AMERICA TOTAL (FY 15-18) TRANSIT FORMULA GRANTS (TF) $8,595,000,000 $13,914,400,000 $57,036,400,000 Transit Oriented Development 10,000,00010,234,44942,500,791 Planning Programs 128,800,000131,819,706547,410,195 Urbanized Area Formula Grants 4,458,650,0004,563,182,69418,949,620,707 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities258,300,000264,355,8231,097,800,755 Formula Grants for Rural Areas 607,800,000622,049,8232,583,198,107 Bus Testing Facility 3,000,0003,070,33512,750,237 National Transit Institute /Public Transit Institute 5,000,0005,117,22521,250,396 National Transit Database 3,850,0003,940,26316,362,805 State of Good Repair Grants 2,165,900,0005,719,000,00023,216,000,000 Bus and Bus Facilities Grants 427,800,0001,939,000,0007,822,005,339 Growing States and High Density States Formula 525,900,000538,229,6842,235,116,626 Administrative Expenses 1/ 105,933,000114,400,000492,400,000 CAPITAL INVESTMENT GRANTS (GF/TF) 2/ 1,942,938,000 2,500,000,000 10,775,000,000 TRANSIT RESEARCH AND TRAINING (GF/TF) 48,000,000 60,000,000 251,000,000 Workforce Development2,000,00020,000,00080,000,000 EMERGENCY RELIEF PROGRAM 3/ (TF) 0 25,000,000 FAST (TF) NA500,000,0002,000,000,000 RAPID GROWTH AREA TRANSIT PROGRAM (TF)NA 500,000,0002,175,000,000 TOTAL$10,841,871,000 $17,649,400,000 $72,337,400,000 1/Administrative Expenses under Transit Formula Grants account in FY 2015. Was previously funded from General Fund. 2/ FY 2014 enacted level assumes using at least $190 million of prior year balances to fully-fund President’s request of $2.132 billion. 3/Represents balance of funds available after sequestration and transfers.
28 Fixing and Accelerating Surface Transportation (FAST) $500 million in competitively awarded grants to state and local governments with innovative approaches to solving transportation problems. Foster more effective, coordinated investments in regional transportation priorities. Modeled after Dept. of Education’s “Race to the Top.” Jointly administered with $500 million requested annually by FHWA ($1 billion annual total program). New
29 Rapid Growth Area Transit $500 million competitive discretionary grant program would quickly establish bus rapid transit (BRT) service in areas with rapidly growing populations. Streamlined project evaluation criteria related to population and ridership growth and financial capacity to operate current and expanded service. Encourages multi-modal solutions to better integrate BRT with other existing, planned transit options. 50% local match to encourage early and sound local financial commitment. Up to 80% federal share by using FHWA Funds as local match. New
30 Local Hiring The proposal supports local hiring as an effective way to help men and women obtain local jobs and job training on federally funded transportation projects. Opportunities targeted in areas with high unemployment. Ensures local workers are given preference to participate on local transportation construction projects. Creates ladders of economic opportunity in under- served areas. New
31 Bus and Bus Facilities Current program funds construction, replacement and rehabilitation of buses and related facilities. Proposal increases funding by 354% from FY2014- FY2015, dramatically improving the ability to modernize the nation’s bus fleets. (70% formula/30% discretionary) Transit agencies may also compete for discretionary resources for large capital bus projects. Addresses funding shortfall and technical deficiencies in bus programs under MAP-21. Modified
32 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Current program funds mobility programs for seniors and persons with disabilities. Grants could now be made directly to local government entities, removing the requirement to pass through a designated recipient first. The change would streamline the grant awards process, alleviate delays, and serve riders more efficiently. Modified
33 Rural Areas Program Current program provides capital, planning, and operating assistance for transit service implemented by states in rural areas. Proposal increases funding to tribes in recognition of serious need for additional transit service to low-income, rural residents. Each eligible recipient of tribal formula funds will receive a minimum of $20,000 annually. Modified
34 Public Transportation Safety FTA continues to implement safety authority authorized by MAP-21. Proposed changes: – An opt-out provision from the State Safety Oversight program in states with fixed-guideway transit systems below a certain size or ridership level. – FTA may impose civil penalties for violations of safety regulations, and criminal penalties for willful violations. – The Secretary would gain emergency authority to issue orders to restrict or prohibit an unsafe condition or practice on transit systems. Modified
35 Workforce Development (Transit Research & Training) Current program supports innovative efforts to train a new generation of transportation workers. Proposal creates: – New Ladders of Opportunity program that expands support for transit-focused workforce development programs that give priority to minorities, women, individuals with disabilities, veterans, and other groups. – Public Transit Institute to deliver training courses to emerging transit workforce. – Authority would allow recipients under sections 5307, 5337, and 5339 to use a percentage of funds for these activities. Modified
36 High-Performing MPOs Current Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) framework does not emphasize or reward regionally coordinated investments and planning. Incentivizes MPOs in large urban areas to coordinate and increase their technical capacity to undertake a performance-based approach linking investments to improvements in safety, infrastructure, congestion, and other factors. Modified
37 State of Good Repair Current program provides two years of predictable, needs-based formula funds for transit’s state-of-good-repair needs. Proposal significantly increases program funds by 164% percent from FY2014 to FY2015 to address an $86 billion maintenance backlog that continues to grow. This level of investment is necessary to tackle the U.S. infrastructure deficit. Modified
38 Buy America Current program ensures that certain content and final assembly of bus and rail systems are domestically sourced—preserving and creating American manufacturing jobs. Proposal gradually increases the domestic content requirement for manufacturing rolling stock components and subcomponents to 100% by 2018. The change would strengthen domestic manufacturing and innovation. Modified
39 Paying for the GROW AMERICA Act The President proposes renaming the Highway Trust Fund to a new Transportation Trust Fund (TTF), which will fund highways, transit, rail, and TIGER projects. The TTF will provide a source of predictable funding for surface transportation at an appropriate level for the next four years. The TTF will be capitalized with revenues from pro- growth tax reform will supplement the gas tax as a means of financing long-term critical investments in our nation’s transportation infrastructure.
40 Current Status MAP-21 extended to May 31, 2015 at the 2014 authorized levels. FY 2015 Apportionments will depend on Appropriations.
Oversight Overview FTA’s Program Oversight State Management Review Tips on Preparing for Oversight Reviews
Overview of Program Oversight Oversight reviews confirm and promote grantee compliance with grant requirements. Fiduciary responsibility to prevent and identify improper payments and to ensure every dollar counts toward improving public transit. Oversight responsibilities are shared by HQ and regional offices. Contractor support for reviews.
Types of Oversight Reviews Broad Scope: Triennial Review, State Management Review Specialized: Financial Management Oversight Review, Procurement System Review, Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance Review, Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Compliance Review, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act Compliance Review, Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance Review, Cost Allocation Plan Review Single Audits
FY15 State Management Reviews Workshops anticipated in first or second quarter of FY15. 18 SMRs will be conducted, with site-visits commencing after the conclusion of workshops.
State Management Review Top Findings 1.SMP out of date/incomplete 2.Inadequate oversight system 3.Insufficient oversight of Title VI 4.Inactive grants/untimely grant closeouts 5.Incorrect FFR reporting 6.No verification that excluded parties are not participating 7.Insufficient oversight of procurement 8.Late/incomplete progress reports 9.Insufficient oversight of ADA service provision/training requirements 10.Insufficient oversight of route deviation service
Ways to Prepare Understand and review program requirements, i.e. regulations, circulars, grantee certifications and assurances. Attend FTA oversight workshops and NTD training. Maintain file in each Review Area with documentation that is responsive to review questions and documentation requests. Incorporate federal requirements into your agency’s policies and processes. Incorporate routine reviews of compliance with federal requirements into your agency’s internal assessments
Ways to Prepare Study previous review results for your agency and verify corrective actions remain fully implemented. Ask your regional office for technical assistance well in advance of review. Include agency staff in review process to gain information from review process. Close grants, when possible. Substantively respond to findings by due date or request an extension in advance.
FY15 SMR Grantees 1.Rhode Island Public Transit Authority 2.Vermont Agency of Transportation 3.New Jersey Transit Corporation 4.New York State Dept. of Transportation 5.District Dept. Of Transportation, Department of Public Works 6.Georgia Dept. of Human Resources 7.Georgia Dept. Of Transportation-Office of Intermodal Programs 8.Ohio Dept. Of Transportation 9.Wisconsin Dept. Of Transportation/Bureau of Transit 10.Louisiana Dept. Of Transportation & Development 11.New Mexico Dept. of Transportation 12.Nebraska Dept. of Roads 13.Colorado Dept. of Transportation 14.Wyoming Dept. Of Transportation 15.Arizona Dept. Of Transportation 16.Nevada Dept. of Transportation 17.Idaho Transportation Department 18.Oregon Dept. of Transportation
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