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Module Fifteen.  Reactive programs  Can’t discipline away a disability  Fair-Pair rule  Crisis Plans  Reactive programs have little incentive to.

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Presentation on theme: "Module Fifteen.  Reactive programs  Can’t discipline away a disability  Fair-Pair rule  Crisis Plans  Reactive programs have little incentive to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Module Fifteen

2  Reactive programs  Can’t discipline away a disability  Fair-Pair rule  Crisis Plans  Reactive programs have little incentive to change

3  Organization for Autism Research   Education and Service Providers ◦ Six-Step Plan for Success for students with ASSix-Step Plan for Success for students with AS ◦ Worksheets: Questions to ask Parents Worksheets: Questions to ask Parents

4  Organization for Autism Research ◦ ◦ Educate Yourself  Review Autism and Asperger Syndrome Review Autism and Asperger Syndrome ◦ Reach Out to Parents  Worksheet: Questions to Ask Parents Worksheet: Questions to Ask Parents  Prepare the Classroom ◦ TEACCH TEACCH  Educate Peers and Promote Social Goals ◦ Peer Buddy System  Collaborate with Colleagues  Manage Behavioral Challenges ◦ BIP

5  What is the value of Homework?  The Homework Myth: Homework increases student achievement. ◦ The link between homework and student achievement is far from clear. There is no conclusive evidence that homework increases student achievement across the board. Some studies show positive effects of homework under certain conditions and for certain students, some show no effects, and some suggest negative effects. (Center for Public Education)  Student’s with AS experience great emotional stress in school, they need solitude at home  Determine if homework can be completed during school hours  Create a Homework Plan: ◦ Checklist ◦ Time ◦ Modifications

6 Homework Adaptations  Size: # of items  Time: more time  Input: Adapt the way instruction is delivered-visual aids  Output: Adapt how the learner responds  Difficulty: Allow calculator or mult. table  Participation: Adapt how the student is involved  Level of Support: Peer buddy  Alternate Goals: Adapt curriculum goals and focus on the social goals  Substitute Curriculum: Lower functioning pop.

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8  Prone to bullying due to their uniqueness and being alone  Staff can create a “Circle of Friends” or a peer buddy system to help insulate from bullies  School-wide Zero Tolerance ◦ Increase supervision in target areas ◦ What to do if you observe bullying: sheets/tip-sheet-04.aspx sheets/tip-sheet-04.aspx ◦ Carol Gray’s Guide to Bullying  View appendices from the book here View appendices from the book here

9  Select and train peers  Create supervised activities  Peer Selection ◦ Calm personality ◦ Sense of humor ◦ Ability to deflect teasing ◦ Moves easily amongst peer groups ◦ Has many stable friends ◦ Consistent personality


11  Achievement and academic success is often an antidote for stress and anxiety  Be sure to create a schedule that offers opportunities for student success ◦ Focus on strengths ◦ Select curriculum which includes topic of special interest  They are rewarded by task completion and intelligence

12  Field trip to Jr. High (5 th grade)  Spend time walking around  Sensory Factors (Hallway Passing)  Lockers (practice combination, key lock)  Visit the school a week before school starts (schedule early,walk from class to class)  P.E. (lockers, practice changing)  Request copy of books for the following year to review over the summer (Tutoring)  Daily agenda

13  Networking ◦ exchange phone numbers and emails with other class participants  Mentors  Conference and workshop attendance  Autism Support Organizations  Resources ◦ Books ◦ Websites

14  Work in Progress, Appendix E: Performance Evaluation  Complete the Performance Evaluation  Post Strengths and weaknesses  Lesson Plans Due  Completed Case Study

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