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A new way to monitor System Automation configuration file LUDIWAC Helcia Conseil.

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Presentation on theme: "A new way to monitor System Automation configuration file LUDIWAC Helcia Conseil."— Presentation transcript:

1 A new way to monitor System Automation configuration file LUDIWAC Helcia Conseil

2 Preamble – The use cases described in this presentation are based on scenarii found in actual industrial applications. – The interface screenshots presented here are subject to change for the commercial version of the software. As such they hold no contractual value for this Beta version. Helcia Conseil – 20152

3 Introduction This interface was made in response to the following two issues that arise while managing System Automation:  Optimize information search in the configuration database with visualization tools for faster and easier data understanding.  Foresee activation errors found in the configuration and avoid on-call specialists intervention during the night or week-ends. Helcia Conseil - 20153

4 A new interface : why? – Make data search and visualization easier. – Save time when looking for specific information. – Check and show applications relationships. – Simulate actions taken by Runmodes. – Easily filter log information. – Control variables used in commands. – Compare data between 2 TSA databases. Helcia Conseil - 20154

5 Use case 1 My TSA application doesn’t start ! – Syntax error within TSA ? – TSA variable issue ? – z/OS variable issue ? – Undefined command ? – … The needs:  Quickly find the application in the configuration file.  Immediately show defined commands.  Validate variables used in the commands. Helcia Conseil - 20155

6 Solution 1 How to find my application:  Entry name search  Subsystem name search  Or search with jobname, application type… How to show commands immediately:  Get the most data with one click. How to find used variables:  Print values and warn if they’re null. Helcia Conseil - 20156

7 Select Applications entries Helcia Conseil - 20157 Select Browse menu for Entry type selection

8 See all APL with JES2 token filter Helcia Conseil – 20158 Filtering

9 See rels and cmd on JES2 APL Helcia Conseil - 20159

10 See other data on JES2 APL Helcia Conseil - 201510

11 See all details on JES2 APL Helcia Conseil - 201511

12 Global Search for « JES2 » string Helcia Conseil - 201512

13 See all entry containing « JES2 » string Helcia Conseil – 201513

14 Find another APL directly Helcia Conseil - 201514

15 Another APL attributes sample Helcia Conseil - 201515

16 APL Clone variable substitution Helcia Conseil - 201416

17 Service periods 1/2 Helcia Conseil - 201417

18 Service periods 2/2 Helcia Conseil - 201418

19 Use case 2 My message command wasn’t executed! – Syntax error within TSA? – TSA variable issue? – z/OS variable issue? – MRT issue? – Override issue in the automation table? The needs:  Quickly find my message in the configuration database.  Show linked applications.  See message management in the message table and MRT. Helcia Conseil - 201419

20 Solution 2 How to find the message:  Search with message ID.  Search with message prefix.  Search from an Application. How to check active filtering:  How is the message managed in the MRT? Helcia Conseil - 201420

21 Show all messages Helcia Conseil - 201421

22 Search prefix message Helcia Conseil - 201422

23 Search specific UP message Helcia Conseil - 201423

24 Checking Message Code Match Helcia Conseil - 201424

25 Automation table override message and where used Helcia Conseil - 201425

26 Use case 3 I added a new application. How do I make sure it will start and stop properly? – Are there well defined relationships? – Would another relationship create an issue? – Do relationships loop with other resources? The needs:  Visualize relationships network.  Check linked resources’ own relationships.  Warn the user when relationships loop. Helcia Conseil - 201426

27 Solution 3 How to quickly find relationships:  Find the application (see use case 1),  Show the applications network in one click.  Browse the network by selecting applications.  Find relationships in one click. Helcia Conseil - 201427

28 See TCIP APL rels Helcia Conseil - 201428

29 Relationships level dependency Helcia Conseil - 201429

30 Loops in relationships Helcia Conseil - 201430

31 Use case 4 I added a new Runmode. – Which resources are affected by this Runmode? – Which resources may be stopped ? The needs:  See the tokens associated with the Runmode and related applications.  Verify which applications will be stopped when activating the Runmode. Helcia Conseil - 201431

32 Runmode Simulator 2015 Helcia Conseil - 201432

33 Planned features  MRT Filtering  Syslog filters  Canzlog filters  z/OS system symbols substitutions  Comparison between two ACFs  And much more… Helcia Conseil - 201533

34 Interface Web: The Future September 2015 Version 1.0 PDB import Visualization January 2016 Version 1.1 Policy Objects insertion June 2016 Version 1.2 New monitoring tools Helcia Conseil - 201434

35 Conclusion Easier diagnostic for TSA errors. Faster data research. Easier learning curve for new engineers. Helcia Conseil - 201435

36 Thank you ! Feel free to contact us for any additional information, to schedule a demonstration – or join the beta. Helcia Conseil - 201536

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