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Pyheadtail Comparison and Development

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1 Pyheadtail Comparison and Development
Aaron Axford Technical Student CERN, Geneva Nottingham Trent University Thanks to: Giovanni Iadarola, Giovanni Rumolo, Kevin Li Michael Schenk

2 Contents Pyheadtail Overview Simulation Parameters
Current Pyheadtail results compared with Headtail Comparison of Varying number of kicks Comparison of Varying Dt_ref Comparison of changing magnetic field Analysis of repeat simulations

3 Differences for Pyheadtail from Headtail
Presence of the chamber (Shape of the initial ecloud and an electromagnetic boundary) Losses need to be implemented in order to avoid unphysical motion of large amplitude electrons Magnetic field For PyHDTL, B = 0.1T For HDTL, H motion is frozen

4 Current Pyheadtail results compared to Headtail
Aims Show that the Pyheadtail model results are comparable to Headtail

5 Simulation Parameters Q26 Optics
Value Intensity 1.5e11 ppb Chamber Dimensions (MBB) Chamber Dimensions (Drift) X_aper = 6.5e-2m Y_aper = 2.4e-2m X_aper = 2.8e-2m Y_aper = 2.8e-2m B_multip 1.2133e-1 Tesla Ring Circumference 6911m Synchrotron tune 0.059 Betatron tune (Horizontal) 26.13 Betatron tune (Vertical) 26.18 Rf voltage 2e6 V Dh_sc 0.2e-3

6 Simulation Parameters Q20 Optics
Value Intensity 1.5e11 ppb Chamber Dimensions (MBB) Chamber Dimensions (Drift) X_aper = 6.5e-2m Y_aper = 2.4e-2m X_aper = 2.8e-2m Y_aper = 2.8e-2m B_multip 1.2133e-1 Tesla Ring Circumference 6911m Synchrotron tune 0.017 Betatron tune (Horizontal) 20.13 Betatron tune (Vertical) 20.18 Rf voltage 5.75e6 V Dh_sc 0.2e-3

7 Pyheadtail (Top) vs Headtail (Bottom)
Instability threshold PyHDTL ≈ 4.2e11 HDTL ≈ 3.6e11

8 Pyheadtail (Top) vs Headtail (Bottom)

9 Pyheadtail (Top) vs Headtail (Bottom)
Instability threshold PyHDTL ≈ 3.1e11 HDTL ≈ 3.2e11

10 Pyheadtail (Top) vs Headtail (Bottom)

11 Comparison of varying Number of kicks
Aims Look for the effect of the number of kicks simulated on the vertical motion and emittance Check for any benefit using prime numbers

12 Comparison of varying Number of kicks

13 Comparison of varying Number of kicks

14 Comparison of varying Dt_ref

15 Comparison of varying Dt_ref

16 Comparison of varying Dt_ref

17 Comparison of varying Dt_ref

18 Comparison of varying Dt_ref

19 Number of kicks against Computation Time

20 Comparison of varying Bo
Aims Observe the outcome when using a Magnetic field varying from 0.1Tesla to 1.9 Tesla

21 Comparison of varying magnetic field

22 Comparison of Repeated reading
Aims Observe the difference with identical simulations repeated

23 Comparison of Repeated reading

24 Comparison of Repeated reading
Strongly affected by the random number generator

25 Summary PyHDTL shows a strong reliability with comparison to HDTL results for all tested optics and setups More investigation needed for varying of repeated simulations

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