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Controlling Diseases and Parasites. Next Generation Science / Common Core Standards Addressed!  CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.11-12.9 Integrate information from.

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Presentation on theme: "Controlling Diseases and Parasites. Next Generation Science / Common Core Standards Addressed!  CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.11-12.9 Integrate information from."— Presentation transcript:

1 Controlling Diseases and Parasites

2 Next Generation Science / Common Core Standards Addressed!  CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.11-12.9 Integrate information from diverse sources, both primary and secondary, into a coherent understanding of an idea or event, noting discrepancies among sources.  CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.11-12.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including analyzing how an author uses and refines the meaning of a key term over the course of a text.

3 Bell Work!  How can you manage an animals environment to control internal parasites?  How does nutritional management play a role in control of parasites?  What are some non – chemical means of controlling parasites?  What is an environmental pesticide application program?

4 Terms:  Antibodies  Biological Product  Colostrum  Immunity  Insecticide  Intermediate host  Parasite  Sanitation  Vaccine

5 Internal Parasites:  The objective of a parasite control program is to disrupt the life cycle whether the animal in infected by a direct life cycle or indirect life cycle. (indirect requiring a host)  By breaking the cycle and eliminating the parasite the animal will be healthy and more productive.  Breaking the life cycle and destroying the parasite will result in :  Improved nutrition  Improved environment for the animal  All for implementation of a control and treatment program to prevent future infestation.

6 Nutritional Management Practices:  Elimination of parasites in grazed pastures will improve the condition of grazing animals and hopefully prevent re-infestation.  Pasture parasites may be eliminated by;  Rotating pastures  Prevention of overgrazing  Prevention of overcrowding  Avoid grazing during infective stages by the parasite

7 Supplemental Feeding:  Livestock and pets that receive a balanced diet will have greater resistance to both internal and external parasites.  Proper nutrition will lower the chance of parasite establishment, decrease duration of the infection and help the animal recover more rapidly.

8 Environmental Management Practices:  Improving the sanitation of the animal’s environment will break the life cycle of infectious parasites. Reducing Manure – reduces eggs and larva as well as a site for intermediate hosts such as flies, and beetles. Maintain clean, dry housing for confined animals Drain standing water – reduces intermediate hosts such as mosquitos, gnats and fleas. Provide clean drinking water Replace animal bedding

9 Drug Administration:  Drugs to prevent animal parasites should be administered for three reasons;  To kill internal or external parasites affecting the animal.  To stop damage caused by parasites.  To control parasites.  Strategic administration will prevent environmental contamination

10 Strategic Parasite control:  Strategic control of parasites requires proper timing. The drug must be administered at the proper time to disrupt the lifecycle of the targeted parasite.  Proper timing is when you believe the animal may have been exposed to parasites and be infected.  Periodic fecal exams should be performed.

11 External Parasites:  Management practices for controlling external parasites included both chemical and non-chemical means.  Management practices include breaking the life cycle but also killing the immature and mature stages of parasite causing the infestation.

12 Environmental Practices to control External parasites.  Environmental control of external parasites must focus n destroying breeing sites of parasitic arthropods.  Remove decaying manure and bedding.  Remove lawn clippings.  Remove standing water and ensure proper drainage.  Remove garbage.  Destroy the carcasses of dead animals.  Insecticide application.

13 Animal Management to control external Parasites.  The following management techniques will help in the control of external parasites.  Practice proper stocking rates.  If housing in dry lots or indoors provide adequate stocking rates.  Isolate and treat new animals prior to co-mingling with the herd.  Protect animals from temperature extremes that might weaken the animal making it more susceptible to infestation.  Provide proper nutrition to avoid weakening the animal.  Observe animals daily if possible although in New Mexico the scope of ranching makes daily observation almost impossible.

14 Insecticide Application  Insecticides may be administered to animals by self application or by hands on application.  Dipping  Dusts  Sprays  Pour on  Injection  oral

15 The End!

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