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Managing People An HR Perspective Howard Rosenthal Director of HR & OD.

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Presentation on theme: "Managing People An HR Perspective Howard Rosenthal Director of HR & OD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing People An HR Perspective Howard Rosenthal Director of HR & OD

2 Managing People Managing People – An HR Perspective Objectives
Be able to describe and interpret what it means to manage people in different contexts Gain insight into some of the challenges involved in managing people Develop your understanding of why good management is essential and learn how to be a better manager Gain insight into the human dynamic of managing people (through an introduction to Emotional Intelligence) Learn about the role of the ‘manager as coach’

3 Managing People – An HR Perspective
Objectives My career story / background What is HR? Attraction, development, retention HR as your business partner: as a manager how you need to work effectively with colleagues in HR around people management issues Things that go wrong when you’re managing people, and why – case studies Summing up: what you believe to be “best practice” in terms of people management Q&A

4 Managing People – An HR Perspective
What is HR?

5 What is HR? – The CIPD View
Managing People – An HR Perspective What is HR? – The CIPD View

6 Management in HR Context: Engagement - The four enablers*:
Managing People – An HR Perspective Management in HR Context: Engagement - The four enablers*: Leadership that gives a ‘strong strategic narrative about the organisation, where it’s come from and where it’s going’. Line managers who motivate, empower and support their employees. Employee voice throughout the organisation, to challenge or reinforce the status quo and involve employees in decision making. ‘Organisational integrity’: stated values are embedded into organisational culture; what we say is what we do. *The Macleod Review 2009

7 Managing People – An HR Perspective
What is “Engagement” and why does it matter? CIPD define “engagement” as: “being positively present during the performance of work by willingly contributing intellectual effort, experiencing positive emotions and meaningful connections to others” Engage for Success (voluntary movement of members of many leading employers committed to implementing the findings of the Macleod Report: “Engaging for Success”) say that: “Despite ... some debate about the precise meaning of employee engagement …we know: it is measurable; it can be correlated with performance; and it varies from poor to great. Most importantly employers can do a great deal to impact on people’s level of engagement. That is what makes it so important, as a tool for business success.”

8 Case Study – HR as Business Partner
Managing People – An HR Perspective Case Study – HR as Business Partner SHP has won the contract to deliver a community support service that is currently being run by another organisation In the past, transfers like this have challenged all concerned Our senior operational managers and HR Dept are working together to “transfer” the staff and service effectively SHP’s contract is to deliver the service in a different way to how it was previously delivered and with fewer staff The team transferring are all long serving and the manager, also transferring, says that it is a good team who all support each other, that they have been trusted to get on with it and have various flexible working arrangements, that she manages informally and with an “open door” policy. 

9 Case Study – HR as Business Partner
Managing People – An HR Perspective Case Study – HR as Business Partner You are either: HR Advisor/Manager/Business Partner Senior Operational Manager Member of the Team Transferring What are: The challenges, risks and opportunities you are facing? Your options and preferences for the action to be taken? What help you need from others?

10 Case Study – Possible Themes
Managing People – An HR Perspective Case Study – Possible Themes Prevent disruption to clients and smooth and speedy implementation Protection of contractual terms Redundancy Address pressure, stress and anxiety Change management Planned integration, induction, culture etc Clear policies, procedures and norms Records of all issues raised and of legal compliance

11 Summary and Q&A Further questions? HR as Business Partner
Managing People – An HR Perspective Summary and Q&A Further questions? HR as Business Partner Things that go wrong Best Practice THANKS !

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