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In the Beginning: Science and Genesis 1-11 “If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?“ Psalm 11:3.

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Presentation on theme: "In the Beginning: Science and Genesis 1-11 “If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?“ Psalm 11:3."— Presentation transcript:

1 In the Beginning: Science and Genesis 1-11 “If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?“ Psalm 11:3

2 Foundational Truths Learned 1. Evolution is Illogical


4 “The only basis, the only presupposition, that allows for factuality and the scientific enterprise is the truth of Scripture. Without the Bible, science has no order in nature to expect, and the scientist finds himself adrift between abstract timeless logic and pure ultimate potentiality – or “pure chance.” “The only basis, the only presupposition, that allows for factuality and the scientific enterprise is the truth of Scripture. Without the Bible, science has no order in nature to expect, and the scientist finds himself adrift between abstract timeless logic and pure ultimate potentiality – or “pure chance.” Revelation, Speculation and Science Dr. Greg Bahnsen

5 “The scientist must believe that he confronts a system when he does his work, or else the work would be futile. That system is either the result of the purposeful plan of the sovereign God, or it is the reflection into the unknowable “universe” of the ordering mind of man – which in its turn is equally unknowable.” “The scientist must believe that he confronts a system when he does his work, or else the work would be futile. That system is either the result of the purposeful plan of the sovereign God, or it is the reflection into the unknowable “universe” of the ordering mind of man – which in its turn is equally unknowable.”

6 “If the scientist refuses to presuppose the truth of Scripture…, he will have neither a true universe to investigate or any reason to suppose he has the ability to do so. The Bible provides the only possible presupposition for all thought and reason.” “If the scientist refuses to presuppose the truth of Scripture…, he will have neither a true universe to investigate or any reason to suppose he has the ability to do so. The Bible provides the only possible presupposition for all thought and reason.”

7 Foundational Truths Learned 1. Evolution is Illogical 2. Radiometric Dating Does Not Support an Old Earth

8 Problems with Dating Methods 1 The Great Flood!!! 1 The Great Flood!!! 2 Water Soluble 2 Water Soluble 3 Natural Daughter Elements 3 Natural Daughter Elements 4 Decay Rates 4 Decay Rates


10 Grand Canyon Basalt Lava Flow

11 What is the correct “age” of the Cardenas Basalt lavas using radiometric dating? (a) 516±30 million years (the potassium-argon age) (a) 516±30 million years (the potassium-argon age) (b) 1,111±81 million years (the rubidium-strontium age) (b) 1,111±81 million years (the rubidium-strontium age) (c) 1,588±170 million years (the samarium-neodymium age) (c) 1,588±170 million years (the samarium-neodymium age) None of the above!! None of the above!!




15 Polonium Radiogenic Halos

16 Radioactive Decay – an Example

17 The half-life of P214 is 64 microseconds - that’s.000164 of a second!

18 Psalm 33:9 “For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast.”

19 Foundational Truths Learned 1. Evolution is Illogical 2. Radiometric Dating Does Not Support an Old Earth 3. Information Disproves Darwinian Evolution

20 AmoebaMan This requires an astronomical increase in information!!

21 Information is an intangible!

22 Any given chain of information can be traced backward to an intelligent source Scientific Laws about Information Not the source! Source of the information The Author!

23 Information comprises the nonmaterial foundation for all: Scientific Laws about Information  biological systems  technological systems  works of art

24 Logical Deduction Refuted the assumption of scientific materialism and the theories of chemical and biological evolution Refuted the assumption of scientific materialism and the theories of chemical and biological evolution Established the existence of an eternal, all- knowing, all-powerful Creator Established the existence of an eternal, all- knowing, all-powerful Creator Therefore, the scientific laws about information have:

25 Foundational Truths Learned 1. Evolution is Illogical 2. Radiometric Dating Does Not Support an Old Earth 3. Information Disproves Darwinian Evolution 4. Genetics Falsifies Darwinian Evolution


27 “We have reviewed compelling evidence that even when ignoring deleterious mutations, mutation/selection cannot create a single gene – not within the human evolutionary timescale. “We have reviewed compelling evidence that even when ignoring deleterious mutations, mutation/selection cannot create a single gene – not within the human evolutionary timescale. Dr. John Sanford – Genetic Entropy

28 “When deleterious mutations are factored back in, we see that mutation/selection cannot create a single gene – ever. This is overwhelming evidence against the Primary Axiom.” “When deleterious mutations are factored back in, we see that mutation/selection cannot create a single gene – ever. This is overwhelming evidence against the Primary Axiom.” Dr. John Sanford – Genetic Entropy

29 “In my opinion this constitutes what is essentially a formal proof that the Primary Axiom (Neo-Darwinism) is false.” “In my opinion this constitutes what is essentially a formal proof that the Primary Axiom (Neo-Darwinism) is false.” Dr. John Sanford – Genetic Entropy

30 Primary Axiom: The belief that “man is merely the product of random mutations plus natural selection.” The belief that “man is merely the product of random mutations plus natural selection.”

31 Biological Decay Curve and the Declining Lifespan of Noah’s Descendants 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 Born centuries after Noah (lived 950 years) Correlation Coefficient =.90 Confirms Scientifically Genesis Chapter 5!

32 Foundational Truths Learned 1. Evolution is Illogical 2. Radiometric Dating Does Not Support an Old Earth 3. Information Disproves Darwinian Evolution 4. Genetics Falsifies Darwinian Evolution 5. The Evidence in the Fossil Record Does Not Support Darwinian Evolution

33 Pierre-Paul Grasse, Chair of Evolution at the Sorbonne “Naturalists must remember that the process of evolution is revealed only through fossil forms. A knowledge of paleontology is, therefore, a prerequisite; only paleontology can provide them with the evidence and reveal its course or mechanisms.” “Naturalists must remember that the process of evolution is revealed only through fossil forms. A knowledge of paleontology is, therefore, a prerequisite; only paleontology can provide them with the evidence and reveal its course or mechanisms.”

34 Examining the Evidence Morphology Time (540 mya) CambrianPrecambrian Darwinian Model Actual Data Sudden appearance of complex creatures created after their kind (Gen 1:24-25) Supposed Tree of life

35 The Great Fossil Mystery Darwin predicted that the fossil record would abound with transitional fossils, but we find… Darwin predicted that the fossil record would abound with transitional fossils, but we find… Two Great Facts of the Fossil Record: Two Great Facts of the Fossil Record: New types appear abruptly – New types appear abruptly – Abrupt Appearance Abrupt Appearance New types stay the same – New types stay the same – Stasis Stasis


37 Stephen Jay Gould, late Harvard paleontologist: “The extreme rarity of intermediate forms persists as the trade secret of paleontology.” “The extreme rarity of intermediate forms persists as the trade secret of paleontology.”

38 Fossil embarrassment at-a-glance… Fossils are supposed to show gradual, step-by-step change. Yet… Fossils are supposed to show gradual, step-by-step change. Yet… Over 200,000 species have been dug up, and it’s now clear: fossils do not document gradualism. Fossil evidence fits perfectly with the idea of separate creation of basic “kinds” as seen in Genesis 1:24-25.

39 In the Beginning: Science and Genesis 1-11 Rich Akin Lakeside Community Chapel September-December 2012

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