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Published byRhoda Hart Modified over 9 years ago
The Svalbard Integrated Earth Observing System (SIOS)
Implementation of the SIOS Knowledge Centre and Status of work Status information forNySMAC 24 April 2015, Toyama, Japan Jon Børre Ørbæk, Research Council Norway, SIOS-Preparatory Phase Coordinator First I would, on behalf of the SIOS Coordinating Team here at the Reserach Council (Kine Stenersen, Christine Daae Olseng and me, as well as Thorbjørn Giblerg since the summer), WELCOME you all to this 4th GA. We are very happy to see the continued interest in contributing to the planning of this project. Thank you. This was originally ment to be the FINAL GA. It is probably the final GA, but not marking the end of the Preparatory Phase. If we will organize a FINAL meeting before the end of the PP, i.e. at latest by 1. October 2014, remains to be discussed. Our ambition is to start the Implementation Phase before we terminate our work. However, this will be decided early spring when we see better how we are actually going to approach implementation. The Program these 2 days is busy. This is a 4 days combined meeting of the SIOS SB,GA,SC and PB. Invitations to SC and PB are for stakeholders.. Jon Børre Ørbæk1,2, Bente Lilja Bye1, Ragnhild Rønneberg1, Christine Olseng1, Bo Andersen3, Nicole Biebow4, Cynan Ellis-Evans5, Piotr Glowacki6, Kim Holmén7, Ole-Arve Misund8, Sergei Priamikov9, Hyoung Chul Shin10, Vito Vitale11, Kaja Davidsen Høvding1, Kine Stenersen1, Thorbjørn Gilberg1 SIOS Coordinating Team: 1 Norwegian Research Council SIOS Preparatory Phase Steering Board: 2 Norwegian Research Council, 3 Norwegian Space Centre, 4 Alfred Wegener Institute - Germany, 5 British Antarctic Survey - UK, 6 Institute of Geophysics - Polish Academy of Sciences, 7 Norwegian Polar Institute, 8 University Centre in Svalbard - Norway, 9 Arctic, Antarctic Research Institute - Russia, 10 Korea Polar Research Institute, 11Consiglio Nazionale delle Recherche – Italy.
Svalbard Integrated Earth Observing System (SIOS) – Jon Børre Ørbæk, Research Council of Norway
Arctic Science Summit Week 2015 (ISAR-4 / ICARP III), April 2015, Toyama, Japan SIOS - Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System ( A Global Distributed Regional RI in the European Arctic Building on the existing extensive Research Infrastructure Better coordination, integration and collaboration under a joint framework Ny-Ålesund International Research Station Ocean and seafloor observatories Building on the existing extensive Research Infrastructure Collaboration between distributed and independent activity programs Research infrastructure from 13 nations present at 4 major settlements, numerous monitoring sites and offshore facilities Better coordination, integration and collaboration under a joint framework SIOS posted by Norway for the ESFRI Roadmap 2008, Coordination initiative Setting up joint institutions and facilities for the provision of world class RI Establishing common solutions and strategies, user access, data sharing.. Svalbard - A unique site for building an Integrated State-of-the-art Observing System Longyearbyen Research Park and University Centre in Svalbard Russian Science Centre in Barentsburg Polish Polar Station Hornsund Polish Polar Station in Hornsund
Norwegian Governmental Research- and Svalbard Policies
Svalbard Integrated Earth Observing System (SIOS) – Jon Børre Ørbæk, Research Council of Norway Arctic Science Summit Week 2015 (ISAR-4 / ICARP III), April 2015, Toyama, Japan SIOS Vision and Goals Improve Svalbard as a world leading Norwegian platform for international polar research Establish and offer a state-of-the-art observing system in the Earth System Science domain Facilitate better cooperation, coordination and promotion of excellent research ... innen Earth System Science (ESS), jordsystemforståelse stimulere det internasjonale polarforskningsmiljøet til ... i samsvar med ESFRI, EU og OECDs anerkjente prinsipper for Best Practice & Excellence SIOS shall develop a regional observational system for long term acquisition and proliferation of fundamental knowledge on global environmental change (GEC) within an Earth System Science (ESS) perspective in and around Svalbard. SIOS will systematically develop and implement methods for how observational networks are to be designed and implemented in Arctic environments. The main activities of SIOS are to: (a) facilitate common access to each other´s infrastructures according to general guidelines in order to push the forefront of scientific knowledge beyond the current state of knowledge, insight and technologies; (b) coordinate the use of relevant research infrastructures on a voluntary basis; (c) contribute to the planning of and coordination of national investments in new research infrastructures, to be decided by the relevant national authorities; (d) facilitate the sharing of scientific data ,observations and scientific results, and undertake other cooperative endeavours that can improve and promote polar GEC research. 2.4 SIOS will establish joint services for members and coordinate activities, and thereby providing added value to the members. The joint services will benefit the whole international polar research community, and will make Svalbard the leading polar research platform in the Arctic. The joint services will be organized and administrated by the SIOS KC. Strategy Framework: Norwegian Governmental Research- and Svalbard Policies ESFRI and OECD principles of Best Practice & Excellence Established qualities of the international partners, the research communities and their research priorities
SIOS – Building on Best Practice Principles & Open Access
Svalbard Integrated Earth Observing System (SIOS) – Jon Børre Ørbæk, Research Council of Norway Arctic Science Summit Week 2015 (ISAR-4 / ICARP III), April 2015, Toyama, Japan SIOS – Building on Best Practice Principles & Open Access ESFRI – Research Infrastructure – Definition & Best Practice: OPEN ACCESS POLICY: SIOS should be open to all interested researchers, based on open competition and selection of proposals evaluated on the sole scientific excellence by international peer review. BEST PRACTICE MANAGEMENT: SIOS, as a European Distributed Research Infrastructure recognized by ESFRI, shall establish a single Research Infrastructure with a common legal form and a single management board responsible for the whole Research Infrastructure, and with a governance structure including among others a Strategy and Development Plan and one access point for users although its research facilities have multiple sites. ADDED VALUE: SIOS, as a European Distributed Research Infrastructure, must addressing a clear integration and convergence of the scientific and technical standards offered to European and global users. OECD – Principles and Guidelines for Access to Research Data from Public Funding: ACCESS TO DATA: SIOS will create a culture of openness and stimulate ”best practice” with respect to and sharing of data, building on the OECD principle of “Full and open access to scientific data, which should be adopted as the international norm for the exchange of scientific data derived from publicly funded research”.
Norwegian Policies Strategy for the High North (2006), New building blocks in the North (2009), White paper on The High North (2011) Governmental White Paper on Svalbard ( ) White Papers on Research (2008 og 2012), clear signals for establishing SIOS Nordområdestrategien (2006), Nye byggesteiner i nord (2009), Nordområdene – Visjon og virkemidler (2011) St. meld. nr. 22 ( ) Svalbard Forskningsmeldingene (2008 og 2012) har gitt tydelige politiske signaler om å etablere SIOS-KC med norsk vertskap.
SIOS – Preparatory Phase Project (PPP)
Svalbard Integrated Earth Observing System (SIOS) – Jon Børre Ørbæk, Research Council of Norway Arctic Science Summit Week 2015 (ISAR-4 / ICARP III), April 2015, Toyama, Japan SIOS – Preparatory Phase Project (PPP) A challenging ESFRI preparatory project with 14 participating countries + 5 associated 26 partner institutions + 23 associated Funded by EU/FP7 (4 M€) + national contributions For a short 3 (+1) year period – Partner institutions: Participating Countries: Norway Sweden (UoS) Denmark (GEM) Finland (FMI) UK (NERC) Germany (AWI) France (IPEV) Netherlands (UoG) Italy (CNR) Poland (IGF/IOS-PAS) Russia (AARI, RAS) China (PRIC) Korea (KOPRI) Japan (NIPR) Partnership contacts with Czech Republic (Uo SB) USA (NSF and NOAA) India (NCAOR) Canada (ISAC)
Arctic Earth System Science
Svalbard Integrated Earth Observing System (SIOS) – Jon Børre Ørbæk, Research Council of Norway Arctic Science Summit Week 2015 (ISAR-4 / ICARP III), April 2015, Toyama, Japan SIOS - Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System A Research Infrastructure for Arctic Earth System Science The main objectives and Assets of SIOS are: Establish the SIOS observing system, a State-of-the-Art Integrated system for long term measurements addressing Earth System Science (ESS) questions related to Global Change. The SIOS Knowledge Centre, with core services for Access, Data, Logistics, Earth Observation, Training, Integration The International Framework, A regional contribution to SAON, other Research Infrastructures, networks and activities Japanese research station «Rabben», Ny-Ålesund Ny-Ålesund Hornsund Barentsburg Research Centre
d. Main and remote locations of SIOS RI (SSF-RiS) .
Svalbard Integrated Earth Observing System (SIOS) – Jon Børre Ørbæk, Research Council of Norway Arctic Science Summit Week 2015 (ISAR-4 / ICARP III), April 2015, Toyama, Japan Main and remote locations of SIOS RI (SSF-RiS) . SIOS Partner Research Infrastructure 2014 Permanent bases and remote observations, met-stations, buoys, time-series An Integrated Regional contribution to a Sustained Arctic Observing System (SAON) in the Earth System Science (ESS) domain.. SIOS SDMS – A tool to identify and access all ESS relevant data
SIOS – Knowledge Centre Main assets and implementation
Svalbard Integrated Earth Observing System (SIOS) – Jon Børre Ørbæk, Research Council of Norway Arctic Science Summit Week 2015 (ISAR-4 / ICARP III), April 2015, Toyama, Japan SIOS – Knowledge Centre Main assets and implementation SIOS shall coordinate a state-of-the-art research infrastructure (RI) and observing capacity in the Svalbard region in order to foster excellent environmental- and climate change research in an Earth System Science (ESS) perspective. The main assets and activities where SIOS can contribute: Integration of observations, Linking observatories: Pan-Arctic Scale studies involving High Arctic Observatories, New networks, Supersites, Integration, climate parameters, Belmont Forum Data sharing: SIOS Distributed Data Management System, Metadata brokering, harmonization, co-ord., AC/SAON Access Programme: Open access programmes, Transnational access to observing systems, facilities and research infrastructure Training Programmes: Mobility of young scientists, Summer Schools, field camps, Centers of Excellence, UARCTIC Earth Observation: Extensive RI in Svalbard, ESA-Sentinels, Japan-Jaxa, US/Canadian, SIOS Remote Sensing Service, GEO Cold Region Activity, COPERNICUS, GEOSS Observation Technologies: Low fotprint, autonomous systems, broadband communication Funding opportunities: H Belmont Forum, JPI-Climate,Ocean, Bilateral
SIOS Preparatory Phase Project
Svalbard Integrated Earth Observing System (SIOS) – Jon Børre Ørbæk, Research Council of Norway Arctic Science Summit Week 2015 (ISAR-4 / ICARP III), April 2015, Toyama, Japan SIOS Preparatory Phase Project Results Preparation and planning of the Scientific, Technical, Financial, Legal and Organisational Case 26 partner institutions from 14 countries Implementation plans for the SIOS Knowledge Centre and Services Financial Strategy for the Opeartional Phase Statutes and Policy Framework for the collaboration Legal and Governance structure FINAL REPORT on Ny-Ålesund Hornsund Barentsburg Research Centre
SIOS Interim Phase Project
Svalbard Integrated Earth Observing System (SIOS) – Jon Børre Ørbæk, Research Council of Norway Arctic Science Summit Week 2015 (ISAR-4 / ICARP III), April 2015, Toyama, Japan SIOS Interim Phase Project Plans Gradual Implementation of the SIOS Knowledge Centre launched at SIOS Policy Board meeting 21 November 2014 Decision by the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research with support from International Partners and External Scientific Advisory Panel Led by University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS) and Norwegian Polar Institute (NP) Participation by 9 international partners having submitted Letter of Commitments (LOC) to the Implementation Phase Japan (NIPR), Germany (AWI), Italy (CNR) Finland (FMI/UH), UK (BAS), France (IPEV) Poland (IGF-PAS), Sweden (SU), China (PRIC) Major funding from the Norwegian Research Council according to the Norwegian host offer (4 (5) positions, minimum 1/3 of implementation costs) NP and UNIS invited to submit an Interim Project Proposal to the RCN in December 2014 Ny-Ålesund Hornsund Barentsburg Research Centre
SIOS Interim Phase Project
Svalbard Integrated Earth Observing System (SIOS) – Jon Børre Ørbæk, Research Council of Norway Arctic Science Summit Week 2015 (ISAR-4 / ICARP III), April 2015, Toyama, Japan SIOS Interim Phase Project Expectations Gradual Implementation of the SIOS Knowledge Centre Interim Project Proposal received 10 March 2015 Evaluation and financial decision by RCN by end of April 2015 Establishment of a Setup team in Longyearbyen (5 persons) Active involvement of the 9 international partners (LOCs) Establishment of the interim governance bodies with RICC, Steering Board, Stakeholder group Kick off meeting before summer 2015 Priority to early pilot services related to Data management system, Access programme Remote Sensing Service, Web portal Detailed Progress plan to be worked out with the international partners needed Additional funding needed during the implementation phase Formal establishment of SIOS in 2016 (Ministry decision) Agreement on Membership in SIOS by all partners by 2017 Additional support and active use of H2020 Ny-Ålesund Hornsund Barentsburg Research Centre
Svalbard Integrated Earth Observing System (SIOS) – Jon Børre Ørbæk, Research Council of Norway
Arctic Science Summit Week 2015 (ISAR-4 / ICARP III), April 2015, Toyama, Japan SIOS Timeline and Decisions: Ministry of Education and Research: SIOS Interim Phase Project kicked off at the Policy Board meeting 21 November 2014 Preparatory Phase, 4 years ( ) Funded by the European Commission under FP7 Preparation of Statutes, Bussiness plan, Implementation plans, policy documents Implementation Phase, 3 years ( ) Interim Project from 2015 until Formal Establishment of the SIOS Knowledge Centre Implementation of core services Upgrade Phase, 2 years ( ) Further development of the SIOS Services Investments in the observing system upgrade Operational Phase, (2020 ->) SIOS , a major contribution to SAON Long term operation and access to a State-of-the-Art Earth Observing System in the European Arctic Planen for realisering av SIOS er delt i tre faser, med økende nivå av aktivitet: institusjonenes signatur av SIOS MoU innebærer aksept av Statutter og Medlemskapskostnader. interim styringsstruktur som enkelt kan overføres til den endelige formelle etableringen av en MoU-basert organisasjon AVHENGIG AV Letters of Commitment - før Kick Off siste Policy Board møte november Nødvendige beslutninger på Policy Board møtet november: Det norske vertskapet etablerer et Setup team i Longyearbyen Interime løsninger som aktivt involverer sentrale norske institusjoner på Svalbard, ansettelse av en interim direktør/leder og norsk styreledelse Gradvis oppstart av implementeringsarbeidet med prioritering av prosjektledere for Data Management, Access program og Portal, forutsatt in-kind bidrag fra partnerne. Formell etablering av SIOS avventes noe ut i etableringsfasen til en ny evaluering er foretatt og partnere er klare for signering av MOU med godkjennelse av Statutter og Finansieringsplan (tidligst 2015).
Svalbard Integrated Earth Observing System (SIOS) – Jon Børre Ørbæk, Research Council of Norway
Arctic Science Summit Week 2015 (ISAR-4 / ICARP III), April 2015, Toyama, Japan SIOS Presentations at the ASSW2015: April 27, 14:00-15: B02-O04 The Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS); Implementation and main assets of the SIOS Knowledge Centre Oerbaek Jon, Vitale Vito, Misund Ole, Biebow Nicole, Shin Hyoung, Holmen Kim, Andersen Bo, Glowacki Piotr, Ellis Evans Cynan, Priamikov Sergei, Roenneberg Ragnhild, Olseng Christine, Bye Bente April 27, 14:00-15: C01-O03 Data Management within the Svalbard Integrated Arctic Observing System Godoey Eystein, Tronstad Stein, Vitale Vito, Schewe Ingo, Lilja Bye Bente, Hamre Torill, OErbaek Jon Boerre April 28, 15:45-17:15, 479 B06-O27 Coordinating and integrating international studies of marine biodiversity and ecosystem dynamics in the Atlantic sector of the Arctic Ocean – a key activity of the Svalbard Integrated Earth Observing System, Ellis-Evans Cynan, Holmen Kim, Andersen Bo, Biebow Nicole, Glowacki Piotr, Orbaek Jon Borre, Misund Ole Arve, Priamikov Sergey, Ronneberg Ragnhild, Shin Hyoung Chul, Vitale Vito April 28, 17:30-19:00 (POSTER), 332 B02-P01 Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS): A research infrastructure for Arctic Earth System Science Oerbaek Jon, Christine Olseng, Roenneberg Ragnhild, Bente Bye, Kaja Hoevding, Kresse Louisa April 30, 13:45-15:15, 346 B05-O28 SIOS Remote Sensing Service Lonar Barth Vigdis , Andersen Bo, Misund Ole Arve, Orbaek Jon Borre, Macelloni Giovanni Planen for realisering av SIOS er delt i tre faser, med økende nivå av aktivitet: institusjonenes signatur av SIOS MoU innebærer aksept av Statutter og Medlemskapskostnader. interim styringsstruktur som enkelt kan overføres til den endelige formelle etableringen av en MoU-basert organisasjon AVHENGIG AV Letters of Commitment - før Kick Off siste Policy Board møte november Nødvendige beslutninger på Policy Board møtet november: Det norske vertskapet etablerer et Setup team i Longyearbyen Interime løsninger som aktivt involverer sentrale norske institusjoner på Svalbard, ansettelse av en interim direktør/leder og norsk styreledelse Gradvis oppstart av implementeringsarbeidet med prioritering av prosjektledere for Data Management, Access program og Portal, forutsatt in-kind bidrag fra partnerne. Formell etablering av SIOS avventes noe ut i etableringsfasen til en ny evaluering er foretatt og partnere er klare for signering av MOU med godkjennelse av Statutter og Finansieringsplan (tidligst 2015).
Thank you Jon Børre Ørbæk, Research Council Norway, SIOS-Preparatory Phase Coordinator First I would, on behalf of the SIOS Coordinating Team here at the Reserach Council (Kine Stenersen, Christine Daae Olseng and me, as well as Thorbjørn Giblerg since the summer), WELCOME you all to this 4th GA. We are very happy to see the continued interest in contributing to the planning of this project. Thank you. This was originally ment to be the FINAL GA. It is probably the final GA, but not marking the end of the Preparatory Phase. If we will organize a FINAL meeting before the end of the PP, i.e. at latest by 1. October 2014, remains to be discussed. Our ambition is to start the Implementation Phase before we terminate our work. However, this will be decided early spring when we see better how we are actually going to approach implementation. The Program these 2 days is busy. This is a 4 days combined meeting of the SIOS SB,GA,SC and PB. Invitations to SC and PB are for stakeholders..
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