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A Length Matching Routing Method for Disordered Pins in PCB Design

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1 A Length Matching Routing Method for Disordered Pins in PCB Design
Ran Zhang ,Tieyuan Pan, Li Zhu, Takahiro Watanabe Waseda University 2015 ASP.DAC

2 Outline Introduction Problem Definition Proposed Routing Algorithm
Experimental Results Conclusions

3 In river routing, generally the position of pins is already fixed on the component when routing starts.

4 disordered

5 Related work The length matching problem has been proven as NP-hard
Lagrangian-relaxation (a type of LP) framework was used to allocate the routing resources. a river routing based algorithm was presented to detour the net multi-layer routing problems

6 Different consider the routing with obstacles
there are a number of obstacles, such as device and IC package a length matching routing method based on region partition transactional parallel routing algorithm routing method for disordered pins generates the optimal routes with better wire balance within reasonable CPU times

7 II. Problem Definition objective :effectively assign layers for the disordered pins and generate routes with a better balance of all the nets’ length. Let C1, C2 … Cn be n components Pi be a set of pins on Ci P1 = {0, 1, 2}, P2 = {2, 3}, P3 = {0, 1, 3}, P ={0, 1, 2, 3}.

8 layer If there is unavoidable net crossing, another layer should be applied. simplify the problem, the components are mapped on the added layer as obstacles most three layers are permitted

9 topology

10 III. Proposed Routing Algorithm
A. Layer Assignment B. Initial Routing C. Wire Length Adjustment

11 Layer Assignment-step1
P1, P2 … Pn is the set of pins on each component P is the set consisting of all pins Let Ps and Pt be the two sets to be merged If there are more than two sets: according to their pins’ quantities, the largest set is selected as Ps, Ps’ = P - Ps. elements shared with Ps’ most is selected as Pt


13 Layer Assignment-step2
Q be a set of the common elements in Ps and Pt. S be an array of elements in Q arranged in anti-clockwise order of pins on the boundary of Ps’s component. Similarly, let T be an array of elements in Q, arranged in clockwise order of pins LCS(longest common subsequence) algorithm

14 Initial Routing breadth first search

15 Greedy way

16 Wire Length Adjustment
m*lt > [α*A], lt = [α*A/m] m: #nets; lt: target length; α: utilized coefficient; A: available routing area the adjustment of wires deals with length by even number not odd Lai = [(lt-Li)/2]*2 (Li: the current wire length of net i). If Lai is negative, we shorten the wire; otherwise, we lengthen it

17 補充 In recent VLSI systems, signal propagation delays are requested to achieve the specifications with very high accuracy. In order to meet the specifications, the routing of a net often needs to be detoured in order to increase the routing delay


19 improve

20 IV. Experimental Results
C language by MinGW Developer Studio 2.06, on a PC with 2.66GHz Intel Core 2 CPU and 2GB RAM







27 V. Conclusions disordered pins in PCB design, a heuristics algorithm is proposed adjust the wire length with considering target length requirement and available routing region

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