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Published byClinton Morris Modified over 9 years ago
More on Intractability Knapsack Problem Wednesday, August 5 th 1
Outline For Today 1.Knapsack Pseudo-Poly-time DP 1 2.Knapsack Pseudo-Poly-time DP 2 3.Knapsack Greedy ½-Approximation Alg 4.Knapsack Fully Poly-time Approx. Scheme (FPTAS) 2
Recap: Classes P, NP 3 Given a computational problem C P: C is ∈ P (polynomial-time solvable) if ∃ an algorithm solving C with O(n k ) run-time, for some constant k. where n is the input length in bits NP (or brute-force solvable): C ∈ NP if: 1.Correct solutions have polynomial length. 2.Claimed solutions are verifiable in poly-time.
Recap: NP-completeness 4 NP C1C1 C1C1 C*: NP- complete C3C3 C3C3 C4C4 C4C4 C5C5 C5C5 C6C6 C6C6 CkCk CkCk C2C2 C2C2 C* is as hard as any NP problem!
Recap: History of NP-completeness 5 NP C2C2 C2C2 SAT C3C3 C3C3 C4C4 C4C4 C5C5 C5C5 CkCk CkCk C6C6 C6C6 C1C1 C1C1 K1K1 K1K1 K2K2 K2K2 … … K 20 K 21 1971: Cook-Levin1972: Karp
Recap: History of NP-completeness 6 NP C2C2 C2C2 SAT C3C3 C3C3 C4C4 C4C4 C5C5 C5C5 CkCk CkCk C6C6 C6C6 C1C1 C1C1 K1K1 K1K1 K2K2 K2K2 … … K 20 K 21 NP-complete Since 1972
Recap: Showing C** is NP-complete 7 NP C2C2 C2C2 C*: NP- complete C3C3 C3C3 C4C4 C4C4 C5C5 C5C5 CkCk CkCk C6C6 C6C6 C ** If we can solve C** efficiently => we solve C* efficiently => we solve all NP problems efficiently C** is NP-complete!
Recap: Two Very Important Skills 8 1.Recognizing NP-complete problems. 2.Learning The Right Methods of Approaching NP- complete Problems
Recap: Approaching NP-complete Problems 9 Option 1: Focus to special-case inputs. Option 2: Find an approximate answer. Option 3: Be exponential time but better than brute- force search. Option 4: Heuristics: fast algorithms that are not always correct (or even approximate) Option 5: Mix some of these options
Outline For Today 1.Knapsack Pseudo-Poly-time DP 1 2.Knapsack Pseudo-Poly-time DP 2 3.Knapsack Greedy ½-Approximation Alg 4.Knapsack Fully Poly-time Approx. Scheme (FPTAS) 10
Knapsack (Sec 6.4, 11.8) Input: n items values for items v 1, …, v n ≥ 0 sizes for items w 1, …, w n ≥ 0 knapsack capacity W ≥ 0 Output: subset S ⊆ {1, 2, …, n} items s.t. 11 Fact: Knapsack is NP- complete. 3SAT ≤ p KNAPSACK SUBSET-SUM ≤ p KNAPSACK
Knapsack Example 12 v 1 = 2.2 w 1 = 1.5 v 1 = 2.2 w 1 = 1.5 v 2 = 4 w 2 = 3 v 2 = 4 w 2 = 3 v 4 = 3 w 4 = 4.6 v 4 = 3 w 4 = 4.6 W=7.8 v 3 = 2 w 3 = 3 v 3 = 2 w 3 = 3
Knapsack Example 13 v 1 = 2.2 w 1 = 1.5 v 1 = 2.2 w 1 = 1.5 v 2 = 4 w 2 = 3 v 2 = 4 w 2 = 3 v 4 = 3 w 4 = 4.6 v 4 = 3 w 4 = 4.6 W=7.8 v 3 = 2 w 3 = 3 v 3 = 2 w 3 = 3 v 2 = 4 w 2 = 3 v 2 = 4 w 2 = 3 v 3 = 2 w 3 = 3 v 3 = 2 w 3 = 3 v 1 = 2.2 w 1 = 1.5 v 1 = 2.2 w 1 = 1.5 OPT = 4+2+2.2=8.2
Restrict w i and W to be Integers 14 Input: n items values for items v 1, …, v n ≥ 0 sizes for items w 1, …, w n ≥ 0 & w i are **INTEGERS** knapsack capacity W ≥ 0 & W is an **INTEGER** Output: subset S ⊆ {1, 2, …, n} items s.t.
Recap: Recipe of a DP Algorithms 15 1.Identify small # of subproblems 2.Quickly + correctly solve “larger” subproblems given solutions to smaller ones 3.After solving all subproblems, can quickly compute final solution
Knapsack DP Algorithm 1 16 Order the n items in arbitrary order: {1, 2, …, n}. Consider the optimal solution S* A Claim that Doesn’t Require A Proof: (1) n ∉ S* or (2) n ∈ S*
Case 1: n ∉ S* 17 Q: What can we assert about S* for items {1, …, n-1}? A: S* is opt. for items {1, …, n-1} and capacity W. Proof: Assume ∃ better S** w/ cap. W for {1, …, n-1} S** is feasible for {1, …, n} and better than S* Which would contradict S*’s optimality Q.E.D.
Case 2: n ∈ S* 18 Q: What can we assert about S*-{n} for items {1, …, n-1}? A: S*-{n} is opt. for items {1, …, n-1} and cap. W-w n. Pf: Assume ∃ better S** w/ cap ≤ W-w n for {1, …, n-1} S** ∪ {n} has capacity ≤ W S** ∪ {n} is feasible for {1, …, n} and better than S* Which would contradict S*’s optimality Q.E.D.
What Are The Subproblems? 19 K (i, c) : opt. knapsack for the first i items and cap c. Q: How many subproblems are there? A: n*W K (i, c) = max K (i-1, c) K (i-1, c - w_i) + v i
Knapsack DP Algorithm 1 Pseudocode procedure DP-Knapsack-1(n, W): Base Cases: A[0][i] = 0 for i = 1,2,…,n: for c = 1, …, W: A[i][c] = max{A[i-1][c], A[i-1][c-w i ]+v i } return A[n][W] 20 K (i, c) = max K (i-1, c) K (i-1, c - w_i)
Run-time 21 Runtime: O(nW) Brute-Force Search: Ω(2 n ) Observation: This is polynomial in n and W. Q: Why does this not prove P=NP? A: B/c we’re still exponential in input size.
Input 22 Input size: # bits (key strokes) to represent the problem n weights, values (n * (log of max weight and value)) capacity => log(W) bits. Note: W is exponential in log(W) w1w1 v1v1 w2w2 v2v2 ……wnwn vnvn W
Pseudo-polynomial Time Algorithm 23 An algorithm that’s polynomial in the numeric values of the inputs but not the # bits to represent it. Ex: O(nW) is pseudo-polynomial Interpretation: If we fix W to an integer value => Knapsack is tractable Called “Fixed-Parameter Tractable” Problem
Summary of Knapsack DP Alg 1 24 1.Took Knapsack, which is NP-complete. 2.Restricted to inputs with integer w i and W 3.Got a pseudo-poly-time algorithm DP algorithm (exponential but better than brute-force search) 4.Further fixing W yields a full poly-time algorithm
Recap: Approaching NP-complete Problems 25 Option 1: Focus to special-case inputs. Option 2: Find an approximate answer. Option 3: Be exponential time but better than brute- force search. Option 4: Heuristics: fast algorithms that are not always correct (or even approximate) Option 5: Mix some of these options
Important Note To Keep In Mind 26 When attacking NP-complete problems, if you stick with always correct algorithms (i.e. you don’t pick option 2 and try to approximate) you necessarily have to be exponential time. However can get non-trivial speed-ups if some aspect of the problem is small.
Outline For Today 1.Knapsack Pseudo-Poly-time DP 1 2.Knapsack Pseudo-Poly-time DP 2 3.Knapsack Greedy ½-Approximation Alg 4.Knapsack Fully Poly-time Approx. Scheme (FPTAS) 27
Now Restrict v i to be Integers 28 Input: n items values for items v 1, …, v n ≥ 0 & v i are **INTEGERS** let v * = max i { v i }, and V = v 1 + v 2 + … + v n ≤ nv* sizes for items w 1, …, w n ≥ 0 knapsack capacity W ≥ 0 Output: subset S ⊆ {1, 2, …, n} items s.t.
A Different DP Algorithm 29 DP Algorithm 1 asked: What is the maximum value we can pack into at most X capacity given the first k items? We can also ask: What is the minimum capacity needed to pack at least Y value into the knapsack given the first k items?
Subproblems For Approach 2 30 M (i, v) : min capacity needed to pack value v from the first i items. Q: How many subproblems are there? A: n*V≤n(nv*)=n 2 v* Runtime is O(n 2 v*) M (i, v) = min M (i-1, v) M (i-1, v – v_i) + w i
Knapsack DP Algorithm 2 Pseudocode procedure DP-Knapsack-2(n, V = v 1 + … + v n ): Base Cases: A[0][0] = 0, A[0][j] = +∞ for i = 1,2,…,n: for v = 1, …, V: A[i][v] = min{A[i-1][v], A[i-1][v-v i ]+w i } return max v s.t. A[n][v] ≤ W 31 M (i, v) = min M (i-1, v) M (i-1, v - v_i) + w i
Knapsack DP Algorithm Output 32 Min capacity needed to pack a value of 1
Knapsack DP Algorithm Output 33 Min capacity needed to pack a value of 2
Knapsack DP Algorithm Output 34 Min capacity needed to pack a value of 45
Knapsack DP Algorithm Output 35 Min capacity needed to pack a value of 46
Knapsack DP Algorithm Output 36 Min capacity needed to pack a value of V
3 Exp-time Correct Knapsack Algorithms 37 Takeaway 1: There is good & bad exponential times Takeaway 2: We can get non-trivial speed-ups if some aspect of the problem is small.
Outline For Today 1.Knapsack Pseudo-Poly-time DP 1 2.Knapsack Pseudo-Poly-time DP 2 3.Knapsack Greedy ½-Approximation Alg 4.Knapsack Fully Poly-time Approx. Scheme (FPTAS) 38
Back To Original Knapsack Input: n items values for items v 1, …, v n ≥ 0 sizes for items w 1, …, w n ≥ 0 knapsack capacity W ≥ 0 Output: subset S ⊆ {1, 2, …, n} items s.t. 39 Option 2: Now we’ll give up correctness.
Recall Scheduling Problem Input: Each job i has length l i AND weight w i l 1, w 1 Job 1 l 2, w 2 Job 2 l n,w n Job n … Output: A schedule of the jobs on a processor s.t: is minimum over all possible n! schedules. weighted completion time of job i
A Possible Greedy Approach Similar to Greedy Weighted Scheduling (Lecture 5) If weights are the same, put higher value items first If values are the same, put lighter items first Greedy Algorithm: 1.Combine v i and w i into a single score v i / w i: 2.Sort items in increasing combined score Assume w.l.o.g.: v 1 /w 1 ≥ v 2 /w 2 ≥ … ≥ v n /w n 3.Pack until can’t pack anymore 41
Example 1 42 v 1 = 5 w 1 = 1 v 1 = 5 w 1 = 1 v 2 = 4 w 2 = 2 v 2 = 4 w 2 = 2 v 3 = 3 w 3 = 3 v 3 = 3 w 3 = 3 W=5
Example 1 43 v 1 = 5 w 1 = 1 v 1 = 5 w 1 = 1 v 2 = 4 w 2 = 2 v 2 = 4 w 2 = 2 v 3 = 3 w 3 = 3 v 3 = 3 w 3 = 3 W=5
Example 1 44 v 1 = 5 w 1 = 1 v 1 = 5 w 1 = 1 v 2 = 4 w 2 = 2 v 2 = 4 w 2 = 2 v 3 = 3 w 3 = 3 v 3 = 3 w 3 = 3 3 rd item does not fit Output: 4 + 5 = 9 Found the optimal Q: What can go wrong? W=5
Bad Example 45 v 1 = 2 w 1 = 1 v 1 = 2 w 1 = 1 v 2 =100 w 2 =100 v 2 =100 w 2 =100 W=100
Bad Example 46 v 1 = 2 w 1 = 1 v 1 = 2 w 1 = 1 v 2 =100 w 2 =100 v 2 =100 w 2 =100 Output: 2 Optimal is 100 Can be arbitrarily far from optimal. W=100
Simple Fix 47 Fixed-Greedy Algorithm: 1.Combine v i and w i into a single score v i / w i: 2.Sort items in increasing combined score Assume w.l.o.g.: v 1 /w 1 ≥ v 2 /w 2 ≥ … ≥ v n /w n 3.Pack until can’t pack anymore 4.Return Y = max {step 3, max-value item} (assume all items have weight ≤ W) Claim: Y is a ½-approximation to OPT Runtime: O(nlogn)
Thought Experiment 48 Assume greedy packed first k items And only x% of item k+1 fits into our knapsack Suppose we can slice x% of k Fill in the rest of out knapsack And get x% of v k.
Example of Slicing 49 v 1 = 2 w 1 = 1 v 1 = 2 w 1 = 1 v 2 =100 w 2 =100 v 2 =100 w 2 =100 W=100 Slice 99% of item 2
Example of Slicing 50 v 1 = 2 w 1 = 1 v 1 = 2 w 1 = 1 v 2 =1 w 2 =1 v 2 =1 w 2 =1 W=100 v 2 =99 w 2 =99 v 2 =99 w 2 =99 Claim: This “Fractional” Solution is better than OPT.
Proof Sketch (Fill in the Gaps As Exercise) 51 Same Take arbitrary solution S Assume they differ in l units Greedy picks those l units from highest value per weight (plus might have extra stuff) value(l units of greedy) ≥ value(l units of S) Greedy ≥ S Greedy Fractional Any Solution S Same Different
Proof of ½-Approximation 52 Assume greedy packs first k items and gets stuck. Fixed-Greedy returns: max{A=first k, or max-value item} ≥ max{A=first k, B=value of k+1 st item} Fractional-Greedy: A + fraction of B max{A, B} >= ½ (A+B) Fixed-Greedy ≥ ½ Fractional-Greedy ≥ ½ OPT Q.E.D
Outline For Today 1.Knapsack Pseudo-Poly-time DP 1 2.Knapsack Pseudo-Poly-time DP 2 3.Knapsack Greedy ½-Approximation Alg 4.Knapsack Fully Poly-time Approx. Scheme (FPTAS) 53
Back To Integer Values Input: n items values for items v 1, …, v n ≥ 0 (**INTEGERS**) let v * = max i { v i }, and V = v 1 + v 2 + … + v n ≤ nv* sizes for items w 1, …, w n ≥ 0 knapsack capacity W ≥ 0 Output: subset S ⊆ {1, 2, …, n} items s.t. 54
Very Ambitious Goal 55 Knapsack Algorithm Knapsack Algorithm I: (w i, v i, W) accuracy ε (say 0.01) ≥ (1-ε)*OPT (1-ε)-approx **Catch: Run-time will grow as ε decreases** Upshot Instead of I solve incorrect input I’(w i, ṽ i, W) But solve I’ optimally with DP2 Argue opt for I’ is (1-ε) close to opt for I
Recall DP2 56 Pseudo poly-time DP Algorithm Run-time: O(n 2 v*) Performs badly only when values are very large. Idea: Remove Low Order Bits.
Rounding Algorithm 57 Q1: How small should m be to satisfy ε accuracy? Q2: What is the running time of the algorithm once we pick the the appropriate m? procedure Knapsack-FPTAS(w i, v i, W, ε): round each v i down to nearest mult. of m=f(ε) let ṽ i = rounded(v i )/m, return DP2(w i, ṽ i, W)
Accuracy Analysis (1) 58 vivi x i =m ṽ i ≤ v i x i =m ṽ i ≤ v i ≤ y i =m( ṽ i + 1) (1) (2) Let S be our solution, and S* is optimal solution Hint: Weights were NOT perturbed. Goal: Goal is to say we’re not that far from OPT.
Accuracy Analysis (2) 59 Goal : by (1) by (2) x i ’s y i ’s
Accuracy Analysis (3) 60 error term This inequality is true for any m. Q: What should m be so that we’re ε off? A: Pick m s.t.
Accuracy Analysis (4) 61 Pickingsatisfies the inequality.
Run-time Analysis 62 ∀ elements i, we have: DP2’s run-time was: O(n 2 v*) When inputs are ṽ i each ṽ i ≤ n/ε So run-time is: O(n 3 /ε)
Key Takeaway 63 We took an NP-complete problem. We are approximating it to arbitrary precision. And in poly-time for each precision rate!
64 Next Week More Algorithms For Intractability & What’s Beyond CS 161
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