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TOPIC: Releasing or exporting genetically modified organisms such as Bt Corn or Golden Rice CREATED BY JESSICA A. STEELE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA –

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Presentation on theme: "TOPIC: Releasing or exporting genetically modified organisms such as Bt Corn or Golden Rice CREATED BY JESSICA A. STEELE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA –"— Presentation transcript:

1 TOPIC: Releasing or exporting genetically modified organisms such as Bt Corn or Golden Rice CREATED BY JESSICA A. STEELE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA – FOR3202 INTRODUCTION: 1)Golden Rice is a GE (Genetically Engineered) strain of rice that includes beta carotene, which the human body converts to Vitamin A. It has been hailed as a potential global solution to Vitamin A deficiency, a condition that causes blindness and even death to millions of people (particularly in developing nations). Bt Corn is corn which has been engineered to produce a toxin that functions as a pesticide, defending it from caterpillar pests. 2)The International GMO Labeling Law mandates the labeling of food/produce that has any ingredients that have been genetically modified, similar to labeling that we currently see in grocery stores saying whether foods are “Gluten-Free” or “Organic”. The Global Outlawing of GMO Crops bans any and all GE crops/ingredients in food production/consumption. VIOLATES: Reciprocity: #1 – 5 Platinum Rule: #1 – 5 Distributionary Principle: #1 – 4 & 6 Proactionary Principle. #1 & 2 Land Ethic: #2 & 3 Precautionary Principle: # 2, 3, 5, & 6 GOVERNANCE: ENVIRONMENT & NATURAL RESOURCES 1)GMO crops disrupt the sequence of a food’s genetic code and disturb neighboring genes, which can give rise to toxic or allergenic molecules. 2)Lead to “Genetic Contamination” – the accidental pollination of natural crops with the pollen of GMO crops that have been released in the open. 3) Generate increased pest/weed resistance to chemical treatment. Leads to development of stronger, more toxic pesticides/herbicides. 4)Long-term effects of consuming GMOs have NOT been studied. 5)May lead to a second “Green Revolution”. Water Quality: #3 REFERENCES: 1)A Bello, Walden. "Twenty-Six Countries Ban GMOs-Why Won't the US?" The Nation. N.p., 29 Oct. 2013. Web. 14 Apr. 2014 2)"Gallery of Genetic Modifications." PBS. PBS, 2013. Web. 14 Apr. 2014. ETHICS & JUSTICE 1)Patented GMO seeds concentrates power in the hands of a few biotech corporations. 2)Farmers who are unable to afford the costs of GMO seeds and chemicals will be run down by the competition. 3)GMO use results in local food insecurity and loss of biodiversity. 4)GMO crops might have the potential to alleviate global hunger/malnutrition. 5)We must pass the International GMO Labeling Law because people have a right to know what they are eating. 6)GMOs may hold the key to global food production on a scale large enough to support 9-10 billion people by the year 2050. WHICH THREATEN: Biological Diversity: #1 – 4 Human Health: #1, 3 & 4 Soil Fertility: #3 Negative Externalities: Environment #1-4 Ethics #1-3 ECONOMIC DEVELOP- MENT: Positive Externalities: Environment #5 Ethics # 4 & 6 INTERNATIONALLY: 1)Over 26 countries (including the entire EU) have ratified the Global Outlawing of GMO Crops, completely banning all GMOs. 2)GMO advocates now target developing nations in attempt to convince their governments to accept U.S. imports of Golden Rice, Bt Corn, etc. NATIONALLY: 1)The U.S. is NOT a signatory in any GMO Hard Laws. 2)The U.S. does NOT uphold any GMO Soft Laws. 3)Many counties in CA have banned GMOs. 4)Movement to ratify International GMO Labeling Law within U.S. 5)90% of U.S. soy, 83% of cotton, 75% of canola, & 65% of corn is GMO. CONCLUSION: GMO production, consumption, and development are NOT sustainable on a global scale. It is only a “band- aid” solution to deeper global issues, such as poverty and hunger. Disregards the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. STAKEHOLDERS: 1)Biotech Corporations 2)General Public 3)The Environment 4)U.S. Government 5)GMO Scientists 6)GMO Farmers 7)Non-GMO Farmers TYPE OF POWER: Legitimate: #4 Referent: #1 & 3 Expert: #5 – 7, Coercive: #2 – 4, 6 & 7 Reward: #1 & 4 Information: #1, 2 & 4 – 7 Connection: #1 & 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: I would like to thank my FOR3202 professors, Dr. Monroe and Dr. Stein of the University of Florida, for giving me the opportunity to present this information. I would also like to thank my peers for taking the time to read my poster! Photo comparing non-GMO white rice to GMO “golden rice”, by Erik De Castro, at Photo of dramatized allergenic GMO corn, by Caitlin Shetterly, at Photo of DNA Helicase, by CA Watchdog, at Photo of DNA Helicase, by NIST, at

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