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Welcome to the Student Success Workshop De Anza Counseling and Advising Center.

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1 Welcome to the Student Success Workshop De Anza Counseling and Advising Center

2 Introductions How many of you have come into the Counseling Center before? Was it busy or slow when you came in? Helpful tip: weeks 3-6 are the best time to come in to update your ed plan. If you are on probation you will be sent an email informing you what level of probation you are on and what intervention you need to complete if you have a hold on your registration. Helpful tip: Please read all emails from De Anza as soon as you receive them.

3 COUN 200: Orientation to College How many of you have taken COUN 200: Orientation to College? Helpful tip: You will learn everything you need to know to accomplish your academic goal in COUN 200. Students who take COUN 200 and meet regularly with a counselor are more likely to have a comprehensive ed plan and be on track. It’s never to late to benefit from taking this class.

4 Choice of Major How many of you have a major and an educational goal? How many are undecided in their choice of major? Students who are undecided are often less motivated and unfocused and perhaps more likely to be on probation. Helpful tip: Undecided students are invited to meet with a counselor and take CLP 70: Self- Assessment or CLP 75: College Major and Career Options.

5 Your GPA and College Transcripts How many of you know what is your current GPA (grade point average)? Where can you find your GPA? You can find your GPA and all the classes you have taken at De Anza on your My Portal. Select the Registration tab and select View My Unofficial Transcript. Helpful tip: Scroll through and identify all the classes with D’s, F’s, W’s (Withdrawal) and NP (No Pass). Make these classes a priority to retake.

6 Levels of Probation There are five levels of academic probation: Level 1, 2, 3, Pre-Dismissal and Dismissal. Students will advance to the next level of probation in each consecutive enrolled quarter in which they do not earn a cumulative GPA of 2.0. Students who earn a cumulative GPA of less than 2.0 in each of the five consecutive enrolled quarters will be on Dismissal status.

7 Levels of Probation Level 1: Basic Probation. Hold – attend Student Success Workshop Level 2: Moderate Probation. No hold – complete Academic Progress Report (APR) form and quizAcademic Progress Report (APR) form Level 3 - Severe Probation. Hold - complete APR and meet with a counselorAPR Level 4 - Pre-dismissal. No hold – Read and reply to email acknowledging pre-dismissal implications Level 6 – Dismissal (excluding summer). Hold – option to appeal by completing APR and meet with a counselorAPR Readmission. Meet with a counselor to develop an ed plan

8 Priority Registration Students who are on probation for two consecutive quarters lose their priority registration status. More information about priority registration can be found on the De Anza web site.priority registration

9 Probation and Holds There are two types of probation: academic probation and progress probation. Depending on the level of probation a student may have a hold on their My Portal account. Students with holds cannot register or drop classes. Students must complete the required intervention to have their hold removed.

10 What is Academic Probation A student who has attempted 18 or more quarter units will be placed on academic probation if the student has earned a cumulative grade point average (GPA) below 2.0 in all units. Cumulative GPA: your entire De Anza history Current GPA: the GPA you earned last quarter A student on academic probation shall be removed from probation when the student’s cumulative GPA is 2.0 or higher.

11 Success Strategy # 1: Retake classes The fastest way to improve your GPA is to retake classes you did not pass at De Anza. The more recent grade is included in your GPA and the original grade will be excluded. Winter 2014 Hist 17AFGPA = 0excluded Fall 2014 Hist 17AAGPA = 4.0included This is great news! Helpful tip: Taking your English classes as soon as possible will help you succeed in your other classes.

12 Class Repeat Policy Students cannot repeat a course if they receive a C grade or higher. Students cannot enroll in a course more than three times. If you receive two Ws, two substandard grades, or a combination of a W and D/F in a course, the system will block you from enrolling again without an override. You will need to request an override from Admissions and Records to register in the course again.

13 Understanding Progress Probation Progress Probation occurs when a student has attempted at least 18 quarter units and the percentage of “W” (Withdrawal), “I” (Incomplete), and “NP” (No Pass) received in those units reaches or exceeds 50%. Progress probation has nothing to do with GPA. It’s about course completion percentage. A student will be removed from progress probation when the percentage of course completion is 50% or higher.

14 Success Strategy # 2 Be aware of drop deadlines. The second Sunday of each 12 week quarter is the last day to drop a class with no record of grade. The 8 th Friday of the quarter is the last day to drop for a W (withdrawal) Only enroll in classes you are certain you will complete.

15 Success Strategy 3: Time Management Skills Are Important To Your Success If you work, how many hours a week do you work? How much time do you need to devote to your other responsibilities like family, relationships or engaging in other activities that are important to you? How much time do you need for personal needs such as sleeping, eating, and traveling to and from school? Create a daily and weekly schedule to see how much time you have left for school. Once you have an idea of how many hours a week you can realistically allocate to school, figure out how many units you should take. The following is a recommended formula to determine the total time required for success in a class.

16 Time Management and College Units Formula: 2 hours of study time should be planned for each unit taken Example 12 units = 12 hours per week in class Study time = 12 hours x 2 hours = 24 hours study time Total time = 12 hours in class + 24 hours of study time = 36 hours per week to focus on all classes. Managing Work and School If you work 15 hours/week, then consider enrolling in no more than 12 - 15 units. If you work 25 hours/week, then consider enrolling in no more than 9 - 12 units. If you work 40 hours/week, then consider enrolling in no more than 4 - 8 units.

17 The Benefit of Pass/No Pass Taking classes for Pass/No Pass (P/NP) can be an effective way to raise your GPA for many reasons. P/NP are non letter grades and do not affect GPA. To earn a Pass you must earn a C grade or higher. To earn a No Pass, you must earn a D+ grade or lower. De Anza does not offer the grade of C- Certain classes must always be taken for a letter grade (A, B, C…) Your major courses must be taken for a letter grade. The Golden Four classes for GE must be taken for a letter grade. Other GE classes, prerequisites and electives can be taken for P/NP The IGETC limits student to 21 units for P/NP. Make sure you complete the GE certification request form before transferring.GE certification request form You have until the fourth Friday of the academic calendar to request P/NPacademic calendar Helpful tip: A counselor can advise you which classes are safe to take for P/NP

18 Success Strategy # 4 When taking a full load, identify which classes must be taken for a letter grade and which classes can be taken for P/NP. Using your time management skills, focus your time and energy on letter grade classes at the expense of your P/NP classes. Translation: Do A work in classes that count and do less than A work in P/NP classes and your GPA remains high.

19 Which scenario produces a higher GPA? 1: Fall 2014 EWRT 1AA MATH 10A PSYC 1B GPA: 3.71 2: Fall 2014 EWRT 1AA MATH 10A PSYC 1P GPA: 4.0

20 Success Strategy # 5 Campus Resources Develop a comprehensive ed plan with a counselor. We are committed to your success. counselor Take advantage of your instructor’s office hours to get additional assistance. Take advantage of the Student Success Center which includes tutoring.Student Success Center Check out a complete list of A – Z services.A – Z services Join a study group.

21 Final Thoughts Identify triggers that may hinder your academic success (having electronic devices nearby when studying). Find a healthy balance between college and your personal life using proactive time management skills. Check your unofficial transcript and repeat classes with substandard grades as soon as possible. Pay attention to the academic calendar for important deadlines.

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