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1) Pre flight checklist?. 2) Two stars and a wish?

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Presentation on theme: "1) Pre flight checklist?. 2) Two stars and a wish?"— Presentation transcript:

1 1) Pre flight checklist?


3 2) Two stars and a wish?

4 3) Acknowledgement marking?


6 4) DIRT marking?


8 5) Burning questions?


10 6) Dot round?


12 7) Feedback keys?


14 8) Colours and icons?


16 9) Traffic lights?


18 10) Stamp and act?


20 Self Assessment Use a different colour for each. P = Punctuation 1) Shade in any punctuation that you are not sure if you have used correctly and put a P in the margin. 2) Draw, in the same colour, any punctuation you think should be there but because you weren’t sure, you didn’t put it in. S = Spelling 1) Shade in any spellings that you are not sure if you have used correctly and put an S in the margin. Be specific if you can, is it the beginning, middle or end of the word you are not sure about? V = Vocabulary 1) Shade in any words you think you could have improved. Use a thesaurus to put your new word, in coloured pencil, in the margin. //NP = New paragraph 1) Put the symbol //NP anywhere where you think you should have started a new paragraph.

21 To action Pupil voice (see LCO) survey and provide data analysis Trial jotters Trial a type of feedback Send blog to whole group

22 English Pink boxes are linked directly to the section that is marked. There is also a larger improvement task to do at the end that links to EBI statement. Smaller boxes throughout are mini progress prompts. Thresholds are clear in student books and students can monitor and check their own feedback. WWGW/EBI is used as well as ‘next steps’ when students give feedback and then they have the opportunity to ask questions as well as feeding back to the task with teacher, then giving a follow up comment on the feedback. Students have to acknowledge overall if they think that they have made progress and how they are aware that they have made progress. Scaffolding for students with specific needs such as EAL with prompts and suggestions to ensure that student feedback is highly personalised. Self and peer assessment using colour coding to pick out key points (such as a colour for spellings, a colour for information, etc..) as students can find it difficult to WWGW/EBI repeatedly and fill the space. Spellings are corrected both reading and writing assessments - all spellings are corrected all of the time.

23 Maths Whiteboards are used extensively for instant feedback which is really powerful to check, monitor and inform progress. Self assessment is used frequently with students self assessing in green. At the end of each unit the students will complete an assessment and the teacher feedback is in detail for larger end of unit assessment. Pink boxes are used for students to feedback to teacher feedback. Assessments are recorded in their exercise book and the students make correction in green, both teacher and student uses WWGW/EBI. Based on the corrections student redraft using different questions (due to the nature of memorising answers in Maths). Students then receive a full copy of the correct answers in red once they have completed their own corrections. Teacher then highlights a focus of what needs to be done on the basis of an assessment outcome. In Maths students respond well to ‘red ticks’ particularly the lower sets. Homework is marked both teacher and student. Assessments are now conducted during class time. Students receive additional questions on the back of the focus highlighted from the last assessment. KS4 starters are always on ‘10 things that have gone before’ in order to ensure that retention and revisiting is occurring, feedback is immediate. Students respond in green in the pink boxes. Staff are writing less as there is more printed feedback given.

24 Science Pink feedback boxes to show what they have responded to and what they need to adjust and redraft. Spelling is focused on the main keywords or three per page in order not to demoralise. Stretch and challenge – looking at specifics and check back to acknowledge that feedback has been checked and has been populated in the pink boxes. Assessments highlighted to show where responses are needed specifically. Students then have mini-checks to test the thresholds that they did not achieve in. DIRT time on areas to re-visit. Peer assessments use green pens to check. If students have not responded to feedback they will have feedback rephrased and then in another colour. Student training of what it is to have quality feedback – students have to sign off giving peer feedback in order to monitor the quality.

25 Humanities Every unit knowledge and skills are based on plan which is in student friendly language. Not exclusive, students can attempt some but not all skills in a given section. Students highlight what they have completed and then can show when have completed each section in full. Teachers can track this through the student sheet and through assessment to get a full picture of their progress. At the end of the unit the students can self assess their work and progress during the unit using this sheet. Teachers can use the sheets to gain an average of the knowledge and skills for each topic so can show where on scale students sit. Pink boxes for extended writing. If teachers show pride and neatness in books for feedback then students follow this example. KS4 focusing on accessing the questions and exactly what the examiner is looking for using Exampro. Students highlighting correct answers and the mark scheme in order to identify how to improve their skills by putting them in the mind-set of the examiner. Found higher level students need more work on 1-2 mark answer and have been working on exemplar answers. Pupils must initial and date to show they have checked answers to feedback.

26 Art Photography Art KS4 – Dependent on task to decide on the type of feedback given. Verbal feedback is given throughout the completion of the task, based on tutorial session feedback and homework tasks are more written feedback. Teacher tends to document conversations during tutorials to record verbal feedback. Digital work – Individual feedback (written) and then tutorial based feedback. Students have a record as does teacher. Limitations in Art as feedback cannot be written formally due to examination restrictions. KS3 – Written feedback. Self-Assessment – One star for something that they have done well and something that they have to improve on. Mood boards have verbal feedback and are dependent on who has contributed to the task. Redrafting not always appropriate and response is normally immediate feeding forward for improvements for the next lesson rather than redrafting in full as there is a heavy focus on skills and techniques. Summary – Verbal is the majority of feedback, peer, self, written and Vivos. Homework has a tick sheet that shows where they are within a threshold, feedback is immediate and easy for students to understand and show progress visually.

27 Technology Year 7 – Baseline project has a threshold clearly displayed on the front so students have a starting point. Verbal feedback is constantly given and the stamps are used and the student has responded however the teacher feedback is not recorded just the student response. Practical subjects have limitations for recording verbal feedback due to the nature of the tasks. GCSE – Intervention plan combined with a tutorial that has targets set with both teacher and student with tangible deadlines. Working well as it is a highly personalised approach. Practicals at GCSE – assessment against the criteria response is written and lifted specifically from the GCSE framework and informs skills to improve. Area of development is for the students to have a deeper understanding of the descriptors of the thresholds independently.

28 PE Balance of the practical subject with recording feedback. Students make their own improvement plans of WWGW/EBI. Students then monitor and track how they are performing against their own targets. Feedback has to be quick and instant so that practical tasks can be monitored. Homework feedback – redrafting opportunities are given as verbal feedback and student returns with additions as suggested, this is recorded on their improvement plan. All homework is recorded centrally. Teacher feedback given to individuals (WWGW/EBI) or stars and questions. Logistical issues of students completing feedback at home as completing feedback in the lesson to a high quality limits groups from completing team activities or physical exercise. Final assessments have a guidance notes of what they need to include as a checklist to ensure that they have included all of the key points. Greatest issue in PE is monitoring the balance between recording feedback and the location and facilities during the lesson. Video feedback is used to record student performance and teacher verbal feedback is given clearly and student can watch it back.

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