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Toyota: James Kapinski, Jyotirmoy Deshmukh,

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1 Ongoing Challenges in Applying V&V Technologies to Automotive Engine Control
Toyota: James Kapinski, Jyotirmoy Deshmukh, Xiaoqing Jin, Hisahiro Ito, Ken Butts December 11, 2014

2 Toyota MBD Group Our group focus Our group background Our perspective
Toyota Technical Center Our group focus Advanced research in V&V for powertrain controller designs Our group background Cyber-physical systems (hybrid systems) Formal verification methods Our perspective Focus is on techniques for application-level real-time controller development Powertrain Control Division Model-Based Development Group Verification & Validation

3 Ever-Increasing Complexities of Powertrain Control System
Fuel economy Safety Emissions Driveability Evolution of engine control: CPU: 8bit -> 16bit -> 32bit OS-less -> Real-time OS (MMU-less) Independent ECU -> Inter-ECU communication (CAN) Assembly Language  C Language  Block Diagram Language Need to meet ever-increasing standards -> more complex control code Engine control code in modern engines can be measured in millions of lines of code!

4 Features of Powertrain Control Software Development
Safety critical Single core But multicore is coming! Hard real-time Time-triggered tasks E.g., P+I control, table lookups Event triggered tasks E.g., crank angle events Not much connectivity Distribution of features across processors not as significant Performance and functionality critically depends on environment Exhaustive test is impossible Continuous variables over unbounded time ⇒ infinite test cases

5 Verification Challenges
Complex models Large number of states/inputs Nonlinearities and lots of switching behavior Variable time delays (delay differential equations) Look-up-tables Can contain legacy code or other black-box components Inconvenient model formats Many formal tools require format that can be translated into a discrete-state representation or a hybrid automaton Simulink semantics are closed Translating formats is time consuming and error prone Lack of formal requirements More on this later…

6 Value of Simulation Helps design validation Can uncover bugs
Vital part of control law development Can uncover bugs Does not require verification domain knowledge Engineers are not familiar with Temporal logic, bounded model checking, theorem provers Simulations are cheap and usually fast Test-suites can be shared and built up across models © The MathWorks

7 Using Simulation for Test and Verification
Let’s use simulation to guide verification and testing approaches NOT a fundamentally new idea: Concolic Testing: Sen et al, Kanade et al Proofs from tests: (Gupta, Rupak, Rybalchenko) Falsification analysis: (S-TaLiRo: Georgios, Sriram) Sensitivity-based analysis (Breach: Donzé, Maler) Coverage-guided simulation (Thao Dang et al) Sciduction – combining induction and deduction (Seshia, Jha) …. (please pardon the omissions) “Sciduction”: Deduction + induction

8 Spectrum of Analysis Techniques
Testing/Control Techniques Verification More Scalable Simulation Linear Analysis (numerical) Test Vector Generation for Model Coverage Concolic Testing Linear Analysis (symbolic) (Bounded) Model Checking Stability Proofs Less Scalable Theorem Proving Reachability Analysis Less formal/exhaustive More formal/exhaustive

9 Spectrum of Analysis Techniques
Testing/Control Techniques Verification More Scalable Simulation Trajectory Splicing Linear Analysis (numerical) Coverage-based Testing Test Vector Generation for Model Coverage Simulation-Guided Lyapunov/Contraction Analysis Concolic Testing Linear Analysis (symbolic) (Bounded) Model Checking Stability Proofs Less Scalable Theorem Proving Reachability Analysis Less formal/exhaustive More formal/exhaustive

10 Spectrum of Analysis Techniques
Testing/Control Techniques Verification Simulation traces to learn contraction metrics for dynamical systems A. Balkan, J. Deshmukh, J. Kapinski, P. Tabuada. Simulation-guided Contraction Analysis. To appear in the 2015 Indian Control Conference. Using simulation segments to efficiently search for counterexamples A. Zutshi, S. Sankaranarayanan, J. Deshmukh, and J. Kapinski. Multiple Shooting, CEGAR-based Falsification for Hybrid Systems. Best Paper in EMSOFT 2014. More Scalable Simulation Trajectory Splicing Linear Analysis (numerical) Coverage-based Testing Test Vector Generation for Model Coverage Simulation-Guided Lyapunov/Contraction Analysis Concolic Testing Simulation-based testing to maximize coverage of infinite state-space T. Dreossi, T. Dang, A. Donze, J. Kapinski, X. Jin, J. Deshmukh. Efficient Guiding Strategies for Testing of Temporal Properties of Hybrid Systems. Submitted to the 2015 NASA Formal Methods Symposium. Linear Analysis (symbolic) (Bounded) Model Checking Using simulation traces to learn Lyapunov functions and barrier certificates Kapinski, J. V. Deshmukh, S. Sankaranarayanan, and N. Aŕechiga. Simulation-guided Lyapunov Analysis for Hybrid Dynamical Systems. In Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, 2014. Stability Proofs Less Scalable Theorem Proving Reachability Analysis Less formal/exhaustive More formal/exhaustive

11 CPS Requirement Challenges
Implementation ⊨ Requirements ? Implementation Implementation Verification Tool Requirements Classic Verification Assumption

12 CPS Requirement Challenges
Results from Integration Tests Informal Engineering Insight Implementation Implementation Simulation-based checks Incomplete Requirements The Reality for CPS

13 CPS Requirement Challenges
Requirements are evolving due to CPS-related issues Environment/software designs evolve concurrently Not possible to create a plant model that captures all behaviors Subtle interactions between states/signals are not known before integration test Definition of correct behaviors exist only in engineer’s brain Formal requirements are hard for engineers to develop Existing requirements do not capture all of the desired behaviors Model may capture appropriate/expected behavior but requirements do not Could add venn diagram showing behaviors/model/requirements

14 CPS Requirement Challenges
Requirements are evolving due to CPS-related issues Environment/software designs evolve concurrently Not possible to create a plant model that captures all behaviors Subtle interactions between states/signals are not known before integration test Definition of correct behaviors exist only in engineer’s brain Formal requirements are hard for engineers to develop Existing requirements do not capture all of the desired behaviors Model may capture appropriate/expected behavior but requirements do not Could add venn diagram showing behaviors/model/requirements Let’s look at some ideas to address this

15 Requirement Mining† Sometimes requirements are not in format needed to perform formal verification Would be useful to automatically obtain formal specifications Our approach is simulation-based Seed Traces Simulink Model Counter-example Traces Simulation Traces Counter-example Found Obtain tightest parameter for given traces Falsify requirement using a global optimizer Candidate Requirement No Counter-example Template Requirement Inferred Requirement e.g., Overshoot=?, Settling time=? e.g., Overshoot=5%, Settling time=0.2 sec. X. Jin, A. Donze, J. V. Deshmukh, and S. A. Seshia. Mining Requirements from Closed-Loop Control Models. In Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control 2013.

16 Learning Requirements
Learning STL requirements from traces Optimization-guided learning Enumerate PSTL formulas up to a certain length (i.e., number of nodes in parse tree of formula) Use Requirement Mining to mine parameter values from traces Select best feasible formula Learning Tool STL requirement Length is number of predicates and operators “Best” formula means “most” feasible in relation to given parameter ranges Traces from Engineer

17 Summary Many V&V challenges for powertrain systems
Due to CPS nature of systems & high complexity We are encouraged by simulation-guided approaches Requirements engineering poses significant challenges Can’t assume we have a thorough set of formal requirements Let’s consider simulation-guided approaches

18 Thank You! A benchmark powertrain control model described in:
X. Jin, J. Deshmukh, J. Kapinski, K. Ueda, and K. Butts. Powertrain Control Verification Benchmark. In Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, 2014. A version of the benchmark model can be found on the Applied Verification for Continuous and Hybrid Systems (ARCH) site: Paper: Models:

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