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©Copyright 2007 Sycamore Community Schools, All Rights Reserved. Department of Academic Affairs.

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1 ©Copyright 2007 Sycamore Community Schools, All Rights Reserved. Department of Academic Affairs

2 ©Copyright 2007 Sycamore Community Schools, All Rights Reserved. Common Core State Standards New SS/Science Standards Ohio Teacher Evaluation System Next Generation Assessments New Graduation Requirements Third Grade Reading Guarantee College Credit Plus Technology Shifts Maintaining Excellence

3 ©Copyright 2007 Sycamore Community Schools, All Rights Reserved. Testing Calendar – Increase in the number of days/hours – Technology-based The Next Generation Assessments in Ohio: – PARCC in English/LA and Math in grades 4-8 – Social Studies test in grades 4, 6, and 8, American History and Government at SHS. – Science test in grades 5 and 8 – Seven End-of-Course (EOC) exams at the high school for Class of 2018 (freshmen) and OGT for upperclassmen What’s Coming This Year in Assessment?

4 ©Copyright 2007 Sycamore Community Schools, All Rights Reserved. Elevated levels of RIGOR on all measures – Students must demonstrate deeper understanding and knowledge of the content. – Students must identify: claims, evidence and reasoning at all levels. – Students must use technology with confidence and efficiency to show what they know. – Students must have stamina for the length of each test. What’s “new” about these assessments?

5 ©Copyright 2007 Sycamore Community Schools, All Rights Reserved. Comparison of OAA/OGT and PARCC

6 ©Copyright 2007 Sycamore Community Schools, All Rights Reserved. Comparison of OAA/OGT and PARCC

7 ©Copyright 2007 Sycamore Community Schools, All Rights Reserved. Comparison of OAA/OGT and PARCC

8 ©Copyright 2007 Sycamore Community Schools, All Rights Reserved. Comparison of OAA/OGT and PARCC

9 ©Copyright 2007 Sycamore Community Schools, All Rights Reserved. Content Resources MAP (fall, winter, spring) AIMS Web Compass Learning Collections Digits and envision Math Trail Blazers Innovations IXL Chrome Books Google Apps for Education Many more…. Professional Development Google Apps for Education Vetted online resources Assessment Literacy PARCC Tools OCBA Tools

10 ©Copyright 2007 Sycamore Community Schools, All Rights Reserved. What is Assessment Literacy? Choosing and creating assessments that truly measure what they are intended to measure; content AND skills.

11 ©Copyright 2007 Sycamore Community Schools, All Rights Reserved. Bloom’s Taxonomy In Ohio’s 2002 Standards, Bloom’s Taxonomy was helpful to identify the level of rigor. Teachers were encouraged to pay attention to verbs to identify the level of cognitive complexity. 4th Grade: Identify examples of cause and effect. 6th Grade: Analyze examples of cause and effect.

12 ©Copyright 2007 Sycamore Community Schools, All Rights Reserved. Webb’s Depth of Knowledge Many of Ohio’s new learning standards require teachers to look beyond the verb to determine the level of cognitive complexity.

13 ©Copyright 2007 Sycamore Community Schools, All Rights Reserved. Time for ACTIVE Learning!!

14 ©Copyright 2007 Sycamore Community Schools, All Rights Reserved. What Mental Processing Must Occur? DOK = Complexity: Describe the physical features of a plant. Describe how the two political parties are alike and different. Describe the most significant effect of WWII on the nations of Europe.

15 ©Copyright 2007 Sycamore Community Schools, All Rights Reserved. Assessment Methods Selected Response Constructed Response Performance  Multiple Choice  Matching  True/False  Short Answer  Extended Response  Essay  Product  Visual  Verbal  Physical

16 ©Copyright 2007 Sycamore Community Schools, All Rights Reserved. Webb’s DOK and Assessment Method Level I and Level II  Usually one right answer  Usually assessed by selected response or constructed response Level III and Level IV  More than one correct answer or approach is possible and may involve real-world applications in new situations  Usually assessed by constructed response or product/performance

17 ©Copyright 2007 Sycamore Community Schools, All Rights Reserved. Target Method Match

18 ©Copyright 2007 Sycamore Community Schools, All Rights Reserved. Target I. Recall II. Skill/ Concept III. Thinking IV. Extended Thinking

19 ©Copyright 2007 Sycamore Community Schools, All Rights Reserved. Method (SR) Selected Response (CR) Constructed Response (Product) Product Performance (Performance) Physical Verbal/Visual Performance

20 ©Copyright 2007 Sycamore Community Schools, All Rights Reserved. Which Assessment Method? Identify the eight major planets in the solar system. - What is the DOK level of this learning expectation? - What methods would be good choices for assessment?

21 ©Copyright 2007 Sycamore Community Schools, All Rights Reserved. Which Assessment Method? Make a line plot to display a data set of measurements in fractions of a unit (1/2, 1/4, 1/8). - What is the DOK level of this learning expectation? - What methods would be good choices for assessment?

22 ©Copyright 2007 Sycamore Community Schools, All Rights Reserved. Which Assessment Method? Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence. - What is the DOK level of this learning expectation? - What methods would be good choices for assessment?

23 ©Copyright 2007 Sycamore Community Schools, All Rights Reserved. Which Assessment Method? - What is the DOK level of this learning expectation? - What methods would be good choices for assessment? Create a series of bar graphs that show kinetic energy, potential energy, and thermal energy for eight different positions on a roller coaster.

24 ©Copyright 2007 Sycamore Community Schools, All Rights Reserved. Which Assessment Method? - What is the DOK level of this learning expectation? - What methods would be good choices for assessment? Compare and contrast visual forms of expression found throughout local regions and in different cultures of the world.

25 ©Copyright 2007 Sycamore Community Schools, All Rights Reserved. PARCC and OCBA Tools

26 ©Copyright 2007 Sycamore Community Schools, All Rights Reserved. Daily instruction that is CCSS aligned Resources that are CCSS aligned Classroom tests that are more rigorous/require more stamina Teaching of literacy across content Guided "struggle” Use of PARCC/OCBA tutorials/practice tests How are we preparing students?

27 ©Copyright 2007 Sycamore Community Schools, All Rights Reserved. Develop ownership of their learning – Where am I now? – Where am I going? – Am I on the right path to close the gap? How are we preparing students?

28 ©Copyright 2007 Sycamore Community Schools, All Rights Reserved. Student Ownership Students know and understand learning targets and success criteria Students and teachers collect ACCURATE evidence Students receive feedback to propel learning forward Students self assess, track learning, set goals and communicate learning

29 ©Copyright 2007 Sycamore Community Schools, All Rights Reserved. Parent Communications throughout the year to inform of these changes and identify ways parents can help at home – PTO presentations first semester – Parent information meeting second semester – School newsletters – Facebook blasts – Website How are we partnering with parents?

30 ©Copyright 2007 Sycamore Community Schools, All Rights Reserved. Let’s hit it out of the PARCC!

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