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The Gambia SE4ALL Action Agenda

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Presentation on theme: "The Gambia SE4ALL Action Agenda"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Gambia SE4ALL Action Agenda
Part 1: Preparing the SE4ALL Action Agenda 1

2 1. Contents SE4ALL Background and organization
Action Agenda development guidelines Action Agenda Template Validation strategy for the Action Plan

3 1. SE4ALL Background and Organization
SE4ALL was introduced in a Vision Statement by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (November 2011). The goals of the SE4ALL initiative by 2030: Ensuring universal access to modern energy services Doubling the rate of improvement in energy efficiency Doubling the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix 3

4 1. SE4ALL Background and Organization in Africa
Development of SE4ALL was initiated by a High- Level Group led by Kandeh Yumkella (UNDP / UNIDO) and Charles Holliday (Bank of America) The group followed up with two publications: A Framework for Action (January 2012), addressing the importance of concerted action, defining stakeholder groups, and proposing principles and short-term activities A Global Action Agenda (April 2012), defining 11 action areas and their respective high-impact opportunities, and presenting a roadmap with short, medium and longer term actions 4

5 1. SE4ALL Background and Organization
Global level SE4ALL organisation: Guided by an Advisory Board and an Executive Committee Supported by a Global Facilitation Team (GFT) facilitating the implementation of SE4ALL through advocacy, mobilizing actions and funding with public, private and civil society stakeholders, enabling knowledge sharing and capacity building, and tracking progress 5

6 1. SE4ALL Background and Organization
The African response to SE4ALL was developed during a series of NEPAD/UNDP/GFT workshops and meetings in Nairobi (September 2012), Tunis (November 2012) and Gabarone (April 2013). Concrete steps included: Establishment of a SE4ALL Africa Hub (May 2013), coordinating and facilitating the implementation of the SE4ALL initiative on the African continent Development of a Sustainable Charcoal Policy Framework Development of a Decentralized Energy Access Strategy Development of guidelines / template for national SE4ALL Action Agendas for Africa 6

7 NEPAD/ BizCLim/ UNDP NEPAD teamed up with BizClim (an EU-ACP facility) to finance pilot project in Africa: Gambia and Kenya. Gambia becoming the second country in Africa to validate its Action Agenda (after Ghana). Support of UNDP national office and UNDP Coordination office of Dakar in mobilizing the local stakeholder through consultation and various studies. Political support of ECREEE/ECOWAS 7

8 2. Process in the Gambia Key steps for achieving SE4ALL objectives: 8
Partnership Declaration (“opt-in”) Rapid Assessment Action Agenda Investment Prospectus(es) Implementation Monitoring & Reporting 8

9 3. Action Agenda development guidelines
Document: Guidelines for Developing National Sustainable Energy for All Action Plans in Africa (2013) Purpose of the guidelines: Fostering national ownership and shared understanding of SE4ALL Action Plans development Guiding a national planning process drawing on existing sectoral processes, structures and strategies 9

10 3. Action Plan development guidelines
Phases 10

11 3. Action Plan development guidelines
SE4ALL Action Plan development coordination Coordinating mechanism should ensure broad stakeholder participation and enable cross-sectoral coordination Coordinating group could be established, consisting of e.g. a lead government office, a steering committee, and a management team. It should: Coordinate and manage the development and endorsement process Act as a focal point to manage cross-sectoral and multi-stakeholder consultation; communication, dissemination and outreach Commission studies and information gathering Liaise with Africa Hub and Global Facilitation Team 11

12 3. Action Plan development guidelines
Stakeholder participation Government ministries and agencies involved in national development planning and finance, and in energy-relevant social service and natural resources sectors Civil society groups focusing on energy, environment, development and gender Research & innovation centers and training institutions Private sector representatives Finance institutions Development partners Media representatives 12

13 3. Action Plan development guidelines
Prioritizing Actions and Investments Gap analysis based on Rapid Assessment (done UNDP and IRENA) Build on existing strategies, programmes (NIP funded by UNDP) Identify what needs to change or happen Shared understanding of how energy access is defined Agreed criteria for identification of priority areas Cross-sectoral, integrated perspective to avoid unintended outcomes or missed opportunities Scope of interventions: mix of centralized and decentralized options Aligning national, regional, global priorities 13

14 3. Action Plan development guidelines
Assessing the enabling environment Enabling policies, regulation and measures to facilitate innovation, private sector investment, overcome market and other barriers, improve affordability Conditions: Effective governance frameworks Predictability and stability of legal and regulatory frameworks Appropriate pricing, tax regimes, tariffs Financing instruments and accessibility Research, technical capacity and knowledge sharing 14

15 3. Action Plan development guidelines
Institutional framework A review of the institutional framework to assess suitability Map partner institutions and stakeholders Roles, mandates, responsibilities, coordination Outline of major vertical and horizontal coordination problems Recommendations for improvements and capacity building Coordination with SE4ALL Africa Hub and Global Facilitation Team 15

16 3. Action Plan development guidelines
Setting goals, targets, indicators Further define action areas in terms of prioritized goals, targets, implementation actions, timelines Clear roles and responsibilities of all partners Develop enabling environment and institutional arrangements Stakeholder involvement through Coordination Group Develop indicators to track progress 16

17 3. Action Plan development guidelines
Financial resources planning Resources to carry out action planning process, as well as resources and investments to implement technology and service delivery approaches identified Comparative assessment of costs of different options Government investment as well as measures to facilitate market-based approaches and private sector investment Explore range of financing mechanism and instruments, including existing budgets 17

18 3. Action Plan development guidelines
Tracking progress Establish a monitoring and evaluation framework allowing implementation monitoring, lessons learning, adjustments Also establish indicators of political support and policy implementation Refer to Global tracking Framework (Word bank, ) Draw on the SE4ALL Africa Hub for assistance 18

19 4. Action Agenda Template
Action Agenda Development process Source: SE4ALL Africa Hub (2014) Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) Country Action Agenda 19

20 4. Action Agenda Template
Action Agenda Development process Phase 1: Initiation of AA process Identification of lead development partner(s) providing technical assistance for the AA-development (NEPAD. UNDP ECREEE) Identification of the AA coordination group, National Expert Group and Validation Group including assignment of roles. Recruitment of consultants to support development of the AA Phase 2: Official kick-off Kick-off at a high-level workshop led by President or Prime Minister to give the Action Agenda process the necessary political impetus (April 2014) Identification of sectoral working groups and champions for the SE4ALL target areas (access, renewables, energy efficiency) and any priority sub-groups (Training of the CN providers) 20

21 4. Action Agenda Template
Phase 3: AA development Expert groups to convene with consultant support to identify priority actions in the different areas of the Action Agenda Consultations with key domestic stakeholder groups (done by UNDP) Prepare draft AA led by AA Coordination Group consolidating inputs from sectoral working groups Phase 4: AA validation: Validation workshop with the Validation Stakeholder Group (NOW) AA national endorsement (Government / Parliamentary approval) Phase 5: Follow-up Including monitoring and evaluation and periodic adjustments 21

22 4. Action Agenda Template
AA Stakeholders: AA Coordination Group Stakeholders MoE (or relevant): Focal Point President/PM representative Lead development partner(s) SE4ALL GFT and Hubs Development Partners interested to actively support the process Relevant regional entities Tasks Coordinate and manage AA development and endorsement Focal point for cross-sectoral and multi-stakeholder consultation Commissioning / supporting studies and information gathering Focal point for communication, dissemination and outreach Liaising with Regional Hub and GFT 22

23 4. Action Agenda Template
AA Stakeholders: National Expert group(s) for respective priority areas Stakeholders Ministries and other specialized Government entities, including utility Private sector representatives Civil society representatives Financing institutions Academia and other stakeholders (relevant HIOs) Tasks Formulating priority actions in the respective priority area Defining additional information needs Communicating results to the AA Coordination Group 23

24 4. Action Agenda Template
AA Stakeholders: Validation Stakeholder Group Stakeholders Key Ministries other than mentioned above Private sector stakeholders Civil Society stakeholders Development partners Tasks Validating the AA draft Providing outside expertise and input to the process. 24

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