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Kaffir Boy.

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1 Kaffir Boy

2 Bellwork: Mark Mathabane
Turn to “Before You Read” on page 304 and answer these questions in your composition book. Define apartheid. What is the most shocking fact you learned? What event most changed Mathabane’s future?

3 Apartheid “Apartheid” is a word meaning “Separateness”
Black South Africans, who made up 75% of the population, and other non-white People lived under government institutionalized racial segregation from 1948 to 1994. Non-whites were stripped of citizenship and necessities such as medical care and education.

4 Oppression In 1953, the government passed laws which allowed officers to arrest, whip, or kill protestors during sanctioned states of emergency. Even peaceful protests often ended violently. Starting in the 1950’s, many black South Africans were forced to move from their homes and into densely populated areas where they were unable to own land. Those who did not comply were arrested and often interrogated and tortured.

5 Dehumanization All blacks were required to carry pass books containing fingerprints, photo, and information to non-black areas. Non-whites were classified into various groups by way of state tests. This classification would determine rights and privileges. Children were taught from a young age to prepare to be a laborer when they grew up.

6 Cause and Effect A cause-and-effect relationship is a connection between the reason for an occurrence and the occurrence itself. Analyzing these relationships helps to explain why things happen and why a character or person makes the decisions he or she makes. As you read, ask yourself: What influences the characters in Kaffir Boy to make the decisions they do?

7 While you read, look for…
Cause and effect How do society, government, and people influence each other? Dehumanization How are people treated and what rights do they have? Voice How is the author’s personality conveyed through his distinctive use of language? Theme What themes come across in the reading? Are they explicit or implied? Which events drive these themes home?

8 After Reading, Discuss Mathabane uses South African words throughout the text. In your opinion, do these words enhance or detract from the reading experience? How important is the setting – the time and place – of this autobiographical story? How does it influence the events that occur? Consider Mathabane’s use of cultural details such as the treatment of women. How do these details illuminate Mathabane’s purpose in the section? Mathabane writes that by choosing “to fight on [his] mother’s side,” his “destiny was forever altered.” What might his life have been like if he had chosen to fight on his father’s side instead?

9 Literary Element Answer questions 1 and 2 under Literary Element on page 319 in your composition book. 1. What is the central theme in this selection from Kaffir Boy? Is this theme stated or implied? Explain 2. What other themes can you identify from this selection? Are they connected to the central theme? Explain.

10 Cause-and-Effect Chart
Government limits rights and education for blacks. Father never attends school a Effect Effect Mother doesn’t want son to end up like his father. Gang lives an exciting yet dangerous lifestyle. Effect

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