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absolve (verb) to clear from blame, responsibility, or guilt

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Presentation on theme: "absolve (verb) to clear from blame, responsibility, or guilt"— Presentation transcript:

1 absolve (verb) to clear from blame, responsibility, or guilt
Synonym: acquit, exonerate, vindicate, excuse, pardon Antonym: condemn, convict, incriminate, inculcate

2 caricature (noun) a representation (especially a drawing) in which the subjects’ features are deliberately exaggerated. (verb) to present some one or something in a deliberately distorted way. Synonyms: cartoon, burlesque, parody, lampoon

3 clangor (noun) a loud ringing sound
(verb) to make a loud ringing sound Synonyms: din, clamor, uproar Antonyms:

4 contiguous (adjective) side by side, touching; near; adjacent in time
Synonyms: adjoining, abutting, next door to Antonyms: detached, apart, distant, remote

5 Gollum’s cupidity for the ring.
(noun) an eager desire for something, greed Synonyms: avarice, rapacity, craving, lust Antonyms: generosity, contentment, satiation, gratification

6 Deleterious (adjective) harmful, injurious
The Chinese Crested is an example of a deleterious mutation. Having no hair can be detrimental to a dog’s health. (adjective) harmful, injurious Synonyms: detrimental, destructive, pernicious, damaging Antonyms: helpful, beneficial, harmless, innocuous

7 Enhance (verb)To raise to a higher degree; to increase the value or desirability of Synonyms: improve, magnify, heighten, elevate Antonyms: diminish, reduce, lessen degrade

8 enthrall (verb) to captivate, charm, hold spellbound; to enslave; to imprison Synonyms: fascinate, enchant, attract, bewitch

9 extenuate (verb) to lessen the seriousness or magnitude of an offense by making partial excuses Synonyms: moderate, mitigate, diminish, downplay Antonyms: intensify, aggravate, worsen, exacerbate

10 implicit (adj) implied or understood though unexpressed; without doubts or reservations, unquestioning; potentially contained in Thanks, Captain Obvious, but this is implicit in the restaurant’s name. Synonyms: inferred, tacit, unspoken, unconditional Antonyms: Explicit, expressed, stated, revealed

11 incisive (adjective) sharp, keen, penetrating (with a suggestion of decisiveness and effectiveness) Synonyms: acute, cutting, perceptive, trenchant Antonyms: Adroit, tactful, diplomatic, politic

12 Ostentatious (adjective) marked by conspicuous or pretentious display, showy Synonyms: flashy, overdone, affected, flamboyant Antonyms: modest, plain, simple, demure, retiring.

13 Paragon (Noun) a model of excellence or perfection
Synonyms: exemplar, ideal, paradigm, model, good example

14 Paraphrase (verb) to restate in other words;
Quote: “Proper education will assist children and others to use new technologies in a constructive and meaningful way” (McNair 182). Paraphrase: School helps people constructively learn about technology (McNair 182). Yes, you do still cite a paraphrased piece of evidence. (verb) to restate in other words; (noun) a statement that presents a given idea in new language Synonyms: (verb) reword, rephrase (noun) version, rendition Antonyms: (verb) repeat verbatim, duplicate, quote

15 Politic (adjective) prudent, shrewdly conceived and developed; artful, expedient Synonyms: tactful, diplomatic, judicious, circumspect Antonyms: unwise, injudicious, imprudent, rash

16 prosaic (adjective) dull lacking in distinction and originality; matter-of-fact, straightforward; characteristic of prose, not poetic Synonyms: commonplace, humdrum, literal, pedestrian Antonyms: remarkable, distinctive, poetic, inspired

17 Redundant (adjective) extra, excess, more than in needed; wordy, repetitive; profuse, lush Synonyms: unnecessary, superfluous, verbose, prolix Antonyms: succinct, terse, laconic, scarce, inadequate

18 sanctimonious Antonyms: heartfelt, sincere, humble
(adjective) making a show of virtue or righteousness; hypocritically moralistic or pious, self-righteousness, canting, holier-than-thou. Antonyms: heartfelt, sincere, humble

19 scintillating (adj., participle) sparkling, twinkling, exceptionally brilliant (applied to mental or personal qualities) Synonyms: stimulating, lively, glittering, flashing Antonyms: dull, boring, insipid, flat, tame, vapid

20 winsome (adjective) charming, attractive, pleasing (often suggesting a childlike charm and innocence) Synonyms: winning, engaging, delightful, prepossessing Antonyms: unattractive, unappealing, repulsive

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