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Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Cloud Working Group How Do We Accelerate Cloud Adoption?

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Presentation on theme: "Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Cloud Working Group How Do We Accelerate Cloud Adoption?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Cloud Working Group How Do We Accelerate Cloud Adoption?

2 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Survey Says: Improve Cloud Acquisition

3 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Background: Survey Process Survey contained 30 questions covering the following topics on Cloud Adoption: –Acquisition –Organizational Culture –Security –Data Management Survey inputs requested by Government and Industry in Spring 2013 Response rate –Government - 10 responses –Industry - 34 responses 3

4 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Background: Survey Results #1 barrier continues to be perceptions of security in the cloud #2 barrier to cloud adoption today is the lack of knowledge on how to contract for cloud services Acquisition Findings of Note: –The one thing that can be done to accelerate government adoption of cloud services is to improve the ability to compare current costs to cloud provider costs. –Fixed unit cost of consumed services is the model of choice for purchasing cloud services –Government believes their organizations today have limited or no understanding of managing services through established service level agreements –Preferred method of controlling funding and usage of individual cloud services is to cap the dollar amount during the period of service. While a limited survey pool, the findings appeared to be reasonably representative to the working group. 4

5 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Background: Survey Results If a FedRAMP approved service delivered 20% cost savings, Government was somewhat willing to accept only very limited customization - I.e. government respondents indicated some willingness to standardize for cost savings, but this a limited willingness. Government believes that their organization’s Asset management practices is a somewhat mature operational practice Resource Management practices as it relates to cloud computing resources has basic process in place for Government 5

6 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action CIOs, CPOs & CFOs: Contracting Arrangements Requirements Best Practices

7 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Cloud Working Group – Cloud Adoption Government and Industry Roundtable Discussion –The theme discussed based on survey results and a use cases – Assigned Working Streams to further develop an action plan for the improvement of cloud adoption Cloud Working Group – 3 Work Streams –Based on Government and Industry feedback the Cloud Working Group created three Work Streams sponsored by Government and Industry leads. Work Stream 1: Contract Arrangements - develop a trade-offs contractual approaches Work Stream 2: CSP Performance Requirements - identify the specific information needed to better specify commonly held performance needs Work Stream 3: Accelerating Learning across Organizations & Sectors - knowledge sharing action recommendation for the cross-functional 7

8 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Objectives  Show explicit trade-offs 1) for government, 2) for industry, caused by specific decisions, contractual approaches with the objective of facilitating successful buying for specific cloud-based services S  Specify what government needs to know, do, provide; outline what industry needs to know, do, provide Scope  Describe explicit elements of trade-off via various contractual arrangements.  Propose actions and decisions to accelerate understanding of trade-offs and improved approaches for specific types of service.  Identify existing contractual vehicles used today (commercial and government) and capture elements of trade-off with regard to acquiring cloud  Document gaps and improvement areas for existing vehicles  Outline existing ways to leverage existing contract vehicles to add cloud Work Stream 1: Contract Arrangements 8

9 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Work Stream 2: Performance Requirements 9 Objectives  Identify the specific information and circumstances needed to better specify commonly held performance needs  Specify what government and industry need to know, do, provide with regard to “waterline” performance requirements Scope  Describe the current state of requirements: size, scope, tech currency, duration, etc.  Discuss the problems created with the current state. Be sure to address issues created for both the buyer and cloud service providers  Make recommendations for how to address the problem regarding: −All cloud services: IaaS, SaaS, PaaS both multi-tenanted and dedicated −Promote transparency and flexibility (e.g., what are we getting?) −Promoting innovation and ongoing improvements / evaluation methods

10 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Work Stream 3: Accelerating Learning across Organizations & Sectors 10 Objectives  Outline how to proliferate insights from cross-functional, cross-sector endeavor and from early government and industry adopters  Specify what government & industry need to know, do, provide.  Determine what the working group can do to driver near- & mid-term actions Scope  Collect cloud success stories to highlight achievements in: −Fixed unit purchases, cloud business model & different cloud services with budgeting implications −Governance model required for cloud services and acquisition (e.g., monitoring, oversight, roles / responsibilities for business owner, CIO, IV&V, governing body for “services” similar to FedRAMP)  Identify and capture success stories  Identify forums for getting the word out (e.g., knowledge share forum)

11 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action How Can You Help?

12 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Join Us! Contact: Mark Day, Gov’t Chair – Stacy Cleveland, Chair – James Pyon, Vice Chair – Daniel Lee, Communications –

13 Advancing Government through Collaboration, Education and Action Share Your Cloud Story Contact: Matt Goodrich, FedRAMP – Daniel Lee –

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