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Presentation on theme: " NHS – in England Opportunities for SEM November 2014 Dr J Etherington FFSEM and National Clinical Director for Rehabilitation and Recovering."— Presentation transcript:

1 NHS – in England Opportunities for SEM November 2014 Dr J Etherington FFSEM and National Clinical Director for Rehabilitation and Recovering in the Community

2 CCGs Senates NHS E Area Teams Regional Teams SCN AHSN NHS IQ HQIP Monitor Health and Social Care Act Other AgenciesNetworks NHS EnglandCommissioning Assembly Senates CCG Area/Regional Teams NHS IQ HQIP HCISC Monitor CQC SCN AHSN

3 Rehabilitation will be key to every episode of care. It will maximise mental and physical health, independence and occupation. Rehabilitation is everyone’s business Vision:

4 Patient Links Specialist Generalist Social Care

5 Rehabilitation for Economic Growth Vocational rehabilitation Commissioning Incentives and Levers Commissioning Guidance Children and Young Peoples’ Rehabilitation services National Rehabilitation Conference 2015 Rehabilitation Delivery Board working groups

6 www.england.nhs.uk6 External Agencies care/recovery,-rehabilitation-and-reablement.aspx NICE HQIP NHS IQ - Mapping

7 www.england.nhs.uk7 Mapping

8 www.england.nhs.uk8 Mapping

9 www.england.nhs.uk9 Mapping


11 IssueStakeholders Return to work reduced reliance on state benefits DWP Enable people to remain in workDWP CYP – maximise educational opportunities and decrease cost to social care DfE Social care DWP Supporting elderly to maintain independence Social Care Increase participation in society/reduced behavioural issues MOJ Injury Cost RecoveryInsurers / NHS Trusts National Economic Benefits of Rehabilitation

12 Return to WorkLong Term Conditions Transforming Rehabilitation

13 Worker Primary Care Rehabilitation PHC – OHOT Work Hardening Fitness Certification Employer liaison Exercise- based rehabilitation Physiotherapy Exercise professionals Social reintegration Group therapyIll-health Return to Work / Education Economic BenefitsWho? Return to WorkDWP Reductions in Healthcare contacts NHS maximise educational opportunities DfE

14 NHS Employee Employee as Role model Investment in the Employee Improved Staff Morale Improved Mental and Physical Health Reduction in Sickness Absence Lifestyle incentives Support to Exercise Smoking cessation Weight management NHS Fitness Economic BenefitsWho? Improved MoraleNHS Employers Reduced sickness absenceDWP / NHS Employers Role ModelsNHS Improved lifestyleNHS

15 Patient Primary Care Rehabilitation PHCSWMemory TeamOTWork Social Care/ Liaison Physiotherapy Physical therapy/mobility Reduction in pharmacological therapy Exercise- based rehabilitation Exercise professionals Social reintegration Group therapy LTC Economic BenefitsWho? Reductions in drug therapyNHS Falls reductionNHS / Social Care IndependenceSocial Care Return to WorkDWP

16 NHS England – Five Years Forward View

17 Develop and support new workplace incentives to promote employee health and cut sickness-related unemployment Manage systems – networks of care – not just organisations. Out-of-hospital care needs to become a much larger part of what the NHS does. Need to evaluate new care models to establish which produce the best experience for patients and the best value for money. Primary and Acute Care Systems Multispecialty Community Provider. FYFV

18 Multispecialty Community Provider. ‘Groups of GPs to combine with nurses, other community health services, hospital specialists and perhaps mental health and social care to create integrated out-of-hospital care’

19 Rehabilitation – more explicit in business plan NHS England - Rehabilitation Programme – November 2014

20 Future Hospitals Training to meet need of Acute Hospital Service Dual accreditation Closer alignment rehabilitation and EM Training Focus on vocational outcomes Work place services SEM Opportunities

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