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Published byNora Butler Modified over 9 years ago
1 Indiana Standards for Mathematics (2014) Instructional Shifts in College and Career Readiness 1
2 Agenda Where to find the resources Productive.vs. Unproductive Beliefs Process Standards – Guide and Facilitate Lesson Planning for Differentiation – Questions Grades 9 – 12 Productive Questioning and Higher Order Thinking Questions. How to Prepare for the Changes in Assessment
Current Standards can be found at: Mathematics Standards and Resources can be found at: Content Framework Development Tools can be found at: Online Communities of Practice can be found at: Curriculum Resources can be found at: Where to find the Resources 3
Assessment Resources can be found at: ISTEP+ Resources can be found at: ECA Resources can be found at: WIDA Standards Resources can be found at: Where to find the Resources 4
Productive.vs. Unproductive Beliefs for Teaching and Learning Mathematics Unproductive Beliefs Productive Beliefs Mathematics learning should focus on practicing procedures and memorizing basic number combinations. Mathematics learning should focus on developing understanding of concepts and procedures through problem solving, reasoning, and discourse. Students need only to learn and use the same standard computational algorithms and the same prescribed methods to solve algebraic problems. All students need to have a range of strategies and approaches from which to choose in solving problems, including, but not limited to, general methods, standard algorithms, and procedures. The role of the teacher is to tell students exactly what definitions, formulas, and rules they should know and demonstrate how to use this information to solve mathematics problems. The role of the teacher is to engage students in tasks that promote reasoning and problem solving and facilitate discourse that moves students toward shared understanding of mathematics. Effective Teaching and Learning. (2014). In Principles to Actions : Ensuring mathematical success for all (p. 11). Reston, VA: NCTM. 5
Productive.vs. Unproductive Beliefs for Teaching and Learning Mathematics Unproductive Beliefs Productive Beliefs Students can learn to apply mathematics only after they have mastered the basic skills. Students can learn mathematics through exploring and solving contextual and mathematical problems. The role of the student is to memorize information that is presented and then use it to solve routine problems on homework, quizzes, and tests. The role of the student is to be actively involved in making sense of mathematics tasks by using varied strategies and representations, justifying solutions, making connections to prior knowledge or familiar contexts and experiences, and considering the reasoning of others. An effective teacher makes the mathematics easy for students by guiding them step by step through problem solving to ensure that they are not frustrated or confused. An effective teacher provides students with appropriate challenge, encourages perseverance in solving problems, and supports productive struggle in learning mathematics. Effective Teaching and Learning. (2014). In Principles to Actions : Ensuring mathematical success for all (p. 11). Reston, VA: NCTM. 6
7 Process Standards for Mathematics The Process Standards demonstrate the ways in which students should develop conceptual understanding of mathematical content, and the ways in which students should synthesize and apply mathematical skills. PS.1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Mathematically proficient students start by explaining to themselves the meaning of a problem and looking for entry points to its solution. They analyze givens, constraints, relationships, and goals. They make conjectures about the form and meaning of the solution and plan a solution pathway, rather than simply jumping into a solution attempt. They consider analogous problems and try special cases and simpler forms of the original problem in order to gain insight into its solution. They monitor and evaluate their progress and change course if necessary. Mathematically proficient students check their answers to problems using a different method, and they continually ask themselves, “Does this make sense?” and "Is my answer reasonable?" They understand the approaches of others to solving complex problems and identify correspondences between different approaches. Mathematically proficient students understand how mathematical ideas interconnect and build on one another to produce a coherent whole.
8 Process Standards for Mathematics The Process Standards demonstrate the ways in which students should develop conceptual understanding of mathematical content, and the ways in which students should synthesize and apply mathematical skills. PS.2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Mathematically proficient students make sense of quantities and their relationships in problem situations. They bring two complementary abilities to bear on problems involving quantitative relationships: the ability to decontextualize—to abstract a given situation and represent it symbolically and manipulate the representing symbols as if they have a life of their own, without necessarily attending to their referents—and the ability to contextualize, to pause as needed during the manipulation process in order to probe into the referents for the symbols involved. Quantitative reasoning entails habits of creating a coherent representation of the problem at hand; considering the units involved; attending to the meaning of quantities, not just how to compute them; and knowing and flexibly using different properties of operations and objects.
9 Process Standards for Mathematics The Process Standards demonstrate the ways in which students should develop conceptual understanding of mathematical content, and the ways in which students should synthesize and apply mathematical skills. PS.3: Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Mathematically proficient students understand and use stated assumptions, definitions, and previously established results in constructing arguments. They make conjectures and build a logical progression of statements to explore the truth of their conjectures. They analyze situations by breaking them into cases and recognize and use counterexamples. They organize their mathematical thinking, justify their conclusions and communicate them to others, and respond to the arguments of others. They reason inductively about data, making plausible arguments that take into account the context from which the data arose. Mathematically proficient students are also able to compare the effectiveness of two plausible arguments, distinguish correct logic or reasoning from that which is flawed, and—if there is a flaw in an argument—explain what it is. They justify whether a given statement is true always, sometimes, or never. Mathematically proficient students participate and collaborate in a mathematics community. They listen to or read the arguments of others, decide whether they make sense, and ask useful questions to clarify or improve the arguments.
10 Process Standards for Mathematics The Process Standards demonstrate the ways in which students should develop conceptual understanding of mathematical content, and the ways in which students should synthesize and apply mathematical skills. PS.4: Model with mathematics. Mathematically proficient students apply the mathematics they know to solve problems arising in everyday life, society, and the workplace using a variety of appropriate strategies. They create and use a variety of representations to solve problems and to organize and communicate mathematical ideas. Mathematically proficient students apply what they know and are comfortable making assumptions and approximations to simplify a complicated situation, realizing that these may need revision later. They are able to identify important quantities in a practical situation and map their relationships using such tools as diagrams, two-way tables, graphs, flowcharts and formulas. They analyze those relationships mathematically to draw conclusions. They routinely interpret their mathematical results in the context of the situation and reflect on whether the results make sense, possibly improving the model if it has not served its purpose.
11 Process Standards for Mathematics The Process Standards demonstrate the ways in which students should develop conceptual understanding of mathematical content, and the ways in which students should synthesize and apply mathematical skills. PS.1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Mathematically proficient students start by explaining to themselves the meaning of a problem and looking for entry points to its solution. They analyze givens, constraints, relationships, and goals. They make conjectures about the form and meaning of the solution and plan a solution pathway, rather than simply jumping into a solution attempt. They consider analogous problems and try special cases and simpler forms of the original problem in order to gain insight into its solution. They monitor and evaluate their progress and change course if necessary. Mathematically proficient students check their answers to problems using a different method, and they continually ask themselves, “Does this make sense?” and "Is my answer reasonable?" They understand the approaches of others to solving complex problems and identify correspondences between different approaches. Mathematically proficient students understand how mathematical ideas interconnect and build on one another to produce a coherent whole.
12 Process Standards for Mathematics The Process Standards demonstrate the ways in which students should develop conceptual understanding of mathematical content, and the ways in which students should synthesize and apply mathematical skills. PS.5: Use appropriate tools strategically. Mathematically proficient students consider the available tools when solving a mathematical problem. These tools might include pencil and paper, models, a ruler, a protractor, a calculator, a spreadsheet, a computer algebra system, a statistical package, or dynamic geometry software. Mathematically proficient students are sufficiently familiar with tools appropriate for their grade or course to make sound decisions about when each of these tools might be helpful, recognizing both the insight to be gained and their limitations. Mathematically proficient students identify relevant external mathematical resources, such as digital content, and use them to pose or solve problems. They use technological tools to explore and deepen their understanding of concepts and to support the development of learning mathematics. They use technology to contribute to concept development, simulation, representation, reasoning, communication and problem solving.
13 Process Standards for Mathematics The Process Standards demonstrate the ways in which students should develop conceptual understanding of mathematical content, and the ways in which students should synthesize and apply mathematical skills. PS.6: Attend to precision. Mathematically proficient students communicate precisely to others. They use clear definitions, including correct mathematical language, in discussion with others and in their own reasoning. They state the meaning of the symbols they choose, including using the equal sign consistently and appropriately. They express solutions clearly and logically by using the appropriate mathematical terms and notation. They specify units of measure and label axes to clarify the correspondence with quantities in a problem. They calculate accurately and efficiently and check the validity of their results in the context of the problem. They express numerical answers with a degree of precision appropriate for the problem context.
14 Process Standards for Mathematics The Process Standards demonstrate the ways in which students should develop conceptual understanding of mathematical content, and the ways in which students should synthesize and apply mathematical skills. PS.1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Mathematically proficient students start by explaining to themselves the meaning of a problem and looking for entry points to its solution. They analyze givens, constraints, relationships, and goals. They make conjectures about the form and meaning of the solution and plan a solution pathway, rather than simply jumping into a solution attempt. They consider analogous problems and try special cases and simpler forms of the original problem in order to gain insight into its solution. They monitor and evaluate their progress and change course if necessary. Mathematically proficient students check their answers to problems using a different method, and they continually ask themselves, “Does this make sense?” and "Is my answer reasonable?" They understand the approaches of others to solving complex problems and identify correspondences between different approaches. Mathematically proficient students understand how mathematical ideas interconnect and build on one another to produce a coherent whole.
15 Process Standards for Mathematics The Process Standards demonstrate the ways in which students should develop conceptual understanding of mathematical content, and the ways in which students should synthesize and apply mathematical skills. PS.7: Look for and make use of structure. Mathematically proficient students look closely to discern a pattern or structure. They step back for an overview and shift perspective. They recognize and use properties of operations and equality. They organize and classify geometric shapes based on their attributes. They see expressions, equations, and geometric figures as single objects or as being composed of several objects. PS.8: Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Mathematically proficient students notice if calculations are repeated and look for general methods and shortcuts. They notice regularity in mathematical problems and their work to create a rule or formula. Mathematically proficient students maintain oversight of the process, while attending to the details as they solve a problem. They continually evaluate the reasonableness of their intermediate results.
16 Process Standards “Look Fors” PS.1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Students: Are actively engaged in solving problems Teacher: Provides time for and facilitates the discussion of problem solutions PS.2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Students: Use varied representations and approaches when solving problems Teacher: Provides a range of representations of mathematical ideas and problem situations and encourages varied solution paths PS.3: Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Students: Understand and use prior learning in constructing arguments Teacher: Provides opportunities for students to listen to or read the conclusions and arguments of others PS.4: Model with mathematics. Students: Apply mathematics learned to problems they solve and reflect on results Teacher: Provides a variety of contexts for students to apply the mathematics learned Adapted from Dr. Skip Fennell (PDF Document) – ACTM Presentation in Little Rock AK – 11/8/2012
17 Process Standards “Look Fors” PS.5: Use appropriate tools strategically. Students: Use technological tools to deepen understanding Teacher: Uses appropriate tools (e.g. manipulatives) instructionally to strengthen the development of mathematical understanding PS.6: Attend to precision. Students: Based on a problem Teacher: Emphasizes the importance of mathematical vocabulary and models precise communication. PS.7: Look for and make use of structure. Students: Look for, develop, and generalize arithmetic expressions Teacher: Provides time for applying and discussing properties PS. 8: Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Students: Use repeated applications to generalize properties Teacher: Models and encourages students to look for and discuss regularity in reasoning Adapted from Dr. Skip Fennell (PDF Document) – ACTM Presentation in Little Rock AK – 11/8/2012
18 Lesson Plan Template 18 Relating the Mathematics being taught to the Students Planning Questions - To think about as a teacher while planning Pre-Assessing Questions - For teacher to ask for pre-assessing students. Include higher order thinking questions while pre- assessing Differentiation Questions - How can I adjust this lessons for student’s needs Examples, Activities and Tasks Resources and Materials Access and Engagement for ALL Students
19 Lesson Plan Template LESSON ELEMENT PROVIDE STUDENT-FRIENDLY TRANSLATION WHERE APPLICABLE 1. Grade level Indiana Academic Standard(s) 2014 the lesson targets include: 2. Learning Target(s): 3. Relating the Learning to Students: 4. Assessment Criteria for Success: 5. - Content Area Literacy standards for History /Social Studies, Science, & Technical Subjects: - Math Process Standard(s): Indiana Academic Standards2014 Lesson Plan Alignment Template Subject(s): ______________________ Period(s): ___________ Grade(s): ______________ Teacher(s): ________________________________________ School: __________________ The lesson plan alignment tool provides examples of the instructional elements that should be included in daily planning and practice for the Indiana Academic Standards. The template is designed as a developmental tool for teachers and those who support teachers. It can also be used to observe a lesson and provide feedback or to guide lesson planning and reflection.
20 Lesson Plan Template 6. Academic Vocabulary: 7. Examples/Activities/Tasks: 8. Resources/Materials: 9. Access and Engagement for All: 10. Differentiation/Accommodations: Indiana Academic Standards Aligned Lesson: Reflection In addition, please choose ONE question below to respond to after you have taught the lesson OR create your own question and respond to it after you have taught the lesson. 1.How did this lesson support 21 st Century Skills? 2.How did this lesson reflect academic rigor? 3.How did this lesson cognitively engage students? 4.How did this lesson engage students in collaborative learning and enhance their collaborative learning skills?
21 Posing Purposeful Questions Effective teaching of mathematics uses purposeful questions to assess and advance students’ reasoning and sense making about important mathematical ideas and relationships. Effective Teaching and Learning. (2014). In Principles to Actions : Ensuring mathematical success for all (p. 35). Reston, VA: NCTM. Four Types of Questions 1.Gathering Information 2.Probing Thinking 3.Making the mathematics visible 4.Encouraging reflection and justification
22 Posing Purposeful Questions Question typeDescriptionExamples Gathering informationStudents recall facts, definitions, or procedures. When you write an equation, what does the equal sign tell you? What is the formula for finding the area of a rectangle? Probing thinkingStudents explain, elaborate, or clarify their thinking, including articulating the steps in solution methods or the completion of a task. As you drew that number line, what decisions did you make so that you could represent 7 fourths on it? Can you show and explain more about how you used a table to find the answer to the Smartphone Plans task? Effective Teaching and Learning. (2014). In Principles to Actions : Ensuring mathematical success for all (p. 36). Reston, VA: NCTM.
23 Question typeDescriptionExamples Making the mathematics visible Students discuss mathematical structures and make connections among mathematical ideas and relationships. What does your equation have to do with the band concert situation? How does that array relate to multiplication and division? Encouraging reflection and justification Students reveal deeper understanding of their reasoning and actions, including making an argument for the validity of their work. How might you prove that 51 is the solution? How do you know that the sum of two odd numbers will always be even? Effective Teaching and Learning. (2014). In Principles to Actions : Ensuring mathematical success for all (p. 37). Reston, VA: NCTM. Posing Purposeful Questions
24 Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Levels
25 Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Activities
26 Constructed Response Extended Response Questions I would suggest every 2 – 3 weeks having students practice working Extended Response and Constructed Response styles of questions. You can also Google “Constructed Response Math Questions” and find some great resources like: Likewise if you Google “Extended Response Math Questions” and find some great resources like: You can refine or narrow your search criteria using a specific grade level or mathematical concept and/or standard. These are great practice on this type of question. They may not be the exact same as the questions your students will be seeing on the ISTEP+ but the practice with this type of questions will help them considerably with the questions they will see and be asked to work on the Indiana ISTEP+.
27 Assessment Update for Educators ISTEP+: ECAs
Assessment Items – General Notes… Mathematics Icons will not appear on the Spring 2015 Math items, as Mathematical Process Standard 5 requires the use of appropriate tools strategically. The Spring 2015 Math assessment will include items that measure fluency as demonstrated “efficiently” and “accurately” by students. When creating an expression or equation, students must define the variable. Gridded-Response items will appear as part of the pencil-and-paper version for Part 2 in grades 4 – 8.
29 Designing the Spring 2015 ISTEP+ (Grades 3-8) ISTEP+ Part 1 March Administration – Applied Skills Items (Online voluntary) Paper/Pencil Testing Window: March 2 - 11, 2015 Online Testing Window: March 2 - 13, 2015 ISTEP+ Part 2 April/May Administration (Online required) Paper/Pencil Testing Window (Requires Pre-Approval): April 27 – May 8, 2015 Multiple-Choice and Gridded-Response Items Online Testing Window: April 27 – May 15, 2015 Multiple-Choice and Technology-Enhanced Items
30 Acuity Assessments: Grades 3-8 English/Language Arts and Mathematics Replace Predictive and Diagnostic paths Aligned to the CCR 2014 Indiana Academic Standards 3 administrations – serve as pretest/diagnostic assessment
31 Assessment-focused Professional Development: Grades 3-8 September/October – recorded WebEx Sessions Focused on: Use of Instructional and Assessment Guidance Sample open-ended items based on new CCR standards Technology-enhanced item types
32 “Experience College- and Career- Ready Assessment” Tool: Grades 3-8 Release October 1; open through spring Technology-enhanced item types Training for students and educators Engaging and interactive Teachers are encouraged to use Experience CCRA as an instructional tool in the classroom!
33 Designing the Spring 2015 ISTEP+ End of Course Assessments (ECAs) Spring 2015 ECAs will include two components: Graduation examination Aligned to IAS (2000 Algebra I, 2006 English 10) Accountability assessment Aligned to CCR IAS (2014 Algebra I and English 10) Watch for additional ECA updates coming later this fall!
. Graduation Examination & Accountability Assessment Implementation YearGrade ECA (IAS 2000 Algebra I, 2006 English 10) ECA (CCR IAS 2014 Algebra I, English 10) Grade 10 Summative Assessment Graduation Examination Accountability Assessment 2014-15 Grade 10 Graduation Examination Accountability Assessment Grade 11Retest Grade 12Retest AdultsRetest 2015-16 Grade 10 Graduation Examination X Grade 11Retest Grade 12Retest AdultsRetest 2016-17 Grade 10 XX Grade 11Retest Grade 12Retest AdultsRetest 2017-18 Grade 10 XX Grade 11 Retest Grade 12Retest AdultsRetest 2018-19 Grade 10 XX Grade 11 Retest Grade 12 Retest AdultsRetest 2019-20 Grade 10 XX Grade 11 Retest Grade 12 Retest Adults Retest
35 Acuity Assessments: ECAs Acuity for Algebra I and English 10 Continue Predictive forms for the ECAs Assesses Graduation Examination content NEW CCR-aligned items for use by teachers Assesses accountability assessment content
36 Assessment-focused Professional Development: ECAs Late Fall – recorded WebEx Sessions Focused on: Use of Instructional and Assessment Guidance Sample open-ended items based on new CCR standards Technology-enhanced item types
37 “Experience College- and Career- Ready Assessment” Tool: ECAs Teachers are encouraged to use Experience CCRA as an instructional tool in the classroom! Release in January Technology-enhanced item types Training for students and educators Engaging and interactive
. Future Assessments: Beginning in 2015-16 Assessment Resolution includes: Summative Assessment (Grades 3-10) Grade 10 ISTEP+ becomes new Graduation Examination Phase-out ECAs (Algebra I, English 10) High School Science Assessment based on Biology I IREAD-3 Alternate assessments (Grades 3-10) Formative assessments (Grades K-10) College- and Career-Readiness Exam (Grade 11) Grade 11, 12 assessments (focused on college and career)
Blue font = Educator Involvement Assessment Development Journey 39
. ActivityECA Timeline Specification Review Meetings and Test Blueprint Development September 2014 Passage Review Meetings September 2014 Item Development September/October 2014 Content and Bias/Sensitivity Review Meetings November 2014 Pilot New ECA Items During Late Winter Testing Window February/March 2015 Form Selection and Build March 2015 Administer Assessment April/May 2015 Standards Setting (Cut-Score Setting) Summer 2015 ECA Development & Implementation Blue font = Educator Involvement 40
41 Support for Educators: ECAs – Projected Timeline SupportTimeline Test Blueprints Posted Late Fall Instructional and Assessment Guidance Posted Late Fall Acuity CCR-aligned Items Available in October Professional Development (Recorded Sessions): Open-ended items and Technology-Enhanced Items December/January Experience College- and Career-Ready Assessment (Sample technology-enhanced items for use with students, teachers, parents, and others) Early January Stay tuned for more information!
42 Instructional and Assessment Guidance Provides “granular” view of standards Informs curricular and instructional priorities Provides transparency regarding assessments ECA graduation examination ECA accountability assessment +,, –
43 Instructional and Assessment Guidance 2014-15 Mathematics – Grade 5 Represents standards that may be assessed on ISTEP+ Part 1 and ISTEP+ Part 2. All standards may be assessed on ISTEP+ Part 2. SymbolContent PriorityApproximate Instructional Time ++ Critical50 – 75% Important25 – 50% –– Additional5 – 10% Strand 1 Number Sense Strand 2 Computation Strand 3 Algebraic Thinking Strand 4 Geometry Strand 5 Measurement Strand 6 Data Analysis Strand 7 Mathematical Process 5.NS.1 *5.C.1 ++ *5.AT.1 ++ 5.G.1 *5.M.1 ++ 5.DS.1 * *PS.1 ++ 5.NS.2 5.C.2 ++ *5.AT.2 ++ *5.G.2 5.M.2 5.DS.2 *PS.2 ++ 5.NS.3 –– 5.C.3 –– *5.AT.3 *5.M.3 ++ *PS.3 ++ 5.NS.4 –– 5.C.4 ++ *5.AT.4 5.M.4 *PS.4 ++ 5.NS.5 –– 5.C.5 ++ *5.AT.5 ++ *5.M.5 ++ *PS.5 ++ 5.NS.6 5.C.6 –– 5.AT.6 *5.M.6 *PS.6 ++ 5.C.7 ++ 5.AT.7 *PS.7 ++ *5.C.8 ++ *5.AT.8 *PS.8 ++ *5.C.9 ++ Sample
44 Resources for Assessment Guidance School Test Coordinator (STC) Corporation Test Coordinator (CTC) Office of Student Assessment Telephone: (317) 232-9050 Email: Website:
45 ISTEP+ Mathematics Update Grades 6-8, 2014-15 45
46 Mathematics Standards (2014) Dive into the standards Correlation Documents Resource Guides Vertical Articulation Documents 46
47 Fluency Standards Fluency standards in Grades 2 through Algebra I Fluency means efficient and accurate Attain fluency by the end of the year Fluency items on ISTEP+ will not allow a calculator 47
48 Mathematical Process Standards Help students develop the Process Standards on a daily basis while connecting them to math content. 48
49 MP 2 & 3 Reasoning and Explaining Students must make sense of quantities and their relationships in problem situations. Provide time for students to think, share, and write about quantities in tasks & how they relate Encourage varied representations to solve tasks Evaluate arguments and work of others 49
50 MP 4 & 5 Modeling and Using Tools Provide multiple opportunities for students to apply math in real world tasks Help students build their “toolbox” and encourage them to think about using their tools to solve math problems eventually without prompting them to use the tools Pencil and paper, concrete models, ruler, protractor, calculator, spreadsheet, computer algebra system, statistical packs, dynamic geometry software 50
51 MP 7 & 8 Seeing Structure and Generalizing Encourage not always “attacking” a problem immediately Encourage students to look for patterns and ways to make the task easier or to assist in solving the task Encourage students to look for and build patterns that might lead to further understanding 51
52 General Assessment Information Mathematics ISTEP+ Gr.3-8 Reference Sheet Separate Ref. Sheet for Gr.4-8 Copy and print for students to use throughout the year No more Ref. icon on the test (MP5) Formulas and conversions are no longer embedded in questions unless the information is needed and not contained in the Ref. Sheet Gr.5: Volume of Right Rectangular Prism = l x w x h or B x h 52
53 General Assessment Information Continued – Calculator Information Gr.6-8: calculator allowed on Applied Skills Test and 1 session of the May Test Calculator allowed if in student’s IEP or 504 plan Maximum functionality: scientific calculator Scientific calculator recommended for Gr.6-8 Gr.7-8 gain familiarity with pi button and writing rounded and exact answers Ex: What is the circumference of a circle with a diameter of 4.5 inches? Rounded to hundredths: 14.14 inches Exact answer: 4.5∏ inches 53
54 General Assessment Information Continued Applied Skills Items Sample items available in September Rubrics available in September Technology Enhanced Items Practice session available in October 54
55 Instructional and Assessment Guidance Documents and Blueprints Mathematics Grades 3-8 55
56 Grades 6 – 8 Applied Skills Show all steps needed to solve the problems without showing lengthy computation work. For example: If a problem requires a step of 3.785 times 4.5, then show: 3.785 4.5 = 17.0325 Not necessary nor efficient! 56
57 Grade 6 – Applied Skills SOME of the content that may be assessed on the Applied Skills Assessment Rate, ratio, and percent problems Evaluating numerical expressions including evaluating the work of others (MP3) Writing expressions and equations (in 1 or 2 variables) including defining the variables 57
58 Grade 6 Clarifications Division computations: quotients with remainders written as a fraction, mixed number, or decimal, but NOT with “R” to represent the remainder Ex: 15,266/68 could be written as either 224.5, 224 ½, 224 34⁄68, 449⁄2, or equivalent values; but not as 224 R34 Operations with integers is now in Gr.7 Although the difference of #’s on a # line (including negative numbers) is in 6.NS.4 Teach “x” and “” as multiplication symbols 6.NS.10: Some examples: unit pricing, constant speed, percent problems, conversions within the same measurement system 58
59 6.NS.10 Example Ed has 8 pieces of candy which represents 40% of all the candy in his home. How many pieces of candy are in Ed’s home? Strategies may include using a double # line diagram, tape diagram, tables of values, & equations 0%100%50%40%20% 841620 80% 59
60 Tape Diagram Draw a “strip of tape” Cut strip into known percent Build to 100% 8 =.40x 884 20%40% 60
61 Grade 7 – Applied Skills SOME of the content that may be assessed on the Applied Skills Assessment Rate, ratio, and percent problems Applying the properties of operations to create equivalent linear expressions including evaluating the work of others (MP3) Writing equations (in 1 or 2 variables) including defining the variables Circumference and area of circle problems Volume of cylinder problems Surface Area (including nets) problems Use the Pi button on the calculator Not “use 3.14 for pi” as previously referenced 61
62 Grade 7 Clarifications 7.NS.1: Limit #’s to 200 or less 7.NS.2: Limit square roots to 144 or less 7.NS.3: Very basic introduction of irrational #’s (only include the numbers identified in the standard) 7.C.(1-4): More conceptual in nature – see RG Teach using the pi button and writing rounded and exact answers(7.GM.5-6) What is the circumference of a circle with a diameter of 4.5 inches? Rounded to hundredths: 14.14 inches Exact answer: 4.5∏ inches 62
63 Grade 8 – Applied Skills SOME of the content that may be assessed on the Applied Skills Assessment Writing equations (in 1 or 2 variables) including defining the variables and interpreting the slope and y- int. Justifying linear equations in one variable as having one solution, infinitely many solutions, or no solutions (MP3) Pythagorean Theorem problems Scatter plot problems 63
64 Grade 8 Clarifications 8.AF.3: When studying functions, include the terms independent and dependent variables, input and output values, x- and y-values 8.AF.4: Tasks should be qualitative in nature (See RG) 8.AF.5: Includes graphing a linear function, such as, y = -2x - 4 Teach using the pi button and writing answers in terms of pi (8.GM.2) 8.GM.4-5: Tasks do not include coordinate geometry 8.GM.6: Tasks include coordinate geometry 8.DSP.3: Equations should be written using an informal approach – not using technology 64
65 Defining Variables Explicit in Standards: 5.AT.8 and 6.AF.3 Implied in Standards: 6.AF.5, 6.AF.10, 7.AF.2, 7.AF.9, 8.AF.1, and 8.AF.6 Example of previous ISTEP+ Item A parking lot has 24 rows. Each row has the same number of parking spaces. The parking lot has a total of 768 parking spaces. Write an equation that can be used to determine the number of parking spaces (p) in each row. 65
66 Defining Variables New ISTEP+ Item aligned to 6.AF.5 and MP.2, 4, and 6 A parking lot has 24 rows. Each row has the same number of parking spaces. The parking lot has a total of 768 parking spaces. Write an equation that can be used to determine the number of parking spaces in each row. Be sure to define the variable in your equation. 66
67 Attend to Precision MP.6 Attend to Precision means precision in computations AND communication Precise communication: Let p represent the number of parking spaces in each row Not as precise: p is parking spaces If the answer is 1/3, then leave as 1/3…NOT 0.33 67
Assessment Items – General Notes… Mathematics Icons will not appear on the Spring 2015 Math items, as Mathematical Process Standard 5 requires the use of appropriate tools strategically. The Spring 2015 Math assessment will include items that measure fluency as demonstrated “efficiently” and “accurately” by students. When creating an expression or equation, students must define the variable. 68
ISTEP+ Part 1 – Applied Skills Sample Items The following items are samples, designed to use with teachers, as part of professional development; and students, to familiarize them with items aligned to the college- and career-ready 2014 Indiana Academic Standards. These sample items are non-secure and may be used by teachers and students. 69
A student claims that 8x – 2(4 + 3x) is equivalent to 3x. The student’s steps are shown. Expression: 8x – 2(4 + 3x) Step 1: 8x – 8 + 3x Step 2: 8x + 3x – 8 Step 3: 11x – 8 Step 4: 3x Part A Describe ALL errors in the student’s work. ___________________________________________________________ Math Grade 7 Constructed-Response Math constructed-response items are worth 2 points. 70
Part B If the errors in the student’s work are corrected, what will be the final expression? Show All Work Expression ____________________ 71
Exemplary Response: In Step 1, the student did not apply the distributive property correctly. The student forgot to multiply -2 and 3x. In Step 4, the student should not have subtracted 8 from 11x because they are not like terms. OR Other valid descriptions of the errors AND 2x – 8 Sample Process: 8x – 2(4 + 3x) 8x – 8 – 6x 2x – 8 72
Lynn is baking 20 cakes. She needs blueberries, strawberries, and some other ingredients for her recipe. -She needs 22 pounds of blueberries. -She needs twice as many pounds of blueberries as she does strawberries. Part A Write an equation that can be used to determine the number of pounds of strawberries Lynn needs. Be sure to define the variable in your equation. Define the variable _________________________________________________________ Equation _________________________________________________________ Math Grade 6 Extended-Response Math extended-response items are worth 6 points. 73
Part B Lynn buys the blueberries for $3 per pound and the strawberries for $2 per pound. What is the total cost of the blueberries and strawberries? Show All Work Answer $ ________ 74
Part C In addition to the cost of the berries, Lynn spends $52 on the other ingredients needed to make the 20 cakes. Lynn wants to make $5 for each cake she sells, taking into account the amount she spends on ALL ingredients. For how much should Lynn sell each cake in order to make $5 per cake? Use words, numbers, and/or symbols to justify your answer. ___________________________________________________________ 75
Exemplary Response: p represents the number of pounds of strawberries Lynn needs 2p = 22 OR Other valid equation and definition of the variable AND $88 AND Lynn should sell each cake for $12. 76
Sample Process: 2p = 22 P = 22/2 p = 11 22 x $3 = $66 11 x $2 = $22 $66 + $22 = $88 $88 + $52 = $140 $140/20 = $7 per cake $7 + $5 = $12 OR Other valid process 77
78 Contact Information Math Assessment Gr.6 – HS: ( K – 5: Ben Kemp ( Math College and Career Ready Office Bill Reed ( 78
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