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Department of Informatics, UC Irvine SDCL Collaboration Laboratory Software Design and 1 Informatics 43 Introduction to Software Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "Department of Informatics, UC Irvine SDCL Collaboration Laboratory Software Design and 1 Informatics 43 Introduction to Software Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Department of Informatics, UC Irvine SDCL Collaboration Laboratory Software Design and 1 Informatics 43 Introduction to Software Engineering Lecture 5-2 November 6, 2014 Emily Navarro Duplication of course material for any commercial purpose without the explicit written permission of the professor is prohibited.

2 Department of Informatics, UC Irvine SDCL Collaboration Laboratory Software Design and 2 Test 1 Next Thursday, November 13 th, 5:00pm 70 minutes long Closed book, closed notes You can leave when you are finished Show your ID card to one of the teaching staff Part multiple-choice, part short/long answer Advice: read questions carefully, re-read your answer and check whether it clearly says what you mean, don’t rush out at the end

3 Department of Informatics, UC Irvine SDCL Collaboration Laboratory Software Design and 3 Test 1 Next Thursday, November 13 th, 5:00pm 70 minutes long Closed book, closed notes You can leave when you are finished Show your ID card to one of the teaching staff Advice: read questions carefully, re-read your answer and check whether it clearly says what you mean, don’t rush out at the end Reminder: No class Tuesday!

4 Department of Informatics, UC Irvine SDCL Collaboration Laboratory Software Design and 4 Test 1 Topics The two Brooks articles Software process models Requirements engineering Software qualities (security, usability, etc.) Software failures Software engineering big picture (definition, perspectives, essential ingredients, characteristics, principles) – Know one definition of SE word-for-word Use cases Software architecture, architectural styles, architectural evolution Anything else from lecture Textbook readings that overlap with lecture topics

5 Department of Informatics, UC Irvine SDCL Collaboration Laboratory Software Design and 5 Test 1 Studying Quizzes Discussion assignments

6 Department of Informatics, UC Irvine SDCL Collaboration Laboratory Software Design and 6 Test 1 Studying On the Unix or Linux command line, you can start with a file of records, then filter them, sort them, and remove duplicate records. This architectural style is called Filter-and-pipe Publish-subscribe Pipe-and-filter Layered None of the above Draw and label a diagram of the pipe-and-filter architectural style

7 Department of Informatics, UC Irvine SDCL Collaboration Laboratory Software Design and 7 Test 1 Studying Which of the following is not a practice of Extreme Programming? Test-driven development Pair programming Simple design Small releases All of the above are practices of Extreme Programming List and describe three practices of Extreme Programming

8 Department of Informatics, UC Irvine SDCL Collaboration Laboratory Software Design and 8 Test 1 Questions

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