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O. Keeble, F. Furano, A. Manzi, A. Ayllon, I. Calvet, M. Hellmich DPM Workshop 2014 DPM Monitoring.

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Presentation on theme: "O. Keeble, F. Furano, A. Manzi, A. Ayllon, I. Calvet, M. Hellmich DPM Workshop 2014 DPM Monitoring."— Presentation transcript:

1 O. Keeble, F. Furano, A. Manzi, A. Ayllon, I. Calvet, M. Hellmich DPM Workshop 2014 DPM Monitoring

2 Project Scope  Find reasonable way to provide monitoring information for HTTP (and other protocols)  Not only DPM – plan for SEs in general  Work with the dashboard team how to integrate 10 Oct 2014 DPM Workshop 2014 2

3 Realtime vs batch monitoring  Allows realtime analysis  ‘Transaction log’  Lightweight, fast  Nagios probes  Health checks  Aggregates  Expensive computations 10 Oct 2014DPM Workshop 2014 3 Random plot from Matevz Tadel’s talk at the federations meeting spring 2014: Random plot from FAX dashboard

4 WLCG Monitoring so far  XRootD protocol  Xrootd server sends custom monitoring messages  realtime monitoring (UDP)  Converted to STOMP  GridFTP  Only through FTS  FTS sends STOMP msgs 10 Oct 2014 DPM Workshop 2014 4

5 Infrastructure overview 10 Oct 2014 DPM Workshop 2014 5 GLED XROOTD STORAGE XROOTD STORAGE FTS Msg DB DASHBOARD DPM all protocols DPM all protocols UDP packets STOMP Msgs

6 What about other protocols?  Xrootd provides internal fast monitoring system – others don’t  Xrootd monitoring messages are:  Generic  Easy to implement  ‘No’ protocol-specific entries  We can implement this for all protocols thanks to dmlite! 10 Oct 2014 DPM Workshop 2014 6

7 Monitoring in dmlite 10 Oct 2014 DPM Workshop 2014 7 HTTP/DAV XROOT GSIFTP Dmlite Profiler GLED DPM DPNS  Single implementation  Multi-Protocol  Separated plugin  Multi-VO Computes all values on-the-fly UDP packets

8 How it fits in the infrastructure  Send Xrootd-style msgs for all frontends  Msgs go to GLED, get treated like xrootd ones  Added ‘Protocol’ field in STOMP msgs to differentiate 10 Oct 2014 DPM Workshop 2014 8

9 dmlite-plugins-profiler  All monitoring code in one plugin  Plugin lightly wraps dmlite API calls  Inspired by XRootD code 10 Oct 2014 DPM Workshop 2014 9 HTTP/DAV XROOT GSIFTP Namespace Pool Management Pool Driver I/O Profiler Memcach e MySql Adapter

10 Test dashboard  (from inside CERN)  Shows our DPM testbed  Nightly namespace tests (http)  Hammercloud tests (http, xrootd)  Gfal tests (http, xrootd, gsiftp) 10 Oct 2014 DPM Workshop 2014 10

11 10 Oct 2014 DPM Workshop 2014 11

12 We already noted interesting behavior 10 Oct 2014DPM Workshop 2014 12 400 Gig in 3 hours

13 Plans  Information how to provide this kind of monitoring info is discussed with dcache (by dashboard team)  Creation of a dashboard for combined xrootd + http + gsiftp data  Deployment of DPM monitoring worldwide 10 Oct 2014 DPM Workshop 2014 13

14 How to deploy $ yum install dmlite-plugins-profiler $ cat /etc/dmlite.conf.d/profiler.conf LoadPlugin plugin_profiler /usr/lib64/dmlite/ Collector SendLFN lfn Ops enabled Ssq enabled SendAuth userdn $ ln –s /etc/dmlite.conf.d/profiler.conf \ /etc/dmlite-disk.conf.d/profiler.conf $ service httpd restart 10 Oct 2014 DPM Workshop 2014 14 You can have more than one line like this

15 Deploy with puppet  Add to your manifest: class{“dmlite::plugins::profiler”: collectors => [“”], auth => “userdn” } 10 Oct 2014 DPM Workshop 2014 15

16 Conclusion  DPM gets realtime fine-grained monitoring support for all protocols  HTTP, GSIFTP, XROOTD  All code contained in a plugin  Prototype for multi-protocol support for other storages 10 Oct 2014 DPM Workshop 2014 16

17 THANK YOU VERY MUCH Questions? 10 Oct 2014DPM Workshop 2014 17

18 10 Oct 2014DPM Workshop 2014 18 400 Gig in 3 hours

19 10 Oct 2014DPM Workshop 2014 19 HTTP XROOT GSIFTP Namespace Pool Manager Pool Driver I/O Profiler Memcach e MySql Adapter Connect open read/write close disconnect  Only I/O implementation  No state sharing between interfaces  due to complex frontend process/thread scheduling

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