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What were the causes and effects of the Emancipation Proclamation ?

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Presentation on theme: "What were the causes and effects of the Emancipation Proclamation ?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What were the causes and effects of the Emancipation Proclamation ?

2 Emancipation Proclamation Worksheet  With shoulder partners, answer each question from the Emancipation Proclamation.  Then answer this question on the back.

3 EP Worksheet  “I do order and declare that all persons held as slaves within said designated States, and parts of States are, and henceforward shall be free…”

4 EP Worksheet  “…and that the Executive government of the United States, including the military and naval authorities thereof, will recognize and maintain freedom of said persons.”

5 EP Worksheet  “And I hereby enjoin upon the people so declared to be free to abstain from all violence, unless in necessary self- defense.”

6 EP Worksheet  “And I further declare and make known, that each persons of suitable condition, will be received into the armed service of the United States garrison, forts, positions, stations, and other places, and to man vessels of all sorts in said service.”


8 A New Purpose  At first, Civil War purpose was to prevent secession and preserve the Union  Even though issues over slavery caused the war, ending slavery was not a goal of the war

9 A New Purpose  This changed on January 1, 1863 when Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation  Declared “that all persons held as slaves” within the rebellious areas “are, and henceforward shall be free”

10 Abraham Lincoln’s View of Emancipation Lincoln’s View of Emancipation CostsBenefits

11 Effects of the Emancipation Proclamation  Lincoln did this because he knew how important slavery was to the Confederacy’s war effort, and that this would make Confederacy weaker  He hoped to inspire blacks and slaves in the Confederacy to support the Union cause  Knew that if European nations thought the Confederacy was fighting to preserve slavery they would not support them


13 Criticism for the Proclamation  It only applied to states that had seceded from the Union, so loyal border states could still have slaves  It only freed slaves in areas that were fighting the Union, so areas already under Union control did not apply  As the Union won more victories, more areas became free


15 The Progress of War: 1861- 1865

16 Read “Speaking Out Against the E.P.  List Jefferson Davis’s arguments against the Emancipation Proclamation

17 African Americans  The Emancipation Proclamation changed the nature of the war  After the Proclamation, every victory expanded the domain of freedom  It allowed African Americans to serve in the army and navy for the first time  189,000 African Americans joined the war; most were former slaves

18 African-Americans in Civil War Battles

19 African Americans  If captured however, were either returned to slavery or killed  Most famous battle they took part in was the attack on Fort Wagner in South Carolina by the 54 th Massachusetts Infantry

20 The Famous 54 th Massachusetts The Famous 54 th Massachusetts The Famous 54 th Massachusetts The Famous 54 th Massachusetts

21 The Characters in “Glory”  Robert Gould Shaw = Head commander  Cabot Forbes = White commander under Shaw  Silas Tripp = Starts fights / whipped  John Rawlins = African-American who becomes a sergeant  Jupiter Sharts = stutter / good gun shot  Thomas Searles = glasses / can read

22 Questions for “Glory”  1) What was the Southern Proclamation in the movie? What were the reactions of the 54 th Massachusetts? What were the reactions of Shaw?  2) What were the differences in salary between the African- American troops and the white troops in the Union Army? What was the reaction of the 54th Massachusetts? What was the reaction of Shaw?  3) There were a number of ways that officials treated the 54th Massachusetts unfairly. EXPLAIN at least 2 ways this occurred.  4) What happened at Darien, Georgia? Why did they go to the town? What actually happened in the town? Why did Shaw follow the orders?  5) Are the members of the 54th Massachusetts heroes? Why or why not? Explain. Is Shaw a hero? Why or why not? Explain.

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