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What factors weakened Rome from the inside out?

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Presentation on theme: "What factors weakened Rome from the inside out?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What factors weakened Rome from the inside out?
Internal Weaknesses What factors weakened Rome from the inside out? Key points: Economic weakness Agricultural decline a disloyal military the growth of slavery political corruption.

2 Warm-up #7 What problems do you think that a large empire like Rome might have? How might an empire overcome these problems?

3 Review Homework Choose one method of travel or communication from the chart above. Explain how that method worked in ancient Rome and how it works now. 2. What negative effects do you think that slow communication may have had on the Roman Empire? 3. How do you think that a lack of education effected Rome?

4 Brainpop: Fall of the Roman Empire

5 Decline and Fall of the Empire
Internal – inside or national External – outside or international

6 Decline and Fall of the Empire
What is the difference between and internal and external problem? Are the following problems internal or external? Invasion from another country External High taxes Internal Lack of food Conflict in another nation

7 Rome’s Internal Weaknesses
Using the orange textbook: Make a chart of Internal Factors that weakened the Roman Empire on page R18 of your notebook. As you read pages 53 & 54, categorize each internal weakness you find and record it in your chart. Use pen, you do not need to use complete sentences, you may work with your partner. Internal Factors Economic Military Political - No new growth

8 Fall of Rome: Internal Factors Review
Directions: Use your BLUE BOOK “World History Medieval to Early Modern Times” to do the following. Read pages 30 – 31 (Problems Threaten the Empire) Read pages (Factors in Rome’s Fall) Add any new internal problems you read about to your Internal Factors chart on page R 18 of your notebook. Answer the following questions on page R19 of your notebook: 1. What problems did Rome face in the 100s and 200s? 2. What factors weakened Roman government? 3. In what two ways did corruption effect Rome? 4. What were the effects of wealthy citizens leaving Rome? 5. Write a paragraph explaining which factor you think played the biggest part in the downfall of Rome. Explain your answer.

9 Questions: Stop everything you are doing when Ms. Schaller gives directions. Before you ask Ms. Schaller, ask your partner (at an appropriate time). Commonly Asked Questions: DO I… Use pen or pencil? – either, just make sure it is dark. Use complete sentences – Yes. Copy the question? – Yes. Glue it in the notebook – Yes, look at the agenda for the page number. Can I talk to my neighbor – yes during work time, not while Ms. Schaller or another student is talking, during the warm-up, or during tests.

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