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Summer 2014 Kids Academy on Campus Camp Operations and Safety Kids Academy on Campus is a NYS Permitted Children’s Camp o Between June 1 and September.

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Presentation on theme: "Summer 2014 Kids Academy on Campus Camp Operations and Safety Kids Academy on Campus is a NYS Permitted Children’s Camp o Between June 1 and September."— Presentation transcript:

1 Summer 2014 Kids Academy on Campus Camp Operations and Safety Kids Academy on Campus is a NYS Permitted Children’s Camp o Between June 1 and September 15 o 10 or more children under 16 years of age o Operating more than all or part of five days in any two-week period o Indoor or outdoor organized group activities (swimming) These criteria required RIT to obtain a permit to operate and development of a safety plan.

2 Safety Plan The RIT Camp Safety plan is unique to each camp. While many of the requirements are similar from group to group, there are many unique elements specific to each camp based on their activities. Camper Supervision Key Staff Responsibilities  Evacuation procedures specific to each building.  Illness/Injury reports  For older campers who may drive to camp-not permitted to leave camp during the day (ie lunch etc)  Buddy System  Lightening Safety Plan All campers are required to attend camper orientation, which will minimally consist of the topic list above. A “sign-in sheet” will be provided to document the attending campers, date of orientation, and content of what was covered during the orientation. Sign-in sheets will be maintained at the camp for inspection by the LHD Camper Orientation NYS requires that campers receive "adequate supervision," which is defined as:  Being protected from any unreasonable risk to their health and safety, including physical or sexual abuse; and  Visual or verbal communication capabilities existing between campers and their counselor during activities and  a method of accounting for the campers' whereabouts at all times. Camper Supervision Camper Orientation General and Activity Specific Safety Buddy System Lost Camper Protocols

3 Safety Plan Campers shall be accounted for at all times. Staff shall never be left 1:1 with a camper. Two adults shall always be present when working with Campers. Campers shall always use the buddy system. Lost Camper Protocol General Activity Safety  Discipline will be aimed at addressing and correcting unacceptable behavior.  Counselors who are unable to quickly, safely and effectively deal with a camper who is misbehaving will utilize the chain of command to address the situation.  Forms of acceptable discipline may include:  talking to the camper about their behavior, discussion of the expectations the camp has of all campers,  asking the camper to express his feelings, mediation of a dispute, and  notification of parents/guardians.  Discipline that is considered unacceptable and that will not be allowed includes but is not limited  To corporal punishment, humiliating treatment, frightening methods, punishment associated with food, rest or isolation, and use of foul or abusive language.  Notify the Camp Director and other counselors of the identity of the missing camper.  Interview staff and campers in an attempt to determine the last known whereabouts of the missing camper.  Begin a search, starting with the last known place of the camper and nearby restrooms  Notify RIT Public Safety if a Camper is unaccounted for, for more than 10 minutes.  Appropriate Personal protective equipment for the activity, ie safety goggles, gloves  No horseplay Camper Discipline

4 The Safety Plan Elements Upon discovery of a fire or activation of the Fire Alarm in any RIT Facility R-Rescue A-Alarm (if not already sounding), Confine-Close Doors and windows as you evacuate, Evacuate-Leave the building and report to the designated gathering area outside. NEVER RE-ENTER UNTIL AUTHORIZED BY THE FIRE OFFICIAL OR PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICER ON SCENE.  Allegations of Abuse  All Staff will immediately notify the camp director or health director if they are witness to, or hear of, any camper abuse (physical, sexual or verbal).  The accused will be separated from the rest of the camp population.  All allegations of abuse will be reported to the Public Safety and Environmental Health and Safety.  EHS, Public Safety and Risk Management will make the required notification to Law Enforcement and Regulatory Agencies.  Emergencies  Unexpected emergencies may occur at the camp. Staff must be trained to remain calm, maintain order, supervision and accountability of campers at all times.  The camp director shall be immediately notified of any emergency situations and initiate evacuation of the camp if necessary  Mechanisms of notification of an emergency on campus, RIT ALERT, RIT Message Center, Social media: RITNews Twitter and RIT Facebook, Web sites: and,  Fire Safety- Rescuing, removing and accounting for all present must be the first priority.

5 The Safety Plan Elements Water Safety “If you hear it fear it, If you see it flee it”  The Aquatics Director is in charge: The Kids on Campus Aquatics Director is responsible for the Water (Swimming Safety Plan).  The buddy system will be used during all swimming activities.  All camp counselors and program staff will accompany campers to the swimming activity and will stay to assist in supervising swimmers.  RIT Pool Life guards will also be present. Reporting Incidents The following incidents are require to be reported to the Camp Director, Health Director, and Public Safety and EH&S: Camper and staff injuries or illnesses that result in death or require resuscitation, admission to a hospital or the administration of epinephrine. Camper or staff exposures to animals potentially infected with rabies. Camper injuries to the eye, head, neck or spine which require referral to a hospital or other facility for medical treatment. Injuries where the camper sustains second or third degree burns to 5 percent or more of the body. Camper injuries that involve bone fractures or dislocations. Lacerations sustained by a camper that require sutures, staples or medical glue. Camper physical or sexual abuse allegations. Camper and staff illnesses suspected of being water-, food- or air-borne or spread by contact  Weather Safety- Public Safety monitors severe weather forecasts and will provide notification should it become necessary. In the event of severe weather warnings and you are outside, seek shelter immediately. You should not resume any outside activities for at least 30 minutes after the last thunder and lightening event.

6 Review Water Safety “If you hear it fear it, If you see it flee it”  Use the Buddy system Reporting Incidents The following incidents are required to be reported Camper/staff injuries or illnesses that result in death or require resuscitation, admission to a hospital or the administration of epinephrine. Camper or staff exposures to animals potentially infected with rabies (bats) Camper injuries to the eye, head, neck or spine which require referral to a hospital or other facility for medical treatment. Injuries where the camper sustains second or third degree burns to 5 percent or more of the body. Camper injuries that involve bone fractures or dislocations. Lacerations sustained by a camper that require sutures, staples or medical glue. Camper physical or sexual abuse allegations. Camper and staff illnesses suspected of being water-, food- or air-borne or spread by contact  Staff Responsibilities- Camper Supervision No 1:1 Contact, no exceptions, Always 2 deep leadership! Activity Safety Reporting of Incidents Camper Orientation: include emergency procedures. Weather Safety Emergencies Notification of an emergency on campus, RIT ALERT, RIT Message Center, Social media: RITNews Twitter and RIT Facebook, Web sites: and, Fire Safety Upon Activation of the Fire Alarm, immediately evacuate the building to the outside meeting area. Take attendance to ensure all campers are accounted for. Allegations of Abuse Immediately Notify the Camp Director. Immediately separate the accuser and the accused discretely. The Camp Director will notify RIT Public Safety and EH&S

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