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HISTORY DAY 2014/2015. IMPORTANT DATES Site Competition: See your school site rep for exact date Must be completed prior to January 16, 2015 Site winner.

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Presentation on theme: "HISTORY DAY 2014/2015. IMPORTANT DATES Site Competition: See your school site rep for exact date Must be completed prior to January 16, 2015 Site winner."— Presentation transcript:

1 HISTORY DAY 2014/2015

2 IMPORTANT DATES Site Competition: See your school site rep for exact date Must be completed prior to January 16, 2015 Site winner names due to me (Ryan Garcia): January 16, 2015 District Competition: Saturday January 31, 2015 @ El Cerrito Middle School District Winner Registration due to me: Thursday February 5, 2015 County Competition: Saturday March 14, 2015 @ Arlington High School in Riverside

3 CATEGORIES Documentary (Individual or Group) Exhibit (Individual or Group) Historical Paper (Individual only) Performance (Individual or Group) Website (Individual or Group) *Groups consist of 2-5 members

4 WHO CAN PARTICIPATE? Grades 4-5: Elementary Division (board only) Grades 6-8: Jr Division Grades 9-12: Senior Division

5 TITLE PAGE/PROCESS PAPER A title page is required as the first page of written material in every category. Your title page must include only the title of your entry, your name(s) and the contest division and category in which you are entered. Do not include your age, grade or school name. A process paper is to be included with all categories except for the Historical Paper The first section should explain how you chose your topic. The second section should explain how you conducted your research. The third section should explain how you selected your presentation category and created your project. The fourth section should explain how your project relates to the NHD theme.

6 RESOURCES :for NHD rulebooks and other pertinent information www. www. Universities (libraries and websites) Youtube Online Samples- examples for each category! Museums Historical…….stay away

7 DOCUMENTARY NHD documentaries present information about an event, person, place or idea from the past through a ten minute presentation that showcases documents, images, photographs, and actual footage of the topic you are researching. Your documentary needs to have both primary and secondary research but also be an original production. Make sure you have access to -a computer -a video camera -editing software -supplies: batteries, blank DVDs or videotapes, paper, pens, props

8 EXHIBIT Historical exhibition presents information about an event, person, place, or idea from the past by physically displaying documents, images, or objects. We often see such exhibits at museums, but they are also presented at many other places such as archives, historic sites, park visitor centers, classrooms, and even airports and train stations. For your National History Day project, you will tell the story of your research through historic photographs, maps, drawings and other interesting objects.

9 HISTORICAL PAPERS History papers present information and analyze an event, person, place or idea from the past in writing. Although you might attach a map, chart or photograph that you refer to in your paper, you will rely mainly on words. Writing a paper is a chance to tell what you know and what you think about a part of the past.

10 PERFORMANCE A performance is a live, dramatic presentation of your topic's significance in history. You may perform individually or as part of a group. A performance should be a scripted portrayal based on research of your chosen topic. Your script should be structured on a thesis statement, supporting statements, and a conclusion. Your performance should have dramatic appeal, but not at the expense of historical information.

11 WEB SITE A historical web site is a collection of web pages, interconnected with hyperlinks, that presents primary and secondary sources, interactive multimedia, and historical analysis. Your web site should be an accumulation of research and argument that incorporates textual and non-textual (photographs, maps, music, etc.) description, interpretation, and multimedia sources to engage and inform viewers about your chosen historical topic.

12 EVALUATION Visual/written presentation Interview Evaluation sheet Historical quality 60% Relation to theme 20% Clarity of presentation 20%

13 SPRITE Social Political Religious Intellectual Technological Economical

14 WHO TO CONTACT Always begin with your school contact- they will be your first “go to” person if you have questions You can also email me as the district coordinator Ryan Garcia: If you have a pressing question, you can also email the county coordinator Tracey Case:

15 THANK YOU! Please email me if you would like a copy of the Riverside County NHD handbook I look forward to seeing you in 2015!

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