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Constitutional Convention Information Pamphlet Name: __________________Period: __.

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Presentation on theme: "Constitutional Convention Information Pamphlet Name: __________________Period: __."— Presentation transcript:

1 Constitutional Convention Information Pamphlet Name: __________________Period: __

2 Magna Carta – 1215 Signed by King John of England Significance? ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ _

3 Virginia House of Burgesses – 1619 Located in Jamestown, VA Significance? _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

4 Mayflower Compact – 1620 Signed by the Pilgrims Significance? __________________________ __________________________ __________________________

5 Fundamental Orders of Connecticut – 1639 Written by Thomas Hooker Significance? ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ___________________________

6 William Penn Founded Pennsylvania with the Quakers in 1682 What did he believe? ______________________ ______________________

7 English Bill of Rights – 1689 Significance? _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________

8 John Locke English philosopher Significance? __________________________ __________________________ __________________________

9 William Blackstone What did he believe? __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

10 Montesquieu French writer Believed? _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________

11 The Wealth of Nations – 1776 Authored by economist Adam Smith Significance? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________

12 Influences on the Constitution ___________ 1215 ____________ ____________ 1619 ___________ _______1620 ___________ 1639 ___________ 1682 ___________ 1776 ___________ 1689 How many can you fill in without looking at your notes?


14 Why did “We the People” write the Constitution? In your own words, explain what each of the following. Pages 217-218 American Republic 1. To form a more perfect union ________________________________________ ________________________________________ 2. Establish justice: ________________________________________ ________________________________________ 3. Ensure domestic tranquility ________________________________________ ________________________________________

15 4. Provide for the common defense: ______________________________________ ____________________________________ 5. Promote the general welfare: ______________________________________ _____________________________________ 6. Secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves (future Americans) ______________________________________ ______________________________________

16 Constitutional Convention Where the convention held? ___________________________ When? ____________________ Who as president of the convention? ________________

17 After class reads the play, your team will roll a dice and answer the question with the corresponding number. Question your group rolled: ___________________________________________________ Your response: ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________

18 “Father of the Constitution” Who was considered “Father” of the convention and why? ___________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ What was the purpose of the U.S. Constitution? _____________________________________________________

19 National Government ExecutiveLegislativeJudicial 1 st Compromise: strong national government divided into 3 branches (parts)

20 US GOVERNMENT President V.P. Cabinet House of Representatives Senate Supreme Court Court of appeals District Courts Veto Bills Approve Bills Makes Foreign Policy Enforce Laws Directs Military Crafts Bills Overturns Vetoes Declare War Approve/Reject President Appointments Power of the Purse $$$$$$ Interpret Laws Decides Court Cases Decides if Laws are Constitutional

21 Organization and Power of National Government - What was one of the biggest questions facing the founding fathers?_______________ ____________________

22 2 nd Compromise Representation How will each state be represented in Congress ?? 2 Plans proposed: 1.______________________ 2.______________________

23 James Madison developed the Virginia Plan 1.________________________ 2.________________________ 3.________________________ 4.________________________

24 1.___________________________________ 2. ___________________________________ 3.___________________________________ 4. ____________________________________________

25 They decided to create what? ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Senate is? (how many) ____________________________ House of Representatives is? ___________________________________ ____(how many) _____________________________

26 Compromise 3- 3/5 Compromise Explain the 3/5 Compromise ___________________________ ____________________________

27 Complete a thinking map about the compromises of the Constitutional Convention Compromises at the Constitutional Convention Compromise #1Compromise #2Compromise #3

28 FEDERALISTS-Supported ratification of constitution What were the Federalist papers?_____________________ Authors: 1. 2. 3. 4.

29 Famous people who supported Federalist papers: 1. _________2. __________ What were they fearful of? __________________________ __________________________

30 Anti-Federalists Why did Ant-Federalists oppose ratifying? Three main Anti-Federalists 1. 2. 3.

31 Decision Framers promised to amend (change) the Constitution once new leaders were elected Meaning add what? _________________ Constitution ratified on May 1790 by ALL states

32 Bill of Rights Overview Ratified in 1791 1-Religious & Political Freedom 2-Right to Bear Arms 3-Quartering Troops 4-Search & Seizure 5-Rights of Accused Persons

33 6-Speedy Public Trial 7-Trial by Jury 8-Limits of Fines & Punishment 9-Rights of People 10-Powers of States & People

34 Bill of Rights Activities The next few activities over the Bill of Rights will help you understand which each of them means and help you better remember which one each is. 1. On the “The Bill of Rights” sheet work with your teams to come up with a way to remember which amendment is which and write it on the sheet.(177) 2. Red sheet and 176 use the red sheet and with your team discuss and write down with amendment best matches each. 3. As a team Mix and Match the orange amendments cards without looking at your notes! See how many your group can get correct!

35 7 Principles of the Constitution Work with a your team to explain each in your own words, use page 218-219 American Republic 1.Popular Sovereignty: ____________________________________ 2. Limited Government _______________________________________ 3. Republicanism _______________________________________

36 4. Federalism: __________________________________ 5. Separation of Powers: __________________________________ 6. Checks and Balances: __________________________________ 7. Individual Rights: __________________________________

37 Illustration Activity - 7 Principles Directions: with your teams, brainstorm ideas to create a poster to illustrate the meaning of one of the 7 principles that your team has been assigned. Each team member has an role. Student 1. Draws the illustration for your principle Student 2. Writes your principal and an idea for how to remember it Student 3. Explains your team poster to the class.

38 Gallery Walk -7 Principles You will have 10 different stations on the Gallery Walk with examples of each of the principles, 3 of the principles are used twice. Write your answers below with the corresponding number on the station!!! 1. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________ 3. _________________________________ 4. _________________________________ 5. _________________________________ 6. _________________________________ 7. _________________________________ 8. _________________________________ 9. _________________________________ 10. _________________________________

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