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Grade 5: The Western Hemisphere Complex Societies and Civilizations

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1 Grade 5: The Western Hemisphere Complex Societies and Civilizations

2 Key Ideas and Concepts Between 1100 B.C.E. and 1500 C.E., complex societies and civilizations developed in the Western Hemisphere. Although these complex societies and civilizations have certain defining characteristics in common, each is also known for unique cultural achievements and contributions.

3 5.2a Civilizations share certain common characteristics of religion, job specialization, cities, government, language and writing systems, technology ,and social hierarchy.

4 Learning Goal #1 Students will locate the complex societies and civilizations of the Mayas, Aztecs, and Incas on a map and when they occurred.

5 Early Civilizations of Maya, Aztec and Inca cultures Student Activity Packet

6 Learning Goal #2 Students will investigate the characteristics of the Mayas, Aztec, and Incas noting similarities and differences.

7 Aztec, Maya, Inca Comparison Chart

8 5.2b Complex societies and civilizations adapted to and modified their environment to meet the needs of their people.

9 Learning Goal #3 Students will compare how the Mayas, Aztecs, and Incas adapted to and modified their environment to meet the needs of the people, examining the clothing, farming, shelter, and transportation system for each.

10 Aztec, Inca, Maya clothing, farming, shelter, and transportation
Poster Project Aztec, Inca, Maya Person

11 5.2c Political states can take different forms such as city-states and empires. A city-state is compromised of a city with a government that controls the surrounding territory, while an empire is a political organization developed when a supreme authority takes control over other geographic and/or cultural regions beyond its initial settlements.

12 Learning Goal #4 Students will compare and contrast political states of the Maya and the Aztec noting the territories they controlled, the type of rule each had, and how the ruler attempted to unify the people.

13 Students will compare and contrast political states of the Maya and the Aztec noting the (1) territories they controlled, the (2) type of rule each had, and (3)how the ruler attempted to unify the people. Students will complete the Venn Diagram, and write a short essay discussing the two political states. Maya Aztec Comparison Matrix- Political States Rubric

14 Resources Text Book – pages 66-71
\\Lcsdcluster_staffpool_server\staffvol\Users\WS\KHarrington\Empires of the South - Maya, Aztec, Inca (1).ppt

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