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ACCESS for ELLs® Pre-Administration 2014-2015 November 12, 2014 - 10:00am – 12:00pm Deborah Houston, Assessment Carol Johnson, Title III/ESOL Georgia Department.

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Presentation on theme: "ACCESS for ELLs® Pre-Administration 2014-2015 November 12, 2014 - 10:00am – 12:00pm Deborah Houston, Assessment Carol Johnson, Title III/ESOL Georgia Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACCESS for ELLs® Pre-Administration 2014-2015 November 12, 2014 - 10:00am – 12:00pm Deborah Houston, Assessment Carol Johnson, Title III/ESOL Georgia Department of Education 1

2  Important GaDOE and WIDA Updates  Identification and Exit Criteria  Test Administration Reminders and Updates  Including the Alternate ACCESS for ELLs®  Ordering  Receipt of Test Materials  Returning Test Materials Objectives GaDOE

3 2014-2015 ACCESS for ELLs Key Dates (includes Alternate ACCESS) 3 TaskStart DateEnd Date Tests Ordered Systems order online through MetriTech’s secure website October 15, 2014November 26, 2014 Pre-ID Ordering Systems submit student demographic data to MetriTech October 15, 2014December 3, 2014 Pre-Administration TrainingNovember 12, 2014November 13, 2014 Systems Receive Assessment MaterialsJanuary 12, 2015January 16, 2015 Assessment WindowJanuary 20, 2015March 3, 2015 Systems Ship Materials to MetriTech March 4, 2015March 9, 2015 Data Validation April 7, 2015April 17, 2015 MetriTech Ships Reports to Systems and GaDOE May 4, 2015May 8, 2015 Score Interpretation TrainingMay 6, 2015May 7, 2015

4 WIDA Assessment Webinars WIDA has developed common webinars on assessment topics that were delivered by consultants in previous years. – Ensures consistency of messages about assessments – Outreach to all states 4

5 WIDA Assessment Webinars The WIDA-created webinars cover the following topics: Grade 1-12 ACCESS for ELLs Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs Tier Placement Tutorial The webinars are accessible in the WIDA Download library (, in the ACCESS for ELLs section. Viewers will need to log in using their username and password for their ACCESS training account. 5

6 Locating the Webinars 6 Make sure you are logged in Go to the Download Library Look under “ACCESS for ELLs” Click on “More” to expand the list All webinars are in FLASH

7 Reminder: Reading Test Timing Last year, the extra time provided in the Reading test was extended from five minutes to ten minutes. This change is still effective this year. The directions read: The Reading Test is designed to take no more than 35-45 minutes. In rare situations, test administrators may use their professional judgment in determining whether a student(s) needs additional time to complete the test. The test administration time does not include time for convening students, taking attendance, distributing and collecting test materials, explaining test directions, or completing practice items. 7

8 Listening Test- Technology Requirements CD Player or Desktop or laptop computer (if playing the CD on the computer or streaming audio from the Internet) Speakers (Do not use headphones to administer the Listening Field Test) The Listening Test CD can be played on a CD player, or on a desktop or laptop computer. If a computer is used to play the Listening Test CD during the test administration, make sure that the computer is hooked up to working external speakers and meets the minimal technological requirements listed in the table on the following page. 8

9 Minimal Technical Requirements for Playing an Audio CD on a Computer Internet Provider Type DSL Cable Fiber Optic (FiOS) Satellite WiFi hotspot with adequate bandwidth (this can vary depending on the number of users and is not recommended as a first choice for Internet connection.) Hardware Requirements 500 NHz processor, AMD, Intel, Via Windows XP or later for PCs OS X or later, Linux 7 or later for Macs 128 MB of RAM or more Supported audio device — onboard or add-in audio card Wired or wireless network connection External speakers Browser of a dedicated software player, such as VLC, Quicktime, WMP, etc. 9

10 WIDA Password Change Process WIDA will no longer have access to passwords. If someone forgets the password to their account, the WIDA Help Desk can send a link to reset the password. If you need to update any of your personal information, such as your password, school, or district, please login to the training course and enter your updates under "My Account Info" in the gray column on the main menu page. To sign in to the training course, please visit If you have any questions please contact the WIDA Help Desk, 866-276-7735 or 10

11 Identification of ELs Entry/ Exit Guidance 11

12 Who must be scheduled for ACCESS for ELLs® ? 1.All students designated as “EL-Y” must take the ACCESS assessment 2.Any student who enters the district during the ACCESS testing window and is identified as EL must be administered ACCESS. “EL-M” students should NOT be administered the ACCESS for ELLs® assessment!! GaDOE $23 = EL-M 12

13 Who may administer ACCESS for ELLs®? GaDOE Two requirements must be met: 1.Hold a Georgia Professional Standards Commission Certificate and 2.Annually pass the WIDA on-line ACCESS for ELLs® certification with passing score of 80% or higher on modules TA will be administering.

14 GaDO E Kindergarten W-APT® Identification Eligibility for Language Assistance Services for ELs 14

15 GaDO E K- 12 MODEL® Identification Eligibility for Language Assistance Services for ELs 15

16 GaDOE Grades 1-12 th W- APT Eligibility 16

17 Information and Flow Charts for Eligibility and Exit Criteria for Language Assistance Services may be found in the 2014-2015 ESOL Resource Guide and on the GaDOE ESOL & Title III webpage at: and-Instruction/Pages/English-to-Speakers-of-Other-Languages-(ESOL)-and- Title-III.aspx GaDOE


19 Tier A Placement Criteria For ELs who: have arrived in the U. S. or entered school in the U. S. within this academic school year without previous instruction in English; have recently tested at the lowest level of English language proficiency. GaDOE 19

20 Tier B Placement Criteria For ELs who: have social language proficiency and some, but not extensive, academic language proficiency in English; and/or have acquired some literacy in English, though have not yet reached grade-level literacy. Note: The majority of ELs will be administered Tier B GaDOE 20

21 Tier C Placement Criteria For ELs who: are approaching grade level literacy and academic language proficiency in the core content areas; and/or will likely meet the state's exit criteria for support services by the end of the academic year. In Georgia, most students will exit using Tier C. GaDOE 21

22 GaDOE Tier Placement Summary Follow Criteria for Tier Placement at Use previous test scores (W-APT and ACCESS) Use teacher judgment – collaborate with general education teacher If in doubt, place the student in the higher tier 22

23  If the label is incorrect, discard the label and bubble in the student information on the front and back covers of the test booklet  Pre-ID labels that are incorrect or provided for students who will not be tested may be discarded  Do not cross out or write in information on a Pre-ID label: this does not change any data and causes misinformation when tabulating your students’ information Reminder: Pre-ID Labels GaDOE 23

24 If a label has been placed on a test booklet in error: put an “X” through the demographic information and mark through the bar code, covering it completely using a heavy black marker Reminder: Pre-ID Labels GaDOE 24

25 Detailed directions to assist you in filling out the student information on test booklets are on pp. 19-23 of the Test Administration Manual. Reminder: Marking Booklets GaDOE 25

26 Reminders and Accommodations Remember, test accommodations are only available to students with disabilities (IEP or 504 Plan in place). For GaDOE approved Accommodations, refer to Student Assessment Handbook 2014-2015, Accommodations Table 4. GaDOE 26

27 The 2014-2015 District and School Test Administration Manual (TAM), Form 303 has specific instructions and suggestions for administering the test. Materials Handling for schools is discussed on pages 5-17. Test Scheduling and Coordination Information is on pages 33-39. Test Accommodation Information is on pages 43-49. Speaking Test Administration Information begins on page 66. If you have questions about materials, please call MetriTech‘s Customer Service at 800.747.4868. Test Administration Guidelines GaDOE 27

28 GaDOE Reminder Annual Recertification! Test Administrators and the Online Course: Do training in own time Refer back many times if necessary Access sample items Access sound files and scoring rationale to calibrate Speaking ratings Download and print Test Administration Manual (TAM) Take quizzes for certification (80% is pass) 28

29 GaDOE Reminder Online Training Course System Test Coordinators are responsible for enrolling all Test Administrators (TAs) in their local district. To create accounts, visit and click the “Login” button on the top right To access the account creator, please enter your WIDA website login information. To remove a login for your district, email with the TA’s name, district, and email 29

30 Reminder Recommendation… GaDOE Prior to ACCESS for ELLs® test administration, share with ELs: 1.Their last ELP levels (ACCESS or W-APT) to aid in setting purpose for the test, and 2.Sample “Retired” ACCESS for ELLs® items to familiarize ELs to testing format. (Download from the WIDA website: 30

31 Examiners/ Test Administrators Next Steps Study TAM* Watch the Kindergarten training video* Practice Speaking on-line samples* Review Writing samples online and in TAM Take on-line quizzes for TA certification* Practice entire test administration with materials. (Districts will receive materials from MetriTech one week prior to opening of testing window.) Remember must group by Tier and Grade Level Cluster! * Password protected on the WIDA website GaDOE 31

32 The Alternate ACCESS GaDOE 32

33 Continue to code “SPD” for ELs, who cannot take one or more domains due to their disability.


35 Who should take the Alternate ACCESS for ELLS? Only ELs with significant cognitive disabilities. Typically includes students who have one or more of the existing categories of disabilities under IDEA (e.g.; intellectual disabilities, autism, traumatic brain injury, multiple disabilities, etc.). Students with significant cognitive disabilities may be assessed via an alternate assessment based on alternate achievement standards. The US Department of Education defines an alternate achievement standard as one that “sets an expectation of performance that differs in complexity from a grade-level achievement standard.” Alternate achievement standards must be aligned to state academic content standards, although they may reflect prerequisite or entry-level skills. (Adapted from U. S. Department of Education: Alternate Achievement Standards of Students with the Most Significant Cognitive Disabilities Non Regulatory Guidance, August 2005). GaDOE 35

36 Georgia Participation Criteria 1.The student has been classified as an EL. 2.The student has been classified as a special education student and is receiving special education services. 3.The student has a significant cognitive disability. 4.The student participates in the Georgia Alternate Assessment (GAA). Importantly, students shall not be administered both the Alternate ACCESS for ELLs and the ACCESS for ELLs. 36

37 Georgia Test Examiners It is recommended that the examiner be an educator who is familiar with the student and their special needs – and with whom the student feels comfortable. As with the “general” ACCESS for ELLs, all Examiners are required to complete a WIDA online course (that is specific to the Alternate ACCESS) and earn a qualifying score to administer the assessment. 37

38 Georgia Accommodations Always defer to GaDOE’s accommodation policies for language proficiency. The Alternate ACCESS TAM provides only recommendations on accommodations. The Student Assessment Handbook, 2014-2015 Allowable Accommodations for Students with Disabilities 38

39 GaDOE Assessment Resources The Student Assessment Handbook, 2014-2015 is located on the GaDOE website Assessment Page in the ‘For Educators’ portlet. Assessment/Assessment/Pages/default.aspx Participation of EL Students in State Assessments, pages 130- 133. Additional Considerations for Accommodations, pages 133-137. Allowable Accommodations for Students with Disabilities, pages 140-142. 39

40 > 15 %= States and districts will be charged for unused test booklets in excess of 15% of the total order. Carefully check your order, only ordering for the population you will be testing. Remember: LEAs will automatically receive 10% overage with order. Overage Policy Important Reminder About Order Quantities GaDOE 40

41 Materials Ordering On October 14, 2014, MetriTech emailed materials and Pre-ID ordering information to the System Test Coordinator.  Subject: 2014-2015 ACCESS for ELLs® and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs Test and Pre-ID Ordering Information. During the ordering process, the STC will have the opportunity to update the following: Name Email Address Phone and Fax numbers Shipping Address – this is where materials will be sent; NO Post Office Boxes! GaDOE 41

42 Test Materials Ordering Web-Page Ordering – MetriTech Home GaDOE 42

43 Test Materials Ordering Web-Page Ordering – Select the Appropriate Test Type GaDOE 43

44 Web ordering not successful? Use the WIDA Order Form link on the MetriTech “Welcome” web page ( to download the required form. Fax it to 217.398.5798 Email it to Call customer service at 800.747.4868 9:00am- 4:00pmEST for assistance. Large Print or Alternate ACCESS materials may be ordered via customer service. Test Materials Ordering GaDOE 44

45 Test Materials Ordering Freight Shipping: To handle private carrier freight shipping, districts must this criteria: Must receive no less than 4,000 test booklets plus ancillary materials. Receive pallet(s) delivery at dock. Ship return packages via pallet(s). Shrink-wrap pallet(s) prior to return pickup. Requires pallet jack or forklift to load pallet(s) on truck. * If your district/LEA meets the above criteria and you would like materials shipped Freight instead of UPS Ground, please contact MetriTech Customer Support at (800) 747-4868. GaDOE 45

46 A PDF document and Sample Pre-ID spreadsheet detailing specific instructions for supplying your students’ Pre-ID information should be downloaded using appropriate MetriTech “Welcome” web page links. If you have questions about Pre-ID file creation, please call 800.747.4868 and ask for Pre-ID support team. MetriTech can receive files in the following formats: Excel CSV (Comma Delimited) Tab Delimited ASCII Text Test Materials Ordering Pre-ID Information and Ordering GaDOE 46

47 Pre-ID Information & Ordering File Layout GaDOE 47

48 Pre-ID Information & Ordering Sample Excel File: GaDOE 48

49 Receipt of Materials GaDOE 49

50 GaDOE Receipt of Materials Exception: Receipt of ACCESS for ELLs Materials (Alternate ACCESS) Alternate ACCESS test materials will arrive in a separate shipment. Alternate ACCESS test materials will have unique serial numbers assigned to your district/school and must be returned at the close of the test window. Alternate ACCESS test materials will have their own paperwork mirroring the paperwork for the ACCESS for ELLs materials. As we discuss in the next few slides the receipt of materials for the ACCESS for ELLs, keep in mind that there is a separate set of materials for the Alternate ACCESS.

51 Systems with 10 or more schools participating will receive the materials packaged by school; otherwise, the materials will be packaged by booklet type. You will receive one or more boxes. Each box will be identified as containing WIDA Secure Testing Materials and will be numbered – alerting you to the number of boxes you should have received. Cut down and SAVE the boxes for returning the materials to MetriTech. A sticker like this will be on every box you receive Receipt of Materials GaDOE

52 Box 1 will contain the paperwork for the District and the schools. District paperwork is in the first plastic bag. That bag contains the following pages in the order you will see them: Master Materials List – All materials shipped to the district District copy of School Materials Lists (the district overage will be the first sheet) Optional Services Order Form Internal Tracking Security Check List Documentation of Materials Not Returned Additional Materials Order Form Agreement to Maintain Confidentiality Information Agreement to Maintain Confidentiality Letter (stays at District) District School Header Sheet (for materials to be scored) Unused & Non Scorable Testing Materials Header Sheet District and School Test Administration Manual Schedule & Special Instructions for your state Receipt of Materials District (System) Bag GaDOE

53 Optional Services Order Form Order additional copies of provided reports Receipt of Materials District/LEA Bag After processing has been completed and hard copy student reports are available for shipment, each districts’ scored data will be available for secure download from MetriTech’s website (a free service). GaDOE

54 Electronic Data Options By April 17, 2015  STCs may also return the Optional Form (PINK)  Call MetriTech to request a CD be created for your system and included with your report shipment in May.  After this date, a data CD will cost $50. GaDOE

55  The second plastic bag contains return instructions for the system.  After familiarizing yourself with the materials in the bag, move them to a safe place until testing is completed for your System/LEA and you are ready to begin the return process  The bag contains: Return Shipping Instructions – 2-sided document System/LEA Packing Instructions – 2-sided document RS – UPS Return Instructions and RS Labels for shipping Receipt of Materials Return Instructions: GaDOE

56  Each school will have its own plastic bag which should be forwarded to the school with their test materials  Each bag contains the following: School Materials List – one for each school School Header Sheet Unused & Non Scorable Header Sheet Internal Tracking Security Checklist District & School Test Administration Manual Schedule & Special Instructions for Your State Pre-ID Header (if District has provided Pre-ID data) Pre-ID Labels – sorted by grade, then alpha by student last name, first name, MI, birth date Receipt of Materials School Bag(s): GaDOE

57 School’s Pre-ID Labels Receipt of Materials School Bag(s): GaDOE

58  After confirming all materials have arrived and your system has what it needs to administer ACCESS, distribute materials to the schools for testing  Systems and schools must follow the same security guidelines in place for all state-mandated secure assessments – you must confirm that your district has received all assigned serial bar coded test materials  Systems will then distribute the test materials and the school plastic bags to each participating school – assigning serial numbered booklets to each school School Bag(s) Distribution of Materials: GaDOE

59 Returning Materials GaDOE 59

60  Once testing is completed, each school should package their materials as directed and return them to the STC– checking to ensure all serial numbered materials assigned are accounted for  The STC will double check that ALL materials have been returned and are packaged correctly  The STC is responsible for sealing and updating the box labels and putting RS labels on all boxes to be shipped  Call UPS to schedule a pick-up if the district does not have a regularly scheduled pick-up  Call MetriTech customer service at 800.747.4868 if you require assistance with UPS Materials Return : GaDOE

61 Test Materials Ordering Freight Shipping: To handle private carrier freight shipping, districts must this criteria: Must receive no less than 4,000 test booklets plus ancillary materials. Receive pallet(s) delivery at dock. Ship return packages via pallet(s). Shrink-wrap pallet(s) prior to return pickup. Requires pallet jack or forklift to load pallet(s) on truck. * If your district/LEA meets the above criteria and you would like materials shipped Freight instead of UPS Ground, please contact MetriTech Customer Support at (800) 747-4868. INSTRUCTIONS for Return: 1.Follow Return Materials Packing Instructions to repackage all test materials. 2.Load boxes neatly on pallet(s). 3.Shrink-wrap each pallet securely. 4.Call MetriTech at (800) 747-4868 to arrange private carrier freight shipping. GaDOE 61

62 Once materials are in MetriTech’s warehouse, they will confirm that all boxes shipped from a GA school system have been received. If boxes are damaged and/or the paperwork and materials returned do not agree, MetriTech will contact the STC with questions Scorable booklets are separated for high-speed imaging Non-Scorable materials are serial barcode scanned and then securely recycled. Materials Return MetriTech Receiving: GaDOE

63  After the completion of scanning/scoring for each state, MetriTech will post the demographic data captured for each student to our secure web site. At that point STC will have the opportunity to update the information for their students.  Participation in this step helps to ensure the accuracy of student reports (and of the WIDA Dashboard for each state, as well as data collection for the consortium.) MetriTech Scoring Data Validation: GaDOE

64 Questions? GaDOE

65  For production, distribution, scoring and reporting questions, contact MetriTech: 1-800-747-4868 or  For questions specific to Georgia’s ACCESS for ELLs® test administration, contact Deborah Houston, Assessment: (404) 657-0251 or  For questions specific to Georgia’s W-APT and ESOL support of ELs, contact Carol Johnson, ESOL & Title III: (404) 463-1858 or  For other questions, contact the WIDA Help Desk: (866) 276-7735 or Questions or Comments? GaDOE 65

66 Save the Dates! ACCESS Score Interpretation Post-Assessment Training, via webinar May 6 and 7, 2015 GaDOE

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