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Chapter 10: Task 3 - Enter and edit data from different sources Create and open documents using information from different sources Enter and edit text.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 10: Task 3 - Enter and edit data from different sources Create and open documents using information from different sources Enter and edit text."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 10: Task 3 - Enter and edit data from different sources Create and open documents using information from different sources Enter and edit text Import, place and manipulate images and different forms of information, from a variety of external sources Organise the page layout (a) format the page layout by setting the page size, orientation and margins (b) appropriately use headers and footers (c) use columns and breaks to adjust pagination and text flow (d) set text alignment (e) set line spacing (f) adjust the tabulation (g) ensure the consistency of page layout Format the text (a) set the font styles and emphasize text (b) format a list as specified (c) create/edit and format a table Ensure the accuracy of the text Use software tools to ensure that the documents are error free Proof-read and correct the document

2 Chapter 10: Task 3 - Using a suitable software package (Word), load the file Text.RTF Page Layout 1.Set the following Margins/Page Size – 1.Margins – Top, Bottom, Right and Left – 2CM 2.Set the page size to A4 3.Set the page orientation to Portrait. 2.Header – Name - (Left) Subject – (Centre) Form– (Right) 3.Footer – Todays Date (Left) Page Number – (Centre) Text Formatting 1.Insert this title at the start of the document Tawara Star Family Cars 2.Heading – Centre Aligned & 36 (Size) 3.Add the text - Latest Company News by: and add your name (Make this a subtitle and place it below the title) - 18 (Size), Italic and Underlined. 4.Heading/Subheading: sans-serif font, Make the subtitle right aligned. 5.Main Text – Serif Font, Black, 14 (Size), Justified, Single line Spacing. 6.Format the Main Text into two columns (1 centimeter gap between the columns) 7.Insert one blank line space after each paragraph 8.Identify the subheadings and make them center aligned and italic 9.Insert the text file NEWMODS.RTF before the subheading Sales Report. 10.Format the text to match the style of the main document.

3 Chapter 10: Task 3 - Enter and edit data from different sources 1.Open the file SALES.CSV (Open in Excel) and use the sales figures for each of the models to create a pie chart. 2.Format the chart to display: Segment labels with the model names in full The title: Number of cars sold 3.Pull out or highlight the segment which shows the best selling model. 4.Do not display a legend. 5.Insert the chart after the subheading Sales Report. 6.Resize the chart to fit within the margins of the column. 7.Replace the text (Insert picture of new showroom) with the image showroom.JPG 8.Align the image with the right margin of the column and the top of the second paragraph. Re-size the image so its width fills half the column and maintain the aspect ratio. 9.Make sure the text wraps round the image. 10.Spell-check the document. 11.Save the document with a new name.

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