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Chapter 11 Data and Graphs (part 2). Day….. 1.Circle GraphsCircle Graphs 2.SurveysSurveys 3.Bias and Unbiased SurveysBias and Unbiased Surveys 4.Population.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 11 Data and Graphs (part 2). Day….. 1.Circle GraphsCircle Graphs 2.SurveysSurveys 3.Bias and Unbiased SurveysBias and Unbiased Surveys 4.Population."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 11 Data and Graphs (part 2)

2 Day….. 1.Circle GraphsCircle Graphs 2.SurveysSurveys 3.Bias and Unbiased SurveysBias and Unbiased Surveys 4.Population and SamplePopulation and Sample 5.Bias and Unbiased SamplesBias and Unbiased Samples

3 Related Links: mac04/course2/add_lesson/sample_to_predic t_mac2.pdf mac04/course2/add_lesson/sample_to_predic t_mac2.pdf conduct-a-survey-and-choose-a-sampling- method conduct-a-survey-and-choose-a-sampling- method

4 Day 1

5 Vocabulary Used to show the number of times a value appears within a given period of time. Used to show the frequency of data on a number line. Line Graph- Numerical Data- Stem - Stem and Leaf Plot - Histogram - Leaf - Used to show changes over time. Used to show part to whole comparisons (i.e. percentages) The digits of the greatest place value in a stem and leaf plot. (example: 14 or 243 or 2,876). The digits of the least place value in a stem and leaf plot. (example 14 or 243 or 2,876 ) Information gathered for statistical purposes. Dot Plot - Used to show the frequency of data divided into equal intervals. (i.e. a type of bar graph) Circle Graph - Used to arrange data by place value and ordered least to greatest. Frequency Table -

6 Vocabulary the entire group of objects or individuals considered for a survey. a selection taken from a larger group (the "population") Unbiased- Bias- Survey - having no bias or prejudice; fair or impartial preference or an inclination, especially one that inhibits impartial judgment Sample- a method of collecting information by asking people questions. Population-

7 I Can…. Read, create, and interpret pie charts

8 Circle Graph Essential Understandings: In a circle graph (or pie chart), each part of the data is represented by a “slice” of the circle. In a circle graph, the size of each sector is determined by the fractional value of the data it represents. Circle graphs illustrate a part to whole comparison. Percentages and category keys are used to analyze the given data set. One of the most common uses for a circle graph is to display poll results and surveys. Example:

9 Circle Graph

10 Cloze Notes Please clear your desk of everything except for a pencil and a calculator.

11 Wrap it Up Review Questions Exit Tickets

12 Day 2

13 Bell Work Justify your Response

14 Homework Check

15 Vocabulary Used to show the number of times a value appears within a given period of time. Used to show the frequency of data on a number line. Line Graph- Numerical Data- Stem - Stem and Leaf Plot - Histogram - Leaf - Used to show changes over time. Used to show part to whole comparisons (i.e. percentages) The digits of the greatest place value in a stem and leaf plot. (example: 14 or 243 or 2,876). The digits of the least place value in a stem and leaf plot. (example 14 or 243 or 2,876 ) Information gathered for statistical purposes. Dot Plot - Used to show the frequency of data divided into equal intervals. (i.e. a type of bar graph) Circle Graph - Used to arrange data by place value and ordered least to greatest. Frequency Table -

16 Vocabulary the entire group of objects or individuals considered for a survey. a selection taken from a larger group (the "population") Unbiased- Bias- Survey - having no bias or prejudice; fair or impartial preference or an inclination, especially one that inhibits impartial judgment Sample- a method of collecting information by asking people questions. Population-

17 I Can…. Identify types of surveys and survey methods.

18 Surveys Essential Understandings: Turn on the television, radio or open a newspaper and you will often see the results from a survey. Gathering information is an important way to help people make decisions about topics of interest. Surveys can help decide what needs changing, where money should be spent, what products to buy, what problems there might be, or lots of other questions you may have at any time. The best part about surveys is that they can be used to answer any question about any topic. You can survey people (through questionnaires, opinion polls, etc) or things (like pollution levels in a river, or traffic flow). Here are four steps to a successful survey: Step one: create the questions Step two: ask the questions Step three: tally the results Step four: present the results

19 Survey Says…. Please clear your desk of everything except for a pencil.

20 Wrap it Up Review Questions Exit Tickets

21 Day 3

22 Bell Work Justify Your Response

23 Homework Check

24 Vocabulary Used to show the number of times a value appears within a given period of time. Used to show the frequency of data on a number line. Line Graph- Numerical Data- Stem - Stem and Leaf Plot - Histogram - Leaf - Used to show changes over time. Used to show part to whole comparisons (i.e. percentages) The digits of the greatest place value in a stem and leaf plot. (example: 14 or 243 or 2,876). The digits of the least place value in a stem and leaf plot. (example 14 or 243 or 2,876 ) Information gathered for statistical purposes. Dot Plot - Used to show the frequency of data divided into equal intervals. (i.e. a type of bar graph) Circle Graph - Used to arrange data by place value and ordered least to greatest. Frequency Table -

25 Vocabulary the entire group of objects or individuals considered for a survey. a selection taken from a larger group (the "population") Unbiased- Bias- Survey - having no bias or prejudice; fair or impartial preference or an inclination, especially one that inhibits impartial judgment Sample- a method of collecting information by asking people questions. Population-

26 I Can…. Identify bias in survey methods and results.

27 Bias Surveys Essential Understandings: There are two main reasons surveys result in bias conclusions. 1) The first reason is biases found in questioning, such as: Loaded questions- Questions using words or thoughts that cause the reader to lean toward a particular response. Example: Do you think we should build a bigger and better school? Nonresponsive bias- occurs when individuals chosen for the sample are unwilling or unable to participate in the survey. Example: using an internet or mail delivered survey. 2) The second reason is sampling bias, such as: Convenience Sample- consists of members of a population that are easily accessed. Example: Surveying the people in your class, about a change that would affect the whole school. Voluntary Response Sample- involves only those who want to participate in the sampling. Example: Comment boxes at local businesses

28 I Can…. Identify an unbiased survey.

29 Unbiased Surveys Essential Understandings: Unbiased surveys follow three simple guidelines: 1. Unbiased questions (avoid adjectives) 2.Unbiased survey methods (avoid the mail, comment boxes, the internet, and phone calls when possible) 3.An unbiased sampling There are 3 types of unbiased sampl : Simple Random Sample- In which each item or person in the population is as likely to be chosen as any other. Example: Putting names in a hat Stratified Random Sample- In which the population is divided into similar, non- overlapping groups. A simple random sample is then selected from each group Example: Surveying 10 from 8 th grade, 10 from 7 th grade, and 10 from 6 th grade Systematic Random Sample- In which the items or people are selected according to a specific time or item interval. Example: Surveying every 5 th person through the front door

30 Try it Out…. Take out your marker boards

31 Wrap it Up Review Questions Exit Tickets

32 Day 4

33 Bell Work Justify Your Response

34 Homework Check

35 Vocabulary Used to show the number of times a value appears within a given period of time. Used to show the frequency of data on a number line. Line Graph- Numerical Data- Stem - Stem and Leaf Plot - Histogram - Leaf - Used to show changes over time. Used to show part to whole comparisons (i.e. percentages) The digits of the greatest place value in a stem and leaf plot. (example: 14 or 243 or 2,876). The digits of the least place value in a stem and leaf plot. (example 14 or 243 or 2,876 ) Information gathered for statistical purposes. Dot Plot - Used to show the frequency of data divided into equal intervals. (i.e. a type of bar graph) Circle Graph - Used to arrange data by place value and ordered least to greatest. Frequency Table -

36 Vocabulary the entire group of objects or individuals considered for a survey. a selection taken from a larger group (the "population") Unbiased- Bias- Survey - having no bias or prejudice; fair or impartial preference or an inclination, especially one that inhibits impartial judgment Sample- a method of collecting information by asking people questions. Population-

37 I Can…. Identify the population and sample when given a survey method.

38 Population and Sample Essential Understandings: The population is the entire group the survey’s results intend to represent. Example: Conducting a survey of Tennessee’s graduation rates for the past 5 years, by surveying every 20th senior from an alphabetical list of all seniors. The population would be every high school senior to graduate or not graduate from school in the past 5 years. The sample is the group of items or individuals chosen to participate in the survey. Example: Conducting a survey of Tennessee’s graduation rates for the past 5 years, by surveying every 20 th senior from an alphabetical list of all seniors for the past 5 years. The sample would be every 20 th senior.

39 Partner Work Please clear your desk of everything except for a pencil.

40 Wrap it Up Review Questions Exit Tickets

41 Day 5

42 Bell Work Justify Your Response

43 Homework Check

44 Quick Quiz Please clear your desk of everything except for a pencil and a calculator.

45 Vocabulary Used to show the number of times a value appears within a given period of time. Used to show the frequency of data on a number line. Line Graph- Numerical Data- Stem - Stem and Leaf Plot - Histogram - Leaf - Used to show changes over time. Used to show part to whole comparisons (i.e. percentages) The digits of the greatest place value in a stem and leaf plot. (example: 14 or 243 or 2,876). The digits of the least place value in a stem and leaf plot. (example 14 or 243 or 2,876 ) Information gathered for statistical purposes. Dot Plot - Used to show the frequency of data divided into equal intervals. (i.e. a type of bar graph) Circle Graph - Used to arrange data by place value and ordered least to greatest. Frequency Table -

46 Vocabulary the entire group of objects or individuals considered for a survey. a selection taken from a larger group (the "population") Unbiased- Bias- Survey - having no bias or prejudice; fair or impartial preference or an inclination, especially one that inhibits impartial judgment Sample- a method of collecting information by asking people questions. Population-

47 I Can…. Identify biased and unbiased samples.

48 Bias/Unbiased Samples Essential Understandings: Unbiased samples: 1. Simple Random Sample- In which each item or person in the population is as likely to be chosen as any other. Example: Putting names in a hat 2. Stratified Random Sample- In which the population is divided into similar, non- overlapping groups. A simple random sample is then selected from each group Example: Surveying 10 students from 8th grade, 10 from 7th grade, and 10 from 6th grade 3.Systematic Random Sample- In which the items or people are selected according to a specific time or item interval. Example: Surveying every 5th person through the front door Biased samples 1.Convenience Sample- consists of members of a population that are easily accessed. Example: Surveying the people in your class only, about a change involving the whole school. 2. Voluntary Response Sample- involves only those who want to participate in the sampling. Example: Comment boxes at local businesses

49 Partner Work Please clear your desk of everything except for your pencil and your notes.

50 Wrap it Up Review Questions Exit Tickets

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