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Presentation on theme: " FIT 1005 Networks & Data Communications Lecture 9 – High Speed LANs Reference: Chapter 16 Data and Computer Communications Eighth."— Presentation transcript:

1 FIT 1005 Networks & Data Communications Lecture 9 – High Speed LANs Reference: Chapter 16 Data and Computer Communications Eighth Edition by William Stallings Lecture slides by Lawrie Brown Modified Lecture Slides::

2 2 Introduction range of technologies –Fast and Gigabit Ethernet –Fibre Channel –High Speed Wireless LANs

3 3 Why High Speed LANs? speed and power of PCs has risen –graphics-intensive applications and GUIs LANs are seen as essential to organizations –for client/server computing now have requirements for –centralized server farms –power workgroups –high-speed local backbone

4 4 Ethernet (CSMA/CD) most widely used LAN standard developed by –Xerox - original Ethernet –IEEE 802.3 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) –random / contention access to media

5 5 ALOHA developed for packet radio nets when station has frame, it sends then listens for a bit over max round trip time –if it receive ACK then fine –if not, it retransmit –if no ACK after repeated transmissions, give up uses a frame check sequence (as in HDLC) frame may be damaged by noise or by another station transmitting at the same time (collision) any overlap of frames causes collision Very simple scheme and hence pay’s penalty of max utilization of 18% Aloha - (From the Hawaiian greeting) A system of contention resolution devised at The University of Hawaii. Packets are broadcast when ready, the sender listens to see if they collide and if so re-transmits after a random time.

6 6 Slotted ALOHA To improve efficiency on ALOHA (pure) we have slotted ALOHA time on channel is based on uniform slots equal to frame transmission time –need central clock (or other sync mechanism) transmission begins at slot boundary –frames will either miss or overlap totally –this increases max utilization to 37% Both (pure aloha and slotted aloha) have poor utilization fail to use the fact that propagation time is much less than frame transmission time

7 7 CSMA replacement to ALOHA stations soon know transmission has started so first listen for clear medium (carrier sense) if medium is idle, then transmit, if not wait if two stations start at the same instant, we have collision then; –Station waits reasonable time after tx ACK –if no ACK then retransmit –collisions occur at leading edge of frame max utilization depends on propagation time (i.e. medium length) and frame length

8 8 Nonpersistent CSMA Nonpersistent CSMA rules: –Step-1: if medium is idle, transmit –Step-2: if medium is busy, wait for an amount of time drawn from probability distribution (retransmission delay) & retry random delays reduces probability of collisions Sensing Media Transmit frame Wait back off timer (Probability distributed) Is Media Busy Yes No capacity is wasted because medium will remain idle following end of transmission nonpersistent stations are deferential With CSMA, an algorithm is needed to specify what a station should do if the medium is found busy. One algorithm is nonpersistent CSMA. A station wishing to transmit listens to the medium and obeys the following rules:

9 9 1-persistent CSMA 1-persistent CSMA avoids idle channel time 1-persistent CSMA rules: –Step 1: If the medium is idle, transmit immediately –Step 2: If the medium is busy, continue to listen until medium becomes idle, and then transmit immediately Sensing Media Transmit frame Is Media Busy Yes No In 1-persistent CSMA stations are selfish if two or more stations waiting to transmit, a collision is guaranteed Relatively high collision rate

10 10 P-persistent CSMA a compromise to try and reduce collisions and idle time p-persistent CSMA rules: Sensing Media Transmit frame Select a random probability # n from a set Is Media Busy Yes No # n, m Wait a time slot Yes No –If the medium is idle it may or may not send the frame –Sends with probability p –Refrains with probability 1-p –A random number generator is used to determine whether the station sends –If the station refrains from sending, it waits one time slot before sensing again –Fewer collisions than 1-Persistent issue of choosing effective value of p to avoid instability under heavy load

11 11 Value of p? have n stations waiting to send at end of tx, expected no of stations is np –if np > 1 on average there will be a collision repeated tx attempts mean collisions is likely eventually when all stations trying to send have continuous collisions hence zero throughput thus we want np<1 for expected peaks of n –if heavy load expected, then p is small –but smaller p means stations wait longer

12 12 CSMA/CD Description with CSMA alone, collision occupies medium for duration of transmission better if stations listen whilst transmitting; CMSMA/CD CSMA/CD rules: 1.if medium idle, transmit 2.if busy, listen for idle, then transmit 3.if collision detected, jam and then cease transmission 4.after jam, wait random time then retry

13 13 CSMA/CD Operation

14 14 Which Persistence Algorithm? IEEE 802.3 uses 1-persistent both nonpersistent and p-persistent have performance problems 1-persistent seems more unstable than p-persistent –because of greed of the stations –Time wasted due to collisions –with random back-off time the stations are unlikely to collide on next attempt to send

15 15 Binary Exponential Backoff for backoff stability, IEEE 802.3 and Ethernet both use binary exponential backoff stations repeatedly resend when collide –For first 10 retransmission attempts, mean-random delay is doubled –The mean value then remains same for 6 further attempts –after 16 unsuccessful attempts, station gives up and reports error 1-persistent algorithm with binary exponential backoff is efficient over wide range of loads but backoff algorithm has last-in, first-out effect ( stations with no or few collisions will have a chance to transmit before stations that have waited longer )

16 16 Collision Detection on baseband bus –collision produces higher signal voltage –collision detected if cable signal greater than single station signal –signal is attenuated over distance –limit to 500m (10Base5) Thick Ethernet –Limit to 200m (10Base2) Thin Ethernet on twisted pair (star-topology) Shared Ethernet –Activity (collision signal) on more than one port is collision (HUB) –Detect by use of special collision presence signal

17 17 IEEE 802.3 Frame Format Preamble: 7-octet pattern of alternating 0s and 1s used for bit synchronization. Start Frame Delimiter (SFD) is a sequence 10101011, locates the start of the frame Destination and Source MAC / Physical 48 bit address Frame Check Sequence i.e. CRC of data from DA to Pad

18 18 10Mbps Specification (Ethernet)

19 19 100Mbps Fast Ethernet

20 20 100BASE-X uses a unidirectional data rate 100 Mbps over single twisted pair or optical fiber link two physical medium specifications –100BASE-TX >uses two pairs of twisted-pair cable for tx & rx >STP and Category 5 UTP allowed >MTL-3 signaling scheme is used –100BASE-FX >uses two optical fiber cables for tx & rx >convert 4B/5B-NRZI code group into optical signals

21 21 100BASE-T4 100-Mbps over lower-quality Cat 3 UTP –takes advantage of large installed base of cat 3 cabling –does not transmit continuous signal between packets –useful in battery-powered applications cannot get 100 Mbps on single twisted pair –so data stream split into three separate streams –four twisted pairs used –data transmitted and received using three pairs –two pairs configured for bidirectional transmission use ternary signaling scheme (8B6T)

22 22 100BASE-T Options

23 23 Full Duplex Operation traditional Ethernet was only half duplex using full-duplex, station can transmit and receive simultaneously 100-Mbps Ethernet in full-duplex mode, giving a theoretical transfer rate of 200 Mbps stations must have full-duplex adapter cards and must use switching (switch) –each station constitutes separate collision domain –CSMA/CD algorithm no longer needed –802.3 MAC frame format used

24 24 Mixed Configurations Fast Ethernet LANs supports mixture of existing 10-Mbps LANs and newer 100-Mbps LANs supporting older and newer technologies –e.g. 100-Mbps backbone LAN supports 10-Mbps hubs >stations attach to 10-Mbps hubs using 10BASE-T >hubs connected to switching hubs using 100BASE-T >high-capacity workstations and servers attach directly to 10/100 switches >switches connected to 100-Mbps hubs use 100-Mbps backbone links >100-Mbps hubs provide building backbone >connected to router providing connection to WAN

25 25 Mixed Configurations (2) Gigabit Ethernet supports mixture of existing 100 Mbps and 10 Mbps supporting older and newer technologies –e.g. 1000-Mbps backbone LAN supports 100-Mbps switches >stations attach to 10/100-Mbps switch using 100BASE-T >Standard workstations and servers attach directly to 10/100 switches >high-capacity workstations and servers attach directly to 1000- Mbps switches >switches connected to 10/100-Mbps switch use 1000-Mbps backbone links >1000-Mbps switches provide building blocks for backbone >connected to router providing connection to WAN

26 26 Gigabit Ethernet Configuration

27 27 Gigabit Ethernet – Physical

28 28 10Gbps Ethernet growing interest in 10Gbps Ethernet –for high-speed backbone use –with future wider deployment alternative to ATM and other WAN technologies uniform technology for LAN, MAN, or WAN advantages of 10Gbps Ethernet –no expensive, bandwidth-consuming conversion between Ethernet packets and ATM cells –IP and Ethernet together offers QoS and traffic policing approach ATM –have a variety of standard optical interfaces

29 29 10Gbps Ethernet Configurations

30 30 10Gbps Ethernet Options

31 31 Summary High speed LANs emergence Ethernet technologies –CSMA & CSMA/CD media access –10Mbps ethernet –100Mbps ethernet –1Gbps ethernet –10Gbps ethernet

32 32 Ethernet Designations DesignationDescription 10Base-2 10 Mbps baseband Ethernet over coaxial cable with a maximum distance of 185 meters. Also referred to as Thin Ethernet or Thinnet or Thinwire. 10Base-5 10 Mbps baseband Ethernet over coaxial cable with a maximum distance of 500 meters. Also referred to as Thick Ethernet or Thicknet or Thickwire. 10Base-36 10 Mbps baseband Ethernet over multi-channel coaxial cable with a maximum distance of 3,600 meters. 10Base-F10 Mbps baseband Ethernet over optical fiber. 10Base-FB 10 Mbps baseband Ethernet over two multi-mode optical fibers using a synchronous active hub. 10Base-FL 10 Mbps baseband Ethernet over two optical fibers and can include an optional asynchronous hub. 10Base-FP 10 Mbps baseband Ethernet over two optical fibers using a passive hub to connect communication devices. 10Base-T 10 Mbps baseband Ethernet over twisted pair cables with a maximum length of 100 meters. 10Broad-36 10 Mbps baseband Ethernet over three channels of a cable television system with a maximum cable length of 3,600 meters.

33 33 Fast Ethernet Designations DesignationDescription 100Base-FX100 Mbps baseband Ethernet over two multimode optical fibers. 100Base-T100 Mbps baseband Ethernet over twisted pair cable. 100Base-T2 100 Mbps baseband Ethernet over two pairs of Category 3 or higher unshielded twisted pair cable. 100Base-T4 100 Mbps baseband Ethernet over four pairs of Category 3 or higher unshielded twisted pair cable. 100Base-TX 100 Mbps baseband Ethernet over two pairs of shielded twisted pair or Category 4 twisted pair cable. 100Base-XA generic name for 100 Mbps Ethernet systems.

34 34 Gigabit Ethernet Designations DesignationDescription 1000Base-CX 1000 Mbps baseband Ethernet over two pairs of 150 shielded twisted pair cable. 1000Base-LX 1000 Mbps baseband Ethernet over two multimode or single-mode optical fibers using longwave laser optics. 1000Base-SX 1000 Mbps baseband Ethernet over two multimode optical fibers using shortwave laser optics. 1000Base-T 1000 Mbps baseband Ethernet over four pairs of Category 5 unshielded twisted pair cable. 1000Base-XA generic name for 1000 Mbps Ethernet systems. DesignationDescription 10Gigabit Ethernet Ethernet at 10 billion bits per second over optical fiber. Multimode fiber supports distances up to 300 meters; single mode fiber supports distances up to 40 kilometers.

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