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10-1 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e Vol 2 by Horsfall and Turner.

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1 10-1 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e Vol 2 by Horsfall and Turner Chapter 10 BSBCMM201A Communicate in the Workplace

2 10-2 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e Vol 2 by Horsfall and Turner Contents Gather, convey and receive information and ideas Collect information to achieve work responsibilities (BSBCMM201A/1.1) Use methods and/or equipment to communicate appropriate ideas (BSBCMM201A/1.2) Use effective listening and speaking skills in verbal communication (BSBCMM201A/1.3) Seek input from internal and external sources to develop new ideas (BSBCMM201A/1.4) Respond to instructions/enquiries promptly in accordance with organisational requirements (BSBCMM201A/1.5 )

3 10-3 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e Vol 2 by Horsfall and Turner Contents Complete workplace documentation and correspondence Present written information and ideas in clear concise language (BSBCMM201A/2.1) Draft and present correspondence within designated time lines (BSBCMM201A/2.2) Ensure presentation of written information meets organisational standards of style format and accuracy (BSBCMM201A/2.3) Complete workplace forms and documentation in clear, easy to read format (BSBCMM201A/2.4)

4 10-4 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e Vol 2 by Horsfall and Turner Contents Communicate in a way that responds positively to individual differences Value all individuals and treat them with respect, courtesy and sensitivity (BSBCMM201A/3.1) Take into consideration cultural differences in all communication (BSBCMM201A/3.2) Use communication to develop and maintain positive relationships (BSBCMM201A/3.3) Make efforts to use basic strategies to overcome language barriers (BSBCMM201A/3.4) Ensure that behaviour is consistent with legislative requirements and social protocols (BSBCMM201A/3.5)

5 10-5 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e Vol 2 by Horsfall and Turner Information and ideas (BSBCMM201A/1.1) Methods of communication External communications –Meeting at conferences. –Management networks. –Professional journals. Internal communications –Formal, based on chain of command. –Informal, from email, electronic notice boards, corporate newsletters, budgets and sales objectives, workers’ grievances and problems.

6 10-6 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e Vol 2 by Horsfall and Turner Workplace communication (BSBCMM201A/1.1) Effective communication requirements The two-way communication process

7 10-7 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e Vol 2 by Horsfall and Turner Methods and equipment to communicate (BSBCMM201A/1.2) Communication methodology is influenced by: Perceptions of authority Speed of transmission Nature of information Legal requirements Method of communication: –Email –Telephone or video links –Mobile phones –Mail –The internet

8 10-8 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e Vol 2 by Horsfall and Turner Effective listening and speaking (BSBCMM201A/1.3) The five types of active listening are: 1.Non-verbal 2.Encouraging 3.Showing empathy 4.Clarifying 5.Silence

9 10-9 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e Vol 2 by Horsfall and Turner Effective listening and speaking (BSBCMM201A/1.3) Barriers to effective communication: Perception Semantics (how we interpret meaning) Status of individuals Preconceived judgments Organisational culture Business jargon Informal networks or the ‘grapevine’

10 10-10 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e Vol 2 by Horsfall and Turner Seek input from sources (BSBCMM201A/1.4) Internal sources include: Feedback from peers Feedback from superiors Internal reports Talking to other departments External sources include: Customers Suppliers experts

11 10-11 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e Vol 2 by Horsfall and Turner Respond to instructions/enquiries (BSBCMM201A/1.5) Seek advice on how to communicate from your: colleagues or peers supervisor or managers Also take note of communications from: clients other departments within the organisation Additionally, you can review your incoming e-mail and voicemail.

12 10-12 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e Vol 2 by Horsfall and Turner Respond to instructions/enquiries (BSBCMM201A/1.5) Clear and logical thinking is often distorted by external influences Living in the ‘communication age’ means we tend to become immune to others’ needs and wants: –24-hour advertising through Internet and TV/radio –Mobile phones and extended shopping hours Internal influences –Generalisations –Previous experiences may not be indicative of changing circumstances. –Might is not right!

13 10-13 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e Vol 2 by Horsfall and Turner Present written information (BSBCMM201A/2.1) Using relevant procedures and formats such as: Electronic communication –Email –Fax –Internet Online help Mail-merge techniques Wizards and templates All assist to give your draft a ‘professional and business-like’ finish.

14 10-14 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e Vol 2 by Horsfall and Turner Draft written information (BSBCMM201A/2.1) cont. Producing a draft copy by a deadline is possible if you: Think and plan the communication in advance. Capture the essential idea on paper or screen. Organise the structure of the document. Write, edit, revise and proofread the communication.

15 10-15 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e Vol 2 by Horsfall and Turner Draft written information (BSBCMM201A/2.1) cont. Organisational standards: Most larger organisations will have a ‘style manual’, which will give samples of letter, memo, presentation layouts. Alternatively, most software packages come with default style/layout guides for most business applications.

16 10-16 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e Vol 2 by Horsfall and Turner Draft correspondence (BSBCMM201A/2.2) Compose the document and then ask for feedback Plan and clarify the purpose of the letter. Use the correct layout. Write from the reader’s point of view. The first sentence must count. All sentences and paragraphs must be short. Courteous script always helps. Use positives. Spell-check then check for sense. Be as accurate as possible. Close constructively.

17 10-17 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e Vol 2 by Horsfall and Turner Draft correspondence (BSBCMM201A/2.3) Drafting routine correspondence Always follow the written standards set by organisational style manuals and examples. Use open punctuation and left-blocking. Memos must be short and to the point. Customer correspondence must be polite and state only facts. Attachments are used to justify a position or reinforce a policy decision.

18 10-18 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e Vol 2 by Horsfall and Turner Draft written information (BSBCMM101A/2.3) Using relevant procedures and formats such as: Electronic communication –Email –Fax –Internet Online help Mail-merge techniques Wizards and templates All assist to give your draft a ‘professional and businesslike’ finish.

19 10-19 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e Vol 2 by Horsfall and Turner Complete workplace forms (BSBCMM101A/2.4) Plan for writing a short email report

20 10-20 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e Vol 2 by Horsfall and Turner Value all individuals (BSBCMM201A/3.1-3.2) It is unlawful to discriminate against anyone in the workplace on the grounds of: race or ethnic origin physical, intellectual or psychological impairment (including having or being thought to have AIDS or being HIV positive) pregnancy parental status, and having or not having children marital status, including being a de facto spouse religious belief or activity age or sex being a member of a union

21 10-21 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e Vol 2 by Horsfall and Turner Behaviour and social protocols (BSBCMM201A/3.5) Be respect colleagues’ and customers’ cultural and social differences. Be courteous and helpful to other employees and visitors. Obey lawful orders from your employer in the context of your work. Follow management’s policies and procedures in order to achieve the organisation’s goals. Maintain confidentiality of the work carried out. Follow the safety rules according to occupational health and safety procedures. Behave in an ethical manner and give disclosable information only. Be honest and trustworthy.

22 10-22 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e Vol 2 by Horsfall and Turner Workplace communication (BSBCMM201A/) Receiving instructions and ‘getting the message’ can fail if: there is a lack of courtesy. inappropriate words or phases are used. there is inadequate feedback. the message or channel is inappropriate. the listener does not give their full attention to the message. the timing of the message is mismanaged.

23 10-23 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e Vol 2 by Horsfall and Turner Use positive communication (BSBCMM201A/3.3-3.4) Positive or constructive feedback will enhance the message: Through reinforcement of the sender’s comments and ideas. Agreement and acceptance of (but not always) the major components of the message. Suggestions and comments about the implementation of the message. Waiting until the speaker has finished before offering alternative strategies.

24 10-24 Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PowerPoint slides to accompany Office Skills: A Practical Approach 5e Vol 2 by Horsfall and Turner Summary Effective communication skills can be learnt. The good communicator recognises the barriers to communications and knows how to avoid them. Active listening and constructive feedback go a long way to avoiding communication breakdown. All business documents require thinking and planning, capturing ideas, organising structure and editing and proofreading. When composing a business you should use a check list to plan your letter.

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