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ISACS Assessment Tool Advanced Guide 2015. About this guide This guide is designed to detail this software’s functions and features. Before getting started.

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Presentation on theme: "ISACS Assessment Tool Advanced Guide 2015. About this guide This guide is designed to detail this software’s functions and features. Before getting started."— Presentation transcript:

1 ISACS Assessment Tool Advanced Guide 2015

2 About this guide This guide is designed to detail this software’s functions and features. Before getting started please note the instructions below: Please read this guide before using the software to ensure its proper use. Please make sure you have already reviewed the ISACS-AT Basics guide prior to reading this guide. Descriptions are based on the software’s default settings. Images and screenshots may differ in appearance from the actual product. Content in this guide may differ from the final product and is subject to change without prior notice. For the latest version of the software and the guide, refer to the ISACS website, The computer operating system may affect the overall performance of the software. Software may not work properly depending on the computer hardware specifications and the environment that it is used in. The software and this guide are currently available in English only. UNIDIR is not liable for performance issues or incompatibilities caused by efforts to modify the software. Attempting to customize the operating system may cause the software to work improperly.

3 Purpose of the ISACS-AT: Advanced To provide guidance on advanced functions of the ISACS-AT, in order to: – support the practical application of the International Small Arms Control Standards (ISACS) – conduct self-assessment on the implementation of small arms control commitments in line with the standards – establish baselines on small arms control policy, programmes, and practices in line with the standards – promote the ISACS for educational and awareness- raising purposes

4 Lesson overview Four lessons: 1.Additional customized questions Add customized questions Answer customized questions Generate report 2.Compare results 3.Export assessment data 4.Import assessment data

5 Lesson 1: Additional questions Learning objectives To familiarize users with generating customized questions in addition to the ISACS indicators, in order to supplement the questionnaire for the needs and priorities of the local context Expected outcomes Users are able to add, answer, and report on the additional questions that address their local/national/regional needs Users are able to supplement analysis of the ISACS assessments with qualitative inputs

6 Step one: Add additional question - Design Design a questionnaire that reflects your local priorities and needs Purpose To allow users to provide customized questions in addition to the ISACS indicators, in order to supplement the questionnaire for the needs and priorities of the local context.

7 Begin at homepage Click on the tab “Assess”, and then click on the link “Design Questionnaire”

8 Enter creator information Enter creator information and click continue to create a questionnaire

9 Select and load an ISACS module Select the module to load here. Once selected, indicators will be loaded on the left-hand side column

10 Select the indicators to generate Select (by checking the boxes) the indicators to generate based on the ISACS module, clause, and subclauses

11 Generate indicators Checking relevant boxes will generate indicators in the content panel.

12 Add additional questions Click on “Add Additional Questions” icon to continue

13 Additional questions overview

14 Additional questions interface Additional questions attached to the questionnaire panel Existing additional questions panel Step 1: Click on “Add New Questions” to begin

15 Create a new additional question Enter relevant information (author, level of priority, thematic label) and question here

16 Attach additional questions Questions listed on this panel reflect attached additional questions Select questions you wish to attach then click on transfer button Once attached, click on “Save & Complete”

17 Lesson tip Additional questions are attached to an ISACS questionnaire The adding additional question function is accessible only through the design questionnaire function, after ISACS indicators have been generated. Created additional questions are stored in the storage file The customized questions created during the design phase are stored in the user storage file. This allows users to store on file existing customized questions, which they can later select and attach to other questionnaires.

18 Summary How to create and attach additional questions 1.Click on Add Additional Questions from the design questionnaire page, after generating ISACS indicators. 2.Click on Add Additional Questions – Enter author – Identify priority level (based on local priorities) – Assign thematic label – Enter question – Click on Continue 3.Select and attach questions to questionnaire using the transfer button 4.Click on Save & Complete Questionnaire to finish the design process

19 Step two: Answer additional questions - Collect Provide detailed inputs to add context to the assessment Purpose to allow users to provide responses to additional questions that were created in order to capture the context in which the assessment is being carried out.

20 Lesson tip Provide as much detail as possible It is recommended that users provide responses that are detailed and comprehensive, in order to supplement the ISACS questions and to add context to the assessment. Note that the additional questions answer function is supported by a text box, which allows users to provide detailed qualitative inputs.

21 Begin at homepage Click on the tab “Assess”, and then click on the link “Collect Responses”

22 Select a questionnaire to collect data 2) Select the questionnaire you wish to answer then click on “Collect Responses” 1) Select the ISACS module you wish to work on

23 Enter respondent information Enter respondent information and click “Continue” to answer the questionnaire

24 Continue to answer additional questions First provide responses to the ISCAS questions. Once answers are provided, click on “Answer Additional Questions” icon to continue

25 Provide data to additional questions Provide response to additional questions to supplement the ISACS questionnaire Once complete, click on Save & Complete

26 Collect data using paper format Export additional questions to PDF Collect data in paper format and feed back into the tool Purpose To allow users to export the additional questions in paper format, in order to distribute the questions to those who may have limited access to computers and/or may not own an ISACS-AT, as well as for those who are less favorable to using software platforms

27 Export additional questions to PDF Click on the PDF icon to export questions in paper format

28 Step three: View results – Analysis Examine how data from customized questions support implementation of small arms control commitments Purpose To allow users to view the responses provided to additional questions, in order to supplement the results presented by ISACS-based questionnaires and to better support users in the analysis process

29 Begin at homepage Click on the tab “Assess”, and then click on the link, “Analyze Results” DRAFT

30 Select questionnaire to analyze 2) Select the assessment you wish to analyze, then click on “Analyze Results” DRAFT 1) Select the ISACS module you wish to work on

31 Access additional answers Click on the Additional Q/A Report to continue

32 Additional answers report Answers are provided here Questions are listed here Status and priority is provided here

33 View results in paper format Export customized answers to PDF View and analyze results in paper format and feed back into the tool Purpose To allow users to export the results of the customized questions in paper format in order to distribute the responses to those who may have limited access to computers and/or may not own an ISACS-AT, as well as for those who are less favorable to using software platforms. In essence, the generation of analysis in paper format serves as a reporting mechanism in the tool.

34 Export additional results to PDF Click on the Additional Q/A Report icon to continue

35 Generate report in PDF Click on the PDF icon to generate additional questions report

36 Lesson 2: Compare results Learning objective Become familiar with how to compare and analyze results from two different assessments Expected outcome Users will have a better understanding of implementation progress made on their small arms control programmes/practices over time Users are able to compare and analyze priorities, challenges, and opportunities between two assessments, in order to make informed decisions for follow-up action

37 Guide tip How many assessments can I compare at one time? Only two assessments can be compared at one time. Users must have at least two assessments in their storage file in order to use the compare results function How are the assessment results compared? Both assessments must belong to the same ISACS module to compare results (e.g. both assessments based on the stockpile management module) It is not a requirement for the indicators in the two assessments to be identical. The ISACS-AT will automatically identify and compare results on identical indicators between the two assessments. Indicators that are not identical will not be compared.

38 Compare results: Example use case 1 Monitoring project implementation over time Compare results over time to monitor progress Using the Compare Report function, the coordinating organization examines the progress made over time by comparing the results between the entry assessment and the six-month updated assessments. Collect updated data and share results The implementing partner updates the questionnaire based on the implementation progress and provides the results to the coordinating organization. Issue identical questionnaire periodically (e.g. 6 months later) The coordinating organization then provides an identical questionnaire to the implementing partner on a six-month basis. Collect data, establish baseline, and share results The implementing partner conducts a baseline assessment with the entry questionnaire. Create and issue an entry questionnaire A coordinating organization creates and provides an implementing partner with an Entry Questionnaire at the beginning of the project.

39 Compare results: Example use case 2 Assisting in decision-making on implementation Compare results and conduct analysis on findings from the two sites Using the Compare Report function, the agency examines the implementation status at the two sites to determine which site requires more attention with regards to capacity-building and funding. Each site collects data, establishes baselines, and shares results The two border sites conduct baseline assessments with the questionnaire and shares results. Create and issue identical questionnaires to two assessment sites An agency creates and provides identical questionnaires to two border sites for assessment.

40 Begin at homepage Click on the tab “Assess”, and then click on the link, “Manage Assessments”

41 Select compare results from task bar 3) Click on the Compare Results icon in the task bar, located under the analysis section 1) Select the ISACS module you wish to work on 2) Select an assessment you wish to compare

42 Compare results page Select the two assessment results you wish to compare, then click on Compare Results button

43 Compare results dashboard

44 The bar graph demonstrates the progress made in implementation by status and priority levels The static information here present the number of identical indicators that are being compared The table below list the indicators, their priorities, and their implementation progress status

45 Lesson 3: Export assessment Learning objective To become familiar with how to share and distribute questionnaires as well as their assessment results to other users for data collection and analysis Expected outcome Users demonstrate competency in exporting questionnaires/assessment results electronically to other users who own an ISACS-AT, as well as in paper format to those users who do not have the tool or a computer system

46 Guide tip Export file is not the same as storage file Exporting a questionnaire requires creation of a new file devoted to exported questionnaires and their relevant data. – This requires users to designate a location to save the exported questionnaire file. Note that the export file is different from a storage file and will only store exported questionnaires and their related data (see diagram in next slide). Default setting By default, questionnaires are exported as “blank”—i.e. the list of questions generated from ISACS indicators. – This allows users to distribute the same questionnaire electronically to multiple target respondents to gather their responses to a questionnaire. Users can chose to include response data and additional questions and answers manually.

47 How the export function works User 1 Storage file (ISACSAT.db) Exported file (export.db) User 2 Storage file (ISACSAT.db) 1) Storage file hosts multiple questionnaires and assessments. User 1 chooses specifically which questionnaires/ assessments to export to User 2 3) User 2 imports the questionnaires/ assessments from the User 1’s exported file into their own storage file 2) Exported questionnaires/assessments are hosted in a new independent export file.

48 Begin at homepage Click on “Configure”, then click on the link “Import/Export Data”

49 Export assessments page Make sure you are on the Assessment Data tab for export/import function Click on the Export Assessments tab, then click on the Browse button to select a location to create an export file

50 Select save location and data to export Select a location to save export file, then click on save By default just the questions are exported. Users can select whether they would like to include: 1) answers, 2) comments, 3) additional questions, and 4) additional answers

51 Select assessments to export Select the assessments to export and then click on “Continue”

52 Verify the export information Review the export information and click on “Start Export” to begin process

53 Alternative access for export function Export function icon from the Assessment Home in the task bar

54 Export: Example 1 Distributing questionnaire to other users Create a questionnaire (Design) Select the questionnaire to export (Assessment data page) Export questionnaire(s) to a new file (export.db) Send exported file via email to the target respondents who own the ISACS-AT (Collection)

55 Export: Example 2 Sharing assessment results with other users Answer a questionnaire (Collection)Select the assessment to export (Assessment data page)Select the option to include answers in the export processExport assessments to a new export file (export.db) Send exported file via email to the those who will analyze your results using the ISACS-AT (Analysis)

56 Summary How to export a questionnaires / assessment results 1.Start from Homepage under the Configure box 2.Click on Import/Export Assessment data link 3.Click on the Export Assessments tab 4.Select a location to export questionnaires by clicking on Browse – this will create a new file where exported data are stored 5.Once selecting the location, select what you wish to export: – Questionnaire (only) – Include Answers (with response data) – Include Additional Questions – Include Additional Answers (with response data) 6.Click on Continue 7.Select the questionnaires / assessments you wish to export 8.Click on Continue after selecting the questionnaires 9.Verify that the export information is accurate 10.Click on Start Export to begin the export process

57 Lesson 4: Import Learning objective To become familiar with how to obtain questionnaires and assessment results from other users Expected outcome Users demonstrate competence in using the ISACS- AT to import questionnaires as well as assessment results electronically from other users

58 Guide tip Connect to an existing export file Users must have an existing export file in order to import questionnaires/assessments from other users. – Make sure to connect to an export file when importing. Connecting to a storage file (ISACSAT.db) will result in an error in the import process. Default setting By default questionnaires are imported as “blank”—i.e. the list of questions generated by ISACS indicators. – This allows users to import blank questionnaires electronically to distribute it to multiple target respondents to gather their responses. Users can choose to import response data, additional questions, and their answers manually.

59 Begin at homepage Click on “Configure”, then click on the link “Import/Export Assessment Data”

60 Export assessments page Make sure you are on the Assessment Data tab for export/import function Click on the Import Assessments tab, then click on the Browse button to locate and connect to an export file

61 Select an export file and data to import Select the export file you wish to connect to DRAFT By default, only the questionnaires are imported. Users can select whether they would like to import: 1) answers, 2) comments, 3) additional questions, and 4) additional answers.

62 Connect to export file Once file is selected, click on “Continue” to connect to export file DRAFT

63 Select what to import Select the questionnaires/ assessments to import into ISACS-AT, then click on “Continue”

64 Verify import information Verify the import information and then click on “Start Import” to begin process

65 Imported materials Imported questionnaires/ assessments will show up in the Assessment Home To verify the import, start at Assessment Home. Make sure you have selected the ISACS module you wish to work on

66 Alternative access for import function Access the import function from the Assessment Home in the task bar

67 Import: Example 1 Import questionnaire from other users Begin at configure page. Locate the export file you wish to connect to (Configure) Using the import function, select the questionnaire you wish to import from the exported file (Collection) Selected questionnaires are now in the local storage file (Assessment Home) Users can: 1) send questionnaire to target respondents to collect data and/or 2) answer the questionnaire Analyze the results or export the results back to the original sender (Analysis and Export)

68 Import: Example 2 Import and analyze assessment results Begin in the configure page, connect to export file (Configure) Once file is selected, select the option to import answers, then click continue (Configure) Import the assessment to storage file. Verify that the assessment is in your Assessment Home (Assessment home) Select the questionnaire from the Assessment Home and click on Analysis Dashboard icon (Assessment Home) Conduct analysis in the Analysis dashboard (Analysis)

69 Summary How to import a questionnaire / assessment 1.Start at Homepage with the Configure box expanded 2.Click on the Import/Export Assessment data link 3.Click on the Import Assessments tab 4.Select a location of the exported file you wish to connect with by clicking on Browse – this will link your local storage file with the exported file where exported data are stored 5.Once selecting the file, select whether you wish to import – Questionnaire (only) – Include Answers with response data – Include Additional Questions – Include Additional Answers 6.Click on Continue 7.Select the questionnaires/assessments you wish to import 8.Click on Continue after selecting the questionnaires/assessments 9.Verify that the import information is accurate 10.Click on Start Import to begin the import process

70 What’s next? Start practicing with the ISACS-AT

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