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The Cold War 1945 - 1960 1.  Trace the reasons that the wartime alliance between the United States and the Soviet Union unraveled.  Explain how President.

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Presentation on theme: "The Cold War 1945 - 1960 1.  Trace the reasons that the wartime alliance between the United States and the Soviet Union unraveled.  Explain how President."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Cold War 1945 - 1960 1

2  Trace the reasons that the wartime alliance between the United States and the Soviet Union unraveled.  Explain how President Truman responded to Soviet domination of Eastern Europe.  Describe the causes and results of Stalin’s blockade of Berlin. 2

3  EH9.1.1 Recognize post-war political/social differences among Allied powers.  EH9.3.1Locate countries dominated/threatened by Communism.  EH5.2 Identify areas associated U.S. containment policies.  EH9.9.2 Recognize U.S. Cold War foreign policies. 3

4  Satellite State  Cold War  Iron Curtain  Truman Doctrine  George F. Kennan  Containment  Marshall Plan  Berlin Airlift  N.A.T.O.  Warsaw Pact 4

5  Roots of the Cold War  Meeting the Soviet Challenge  Containing Soviet Expansion  The Cold War Heats Up 5

6   Web Code= [nad] [1010]  Social Studies  Textbook Companion  State (TN)  Program (United States History)  Reconstruction to the present (2008)  Chapter 16  Assessments  Section 1  Progress Monitoring (1-5) 6

7  Explain how Mao Zedong and the communists gained power in China.  Describe the causes and progress of the war in Korea.  Identify the long-term effects of the Korean War. 7

8  EH9.3.1 Locate counties dominated/threatened by Communism.  EH9.5.2 Identify areas associated with U.S. containment policies.  EH9.9.2 Recognize U.S. Cold War foreign policies.  EH9.11.2 Read and interpret Cold War documents. 8

9  Jiang Jieshi  Mao Zedong  38 th Parallel  Douglas MacArthur  Limited War  S.E.A.T.O. 9

10  Communist Gain Control of China  Americans Fight in Korea  The Korean War Has Lasting Effects 10

11   Web Code= [nad] [1010]  Social Studies  Textbook Companion  State (TN)  Program (United States History)  Reconstruction to the present (2008)  Chapter 16  Assessments  Section 2  Progress Monitoring (1-5) 11

12  Describe the causes and results of the arms race between the United States and Soviet Union.  Explain how Eisenhower’s response to communism differed from that to Truman.  Analyze worldwide Cold War conflicts that erupted in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and other places.  Discuss the effects of Soviet efforts in space exploration. 12

13  EH9.3.1 Locate countries dominated/threatened by Communism.  EH9.4.1 Recognize impact of technological/cultural changes on U.S. society.  EH9.5.2 Identify areas associated with U.S. containment policies.  EH9.6.2 Recognize domestic impact of Cold War on U.S. society. 13

14  Arms Race  Mutually Assured Destruction  John Foster Dulles  Massive Retaliation  Brinkmanship  Nikita Khrushchev  Nationalize  Suez Crisis  Eisenhower Doctrine  C.I.A.  N.A.S.A. 14

15  The Arms Race Heightens Tensions  Eisenhower Introduces New Policies  The Cold War Goes Global 15

16   Web Code= [nad] [1010]  Social Studies  State (TN)  Program (United States History)  Reconstruction to the present (2008)  Chapter 16  Assessments  Section 3  Progress Monitoring (1-5) 16

17  Describe the efforts of President Truman and the House of Representatives to fight communism at home.  Explain how domestic spy cases increased fears of communists influence in the U.S. government.  Analyze the rise and fall of Senator Joseph McCarthy and the methods of McCarthyism. 17

18  EH9.6.2 Recognize domestic impact of Cold War on U.S. society.  EH9.6.2 Read and interpret Cold War documents. 18

19  Red Scare  Smith Act  H.U.A.C.  Hollywood Ten  Blacklist  Alger Hiss  Julius and Ethel Rosenberg  McCarthyism 19

20  Worrying About Communists at Home  Spy Cases Worry Americans  McCarthy Uses Ruthless Tactics 20

21   Web Code= [nad] [1010]  Social Studies  Textbook Companion  State (TN)  Program (United States History)  Reconstruction to the present (2008)  Chapter 16  Assessments  Section 4  Progress Monitoring (1-5) 21

22   Web Code= [nad] [1010]  Social Studies  Textbook Companion  State (TN)  Program (United States History)  Reconstruction to the present (2008)  Chapter 16  Assessments  Chapter  Progress Monitoring (1-20) 22

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