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Nada Mohamed Ahmed, MD, MT (ASCP)i. ABO blood grouping.

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Presentation on theme: "Nada Mohamed Ahmed, MD, MT (ASCP)i. ABO blood grouping."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nada Mohamed Ahmed, MD, MT (ASCP)i

2 ABO blood grouping

3 Blood groups are :- Group A : red blood cells contain A antigens and the plasma has anti-B antibodies. Group B : B antigens are found in the red blood cells and anti-A antibodies in the plasma. Group AB : the red blood cells have both A and B antigens, however there are no antibodies. Group O : this time the plasma contains both types of antibodies but neither type of antigen.

4 Methods of ABO:- Three manual methods can be used when performing blood grouping: - Slide method - Test tube method - Microwell plate or microplate method

5 Slide or Tile Testing This technique may be used for emergency ABO grouping tests or for preliminary grouping particularly in an outdoor camp, however it should always be supplemented with a cell and serum grouping using any one of the other above mentioned techniques. Disadvantages - Less sensitive than the tube test - Drying up of the reaction mixture can cause aggregation of cells, giving false positive results. - Weaker reactions are difficult to interpret.

6 Procedure:- 1. Place 1 drop of anti-A and 1 drop of anti-B reagent separately on a labeled slide. 2. Add 1 drop of blood to each drop of the typing antiserum 3. Mix the cells and reagent using a clean stick. Spread each mixture evenly on the slide over an area of 10-15 mm diameter. 4. Tilt the slide and leave the test for 2 minutes at room temperature (22°-24°C). Then rock again and look for agglutination. 5. Record the results.

7 Forward Grouping Reagent 7

8 Determination of the blood group in labs Blood groups are determined using serological tests:

9 Tube Testing The tube technique is more sensitive than slide technique for ABO grouping. Advantages of tube testing - It allows for fairly long incubation without drying up of the tubes’ contents. - Centrifugation involved enhances the reaction allowing weaker antigens and antibodies to be detected. - Simplicity of reading and grading of results. - Clean and more hygienic. - Requires smaller volume of reagents.

10 Step 1. Label test tubes. 10

11 Step 2: Make a 2-5% patient red cell suspension. 11

12 Step 3: Add reagent antisera (1 drop). 12

13 Step 3A: Add reagent Anti-A antisera (1 drop). 13

14 Step 3B: Add Anti-B reagent antisera (1 drop). 14

15 Step 4: Add one drop of 2-5% suspension of patient RBC to each tube. 15

16 Step 5: Mix and centrifuge (approximately 20 seconds). 16

17 Group A: Agglutination with Anti-A N0 Agglutination with Anti-B 17

18 Group B: Agglutination with Anti- B N0 Agglutination with Anti-A 18

19 Group AB: Agglutination with Anti-A and Anti-B 19

20 Group O: No Agglutination with Anti-A or Anti-B 20

21 Write about new technique used in ABO grouping


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