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About Matrigma Welcome to this course section. This section gives an introduction to Matrigma. This course section will take about 20-25 minutes to complete.

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Presentation on theme: "About Matrigma Welcome to this course section. This section gives an introduction to Matrigma. This course section will take about 20-25 minutes to complete."— Presentation transcript:

1 About Matrigma Welcome to this course section. This section gives an introduction to Matrigma. This course section will take about minutes to complete. Click the Forward button to continue.

2 Content What is Matrigma? Instructions for use Properties
Best practices This section introduces Matrigma. We will start with short description of what Matrigma is and what it can be used for. We will give some basic instructions for use, for example how to set up a test environment, how to inform the candidates and how to use the results. We will discuss some basic properties for Matrigma such as norms, interpretation of scores and validity. Finally, we will show some best practices when using Matrigma.

3 Objectives Describe Matrigma to stake holders
Describe how to use Matrigma Describe basic characteristics After completing this section you should be able to describe Matrigma to stake holders, e.g. candidates and hiring managers. You should also be able to describe how to use Matrigma and the basic characteristics of Matrigma, e.g. the norm group. We will start this course section with a short introduction to Matrigma.

4 Matrigma in a nutshell Measures general mental ability, GMA
Can be used in selection and recruitment processes Efficient and cost effective method for screening applicants Can be used for screening large volumes of applications as well as for final assessment Matrigma is a test tool that measures general mental ability, GMA. It can be used in selection and recruitment processes. Matrigma is an efficient and cost effective method for screening applicants, especially for high complex jobs. Matrigma can be used for screening large volumes of applications as well as for final assessment of a few candidates.

5 When can Matrigma be used?
As mentioned, Matrigma is a test to be used in selection. Selection procedures can be found both in external recruitment as well as internal processes in organizations. In which of the following situations/scenarios do you think Matrigma could be used? Select the options you think are correct and click the OK button for feedback.

6 Case study Group of managers took Matrigma test
Results were compared to current job performance appraisals Let’s look at an example. In this scenario, a group of managers in a company in the transportation sector took Matrigma. The Matrigma results were compared to their current job performance appraisals. Of the managers with a low result on the Matrigma test, 22% were rated as low performers, 56% were rated as average performers and 22% as high performers. In the group with an average result on the Matrigma test, 15% were rated as low performers, 42% were rated as average performers and 42% as high performers. And in the group with a high Matrigma result, no one received a low performance rating. 36% were rated as average performers and 64% as high performers. This study is further described in the technical manual.

7 How does it work? Matrix test Non verbal Delivered on web platform
Provides measure of GMA Predicts ability Matrigma is a classic matrix test (non verbal) delivered on a modern and secure web based platform. The matrix problem type provides an outstanding measure of GMA and predicts verbal, numerical and visuospatial ability. As you might recall, GMA is an overall capacity for logical problem solving. It can be found in several different types of problem solving, numerical, verbal and spatial. This means that an individual with a high result on Matrigma will most likely also receive a high score on for instance numerical or verbal tasks The candidate completes 35 items in 40 minutes in the test. Only 30 of the items are scored. Five of the items in Matrigma are for research purposes, for instance to develop new versions of Matrigma. For each item there is an empty cell in the lower right corner. The test taker’s task is to complete the matrix by choosing the response that follows the logical principle. There are six responses to choose from. The response alternatives are in a randomized order.

8 Instructions for use Administration and scoring Test environment
Results and feedback Reading comprehension Time limit We will now give some basic instructions for how to set up and manage the Matrigma test. Computer skills requirements Information to the candidate

9 Administration and scoring
All administration and scoring is done via the Internet. The candidate completes the items shown on the screen and the web system awards scores, converts raw scores into standardized scores and generates result reports. There is always a test administrator that is responsible for the test administration that the candidate can turn to if there are any questions. The test administrator may choose to either send a link to the candidate via , or administrate Matrigma on-site. In high stakes testing, e.g. for a safety related job, it is usually recommended that the candidates take Matrigma under supervised conditions. If the candidates have completed Matrigma without supervision, it is a general recommendation that the final candidates are re-tested at a later stage under supervised conditions. For administration via the Internet, the test administrator must have access to the candidate’s address. Furthermore, the candidate should have access to the test administrator’s contact details, should he or she have any questions about the test.

10 Administration and scoring
Matrigma is designed to be self-explanatory. All instructions needed for the candidate to be able to complete the test are available on the screen throughout the testing. A detailed walkthrough of the web system and its different levels of administrator authority are available in a separate user guide, Matrigma International User Guide.

11 Test environment The general recommendations that apply when setting up a good testing environment are of course also valid for Matrigma. Administration of Matrigma is done in the candidate’s home or alternatively on-site together with the test administrator, via a computer with an Internet connection. In order for the candidate to be able to complete the test as reliably as possible, it is important that he or she is in a non-distracting environment during the test session. Therefore, public environments such as internet cafés or educational institutions might not be suitable for taking the Matrigma test.

12 Computer skills requirements
Since Matrigma is administered via the Internet, a certain degree of computer experience is required. The candidate must be able to use a mouse and keyboard in order to switch between different pages. The test administrator should, as far as possible, ensure that the technical aspects do not make the test more difficult, which would make the candidate unable to achieve an accurate result.

13 Reading comprehension
The instructions in Matrigma require that the candidate is able to read and understand simple directions. In the development of the test we have actively worked towards keeping instructions as simple as possible with regard to language. However, it is of great importance that the test administrator, as far as possible, ensures that the candidate has sufficient reading comprehension to be able to take in the instructions within the specified time frames given before Matrigma starts.

14 Time limit The End A 40 minute time limit has been entered into the web system. This gives a generous amount of time to answer all the items in Matrigma. When the time limit has been reached the test will end and the candidate’s results saved, even if the candidate has not answered all items. However, Matrigma is constructed to have a generous time limit. The candidate reaches his or her maximum level of complexity in the test and can’t in general solve further items since these are beyond his or her maximum level. In psychometric terms this is called a power test.

15 Information to the candidate
Test administrator’s contact details Purpose of the testing What type of test Matrigma is Why it is being used in this context How Matrigma will be administered Which computer skills are required How the results will be used How the results will be kept, for how long and by whom Prior to testing the candidate should be informed about the following: The test administrator’s contact details The purpose of the testing What type of test Matrigma is and why it is being used in this context How Matrigma will be administered and which general computer skills are required for completing the test How the results will be used How the results will be kept, for how long and by whom

16 Results and feedback There are two types of reports that are generated upon testing. Click the buttons to learn more.

17 Interpreting results The test score can vary between 0 and 10 and is presented in a normal distribution curve. The candidate’s score is marked as the gray-colored interval of the normal distribution curve surrounded by the measurement error interval of +/-1 test score. The interval represents the individual test score and measurement error with a confidence level of 95 %. This means that the marked score interval will coincide with the individuals "true score" with a probability of 95 %. Scores are interpreted as low, average or high. Low comprises the l6 % who achieved the lowest results, a score between 0 and 3. Average comprises the 68 % who achieved average results, a score between 4 and 6. High comprises the l6 % who achieved the highest results, a score between 7 and 10.

18 Scores Click the buttons to learn more about how to interpret high, average and low scores on the Matrigma tests.

19 Remember this when reading the result
GMA is a personal characteristic that predicts job performance Other characteristics are also important Weaknesses in one characteristic can be compensated for by strengths in another Work environment also plays a crucial role First evaluate results at group level Do not over-interpret small differences between candidates Take the SEM into account When reading a candidate’s result, you should bear in mind that GMA is a personal characteristic that predicts job performance well. Although, other characteristics such as personality and motivation are also important predictors of job performance. These personal characteristics interact with one another in that weaknesses in one characteristic can be compensated for by strengths in another. For example, a low level of GMA can sometimes be compensated for by higher levels of certain personality traits such as conscientiousness. Naturally, the work environment also plays a crucial role in determining how an individual will perform. When several candidates have been tested, first of all evaluate their results at group level. Do not over-interpret small differences between candidates if they are very close with regards to their C-scores. Take the SEM, Standard Error of Measurement, into account when placing individuals in a rank order.

20 Questions Now it is time for some questions. Answer them as best you can, then click the OK button for feedback.

21 Reliability and validity
Properties Norms Test security We will now explore some of the properties for Matrigma, such as norms, test security, reliability and validity. For more in-depth information, refer to the Matrigma Technical Manual, which you can find by clicking the Resources button. Reliability and validity

22 Norms for Matrigma Collected via Assessio’s web platform n = 5916
Swedish: n = 4175 Norwegian: n = 744 English : n = 516 Finnish : n = 275 T-test indicated participants could be treated as one group The norm data for Matrigma was collected via Assessio’s web platform. The norm group consists of 5916 individuals. All test subjects who completed the Matrigma test took part in some form of personal assessment in a selection process context. The greater part of the group took the Matrigma test with Swedish instructions, and the remaining participants had Norwegian, English, or Finnish instructions. A so-called t-test between the language groups indicated that all the participants could be treated as one group.

23 Norms for Matrigma Age group Norm group Population 16-30 years 15% 31%
34% 21% 41-50 years 32% 22% 51-63 years 19% 26% Gender Norm group Population Women 42% 49% Men 58% 51% Educational level Norm group Population Elementary school 3% 17% Elementary school and 2 year high school 10% 25% Elementary school and 3-4 year high school 15% 24% Less than 3 years of higher education 19% 14% 3 years or more of higher education 49% Graduate school education 4% 1% Here is some more information on the Matrigma norm group compared with the general population. As you can see, the level of education in the norm group is higher than in the general population. This is related to the fact that the norms for Matrigma have been collected in a selection context, for instance in recruitment, and these individuals have had a higher level of education.

24 Test security Matrigma exists in several versions
The versions are equally difficult The response alternatives are randomized Matrigma exists in several versions that are equally difficult. The response alternatives at the bottom are presented in a randomized order. This means that two candidates won’t take the exact same test twice, which is good for test security.

25 Reliability and validity
Relevant studies have been made See technical manual Relevant studies regarding reliability and validity have been made. One study that supported the reliability for Matrigma was conducted in group of students at Stockholm university. The group took Matrigma twice. The test administrations were 30 days apart. Results showed that the individual results and the rank order in the group is stable over time. Also, validity studies have been made which support the utility of Matrigma, for instance studies have shown that high Matrigma results predict high managerial performance. See the technical manual for more information.

26 Front or back end solution
Best practices When to use Matrigma Front or back end solution Job complexity We will now show some best practices for the use of Matrigma in a selection process. General recommendations

27 Areas of use Matrigma is designed to be used in a selection context. The qualities measured are important in all types of professions. The test can be used for professions at all levels and in all lines of business, preferably as a first step in the selection process. Matrigma is not designed to be used in a development context, for instance in team building. Matrigma will not be very valuable in that type of project.

28 Front end or back end? You test a lot of candidates: front end solution You test a few candidates: back end solution Recruitment need Advertising Application processing Interview Reference check Employment Matrigma can be used both as a front end test, i.e. testing a large group of candidates at an early stage in a recruitment process, or as a back end test, i.e. testing a smaller number of candidates later on in the process. Example of staffing process

29 Job complexity Typically, jobs can be divided in different groups, based on job complexity. Note that the predictive validity of Matrigma increases with the complexity of work. In other words, it is more powerful to use Matrigma when hiring the store manager than the cashier staff. Click the buttons to learn more.

30 General recommendations
Use Matrigma as early as possible The bigger the group, the better the result Re-test the final candidates Try to avoid the ”test says no” problem Recruitment need Advertising Application processing Interview Reference check Employment Here are some general recommendations for Matrigma: Use Matrigma as early as possible in the selection process. The bigger the group, the better the result. Re-test the final candidates to verify results. Try to avoid the ”test says no” problem. This problem has to do with having conflicting information, for instance a good reference check and a low Matrigma result. The general recommendation and an easy way to avoid these situations is by taking the selection in steps. Use the best (the most reliable and valid) methods first in the process. Move candidates on with a good enough result on Matrigma and carry out interviews and reference checks.

31 Benefits for the organization
Matrigma improves selection decisions Matrigma saves time Matrigma standardizes processes Matrigma can contribute to the company brand Our promise: Using Matrigma will make a positive contribution to decisions made in selection Here are some of the benefits for the organization, when using Matrigma. Matrigma improves selection decisions by predicting performance. Matrigma saves time. It simplifies selection processes with flexible web based administration. Matrigma standardizes processes. Matrigma is an objective psychometric tool that will standardize HR processes. Matrigma can contribute to the company brand. Using psychological tests give job seekers the impression that the organization is serious about their recruitment and can therefore contribute to the company brand. We promise that using Matrigma will make a positive contribution to decisions made in selection.

32 What differentiates Matrigma from other methods?
Matrigma measures GMA, interviews or personality tests don’t Matrigma is an objective assessment The problem of faking responses is minimized Flexible web based administration Very easy to use, interpret results and implement into existing processes What differentiates Matrigma from other assessment methods, such as unstructured interviews? Matrigma makes a unique contribution to the selection since it measures GMA. GMA can’t be assessed in an interview or through a personality test. In contrast to for instance an unstructured interview, Matrigma is an objective assessment. Since it is a power test, the problem of faking responses is minimized. Matrigma has a flexible web based administration. It is very easy to use, interpret results and implement into existing processes.

33 Summary Measures GMA Matrix test; 35 items in 40 minutes
Can be used for selection and recruitment Predictive validity increases with complexity of work Efficient and cost effective Front end or back end Do not use in development context Matrix test; 35 items in 40 minutes At home or on-site, via the Internet Reports for candidate and administrator C-scale: 0-3 = low 4-6 = average 7-10 = high Refer to manual for technical data Matrigma is a test tool that measures general mental ability, GMA. It helps predict job performance and can be used in selection and recruitment processes. The qualities measured are important in all types of professions; however the predictive validity increases with the complexity of work. Matrigma is an efficient and cost effective method for screening applicants. It can be used as a front end or back end test. We recommend that you use it as early as possible in the selection process. Matrigma is not intended to be used in a development context. Matrigma is a classic matrix test consisting of 35 items that must be completed in 40 minutes. The candidate takes the test at home, or on-site together with the test administrator. All administration and scoring is done via the Internet. Matrigma generates reports for the candidate and the administrator. Results are presented on a C-scale, from 0-10, where 0-3 is a low result, 4-6 an average result and 7-10 a high result. Technical data such as norms etc. are found in the technical manual.

34 You have now completed this course section and you can continue to the next: Feedback training session. Close this course window by clicking the close button (X) in the upper right-hand corner.

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